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problems that cannot be ignored. Some leaders unwilling to do masses work, masses concept weak, on masses feelings not deep, pendulum not are with masses of relationship, think masses work is revolutionary war era of things, now obsolete has, buried business work, ignored masses work of situation compared General; some leaders not do masses work, old method regardless of with, new not with, not understand masses psychological, not understand masses wishes, not said masses language, work method simple stiff, caused masses of conflict and antipathy; some leaders can't do masses work, Faced with a lot of contradictions among the people worry about fear, panic set in encounter group events, and some are even mismanaged, inflame, so work has suffered heavy losses, and so on. These problems we are soberly aware, enhancing the party's ruling capability, the maintenance and development of the party's advanced nature and purity, and to enhance the ability of partcommittees and leading cadres are good people. Attach great importance to and is good at doing mass work, has become the new urgent situation strengthening the party's governing capacity-building tasks. Combined practice of maintaining flesh-and-blood ties with the masses, urged the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially all levels ... Processing to improve as a guide to the country. \d is summed up these new things, be promoted. \d manifestation of the Deng Xiaoping's mass. Deng also put people \happy\omise\point and destination of developing guidelines, policies, and as the only standard for measuring compliance with the wishes of the masses of the people. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theory, Central Government adopted a series of important measures to strengthen links with the masses. In December 1989, the CPC Central Committemade on adhering to and perfecting the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, closely for CPC and the democratic parties and the relationship between the part of the masses that they contact, effectively carrying out the mass line, played a positive role. In March 1990, the 13 plenary session adopted the decision on strengthening contacts with the masses of the Party noted that \nd developed in the long struggle of the party's mass line, is to realize the party's ideological line, the fundamental political and organizational work route\can always maintain flesh-and-blood ties and development of the masses, is directly related to the rise and fall of the rise and fall of the party and State. In September 1994, 14 adopted by the plenary session of the Party on strengthening decision on several major issues of party building. The requirements of the decision of the party's leading bodies and leading cadres should develop a democratic style of work, come from the masses, to the masses, together, stick to the mass line. Party of 13 session four in the plenary yihou, to Jiang comrade for core of party公司5S管理制度word格式

公司 5S 管理制度第一条 总则 为了提升万马新能源整体形象和员工的自律能力,培养万马新能源特有的企业文化,达到提高员工素质和修养的目的,特制订5S 管理制度。第二条 目的 5S 活动特别强调 “全员参与”和“高层领导亲自参与”,“ 贵在坚持”是5S 成功的关键。公司通过制度确保全体员工积极持久的努力,让每位员工都积极参与进来,养成良好的工作习惯,减少出错的机会,提高员工素养、公司整体形象和管理水平,营造特有的企业文化氛围。第三条 5S 管理组织机构 1、5S 活动的领导机构为“公司5S 管理委员会”。 2、“公司5S 管理委员会”的组成人员为:公司总经理,分管副总、综合管理部负责人,各职能部门负责人。第四条 5S 管理内容 一、整理 1、整理内容:将办公场所和工作现场中的物品,设备清楚的区分为需要品和不需要品,对需要品进行妥善保管,对不需要品进行处理或报废。 2、整理的目的:腾出空间,发挥更大的价值,太高效率,创建清爽,政界的环境,提升企业形象。 3、整理的推广方法:(1)对工作场所进行全盘点检。(2)对物品制定“需要”与“不需要”的标准。(3)对不需要物品进行处置。(4)对需要物品进行使用频度调查。(5)每日自我检查。 4、因不整理而发生的浪费:(1)空间的浪费;(2)使用货架或橱柜的浪费;(3)零件或产品变旧而不能使用的浪费;(4)使放置处变得炸小;(5)废品管理的浪费;(6)库存管理或盘点所花时间的浪。 5、整理的重点:(1)检查当前车间里,工作里或办公室有无放置不必要的材料,零部件;(2)设备,工装夹具是否进行了点检准备,作业是否规范,有无违章作业。(3)操作规程是否张贴在规定的位置,各种警示牌是否齐全。 二、整顿 1、整顿的内容:将需要品按照规定的定位、定量等方式进行摆放整齐,并对其做标识,使寻找需要品的时间减少为零。 2、整顿的目的:腾出空间,发挥更大的价值,太高效率,创建清爽,政界的环境,提升企业形象。 3、整顿的推广方法:(1)落实整理工作;(2)对需要的物品明确其放置场所;(3)储存场所要实行地面画线定位;(4)对场所、物品进行标记、标识;(5)制订废弃物处理办法。 4、整顿的重点:(1)现场必要的物品、元器位和工装夹是否散乱存放;(2)存放的物品、元器件和存放地点有无标识;(3)当你需要取用物品时,是否能迅速地拿到,并且不会拿错。半成品、存放柜、托盘、手推车等存放是否整齐、有序。 三、清扫 1、清扫的内容:将办公场所和现场的工作环境打扫干净,使其保持在无垃圾、无灰尘、无脏污、干净整洁的状态,并防止污染的发生。 2、清扫的目的:就是使员工保持一个良好的工作情绪,消除脏污,保持现场干净、明亮,提高设备的性能,并保证稳定产品的品质,最终达到企业生产零故障和零损耗。 3、清扫的推广方法:(1)、自己使用的物品如设备、工具等,要自己清扫而不要依赖他人,不增加专门的清扫工;(2)、对设备的清扫,着眼于对设备的维护保养,清扫设备要同设备的点检和保养结合起来;(3)、清扫的目的是为了改善,当清扫过程中发现有油水泄露等异常状况发生时,必须查明原因,并采取措施加以改进,而不能听之任之。 4、清扫活动的重点:就是必须按照决定清扫对象、清扫人员、清扫方法、准备清扫器具,实施清扫的步骤实施,方能真正起到效果。 四、清洁 1、清洁的内容:将整理、整顿、清扫的实施做法进行到底,且维持其正果,并对其事实做法予以标准化、制度化。 2、清洁的目的:维持前面“3S”的成果。 3、清洁的推广方法:(1)落实前“3S”工作;(2)设法养成整洁的习惯;(3)制订目视管理的标准;(4)制订“5S”实施方法;(5)制订考核方法;(6)制订奖惩制度,加强执行;(7)配合每日清扫做设备清洁点检;(8)高层主管经常驻带关,带动全员重视“5S”活动。 4、清洁的重点:推广活动要制度化,定期检查。 五、素养(SHTSUKE)塑造人的品质,建立管理根基。 1、素养的含义:以“人性”为出发点,通过整理、整顿、清扫等合理工科化的改善活动,培养上下一体的共同管理语言,使全体人员养成守标准、守规定的良好习惯,进面促进管理水平全面地提升。 2、素养的目的:培养具有好习惯、遵守规定的员工,提高员工文明礼貌水准,营造良好的团队精神氛围。3、素养的推广方法: (1)制订服装、仪容、识别证标准;(2) (3)制订礼仪

f third generation Central led collective, banner Deng Xiao-ping's theory great flag, insisted liberation thought, and facts, and times, in both at home and abroad political storm, and economic risk, severe test before, relies on party and people, defended China features Socialist, created socialist market new system, created full open new situation, advance party of construction new of great engineering, founded \e a representative\nt thought, Continue to steer the ship of reform and opening up forward on the right. Comrade Jiang Zemin said: \ngthening and improving the party's mass work in the new situation, it is of decisive significance to consolidating the ruling Foundation of the party. \ough our party and some of the world's major lessons learned from the success of the old party of the party, Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out:\biggest political advantage of our party is in close contact with the masses, the most dangerous after the ruling party was divorced from the masses. \d:\construction, only the understanding, support and participation of the people, people's enthusiasm and creativity into full play in order to advance; the leadership of the party, only the tie and win the masses embraced, can be consolidated and strengthened. \out that strengthening and improving the party's work style construction, maintaining the party's flesh-and-blood ties with the masses is the core problem, the key is to do solid work, implement, resolutely oppose and overcome formalism. Comrade Jiang Zemin stressed that all the work and policies of the party, are in compliance with the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people to the highest degree, to the majority of people are not satisfied with the fundamental guidelines, strive to make our workers, farmers, intellectuals and other people enjoy ... Single, everyone seemed to know. But well known does not mean perfect. Some party members and leadingcadres, consider contacting their small departments, within a small circle of people, or contact individual owners, the entrepreneur, is the masses, this idea is obviously not correct. The Communist Party of China, people should have three characteristics. First, the people should be the most social, is a Department within the scope of the majority. Specific to the party and Government departments, especially the cadres working in the Central and State organs, mass is the 1.3 billion Chinese people, work for the party members and cadres, masses are the land within the jurisdiction of the common people. The second characteristic of the masses, is that we have common interests. Masses are manifestations of each specific people, but the crowd is a comprehensive political concept, refers to people with common political and economic interests in the period of social transformation, social differentiation between the interests of the masses is large, if you do not find the interest in doing mass work, the party members and cadres, will be in a passive position. The third characteristic of the massesproblems that cannot be ignored. Some leaders unwilling to do masses work, masses concept weak, on masses feelings not deep, pendulum not are with masses of relationship, think masses work is revolutionary war era of things, now obsolete has, buried business work, ignored masses work of situation compared General; some leaders not do masses work, old method regardless of with, new not with, not understand masses psychological, not understand masses wishes, not said masses language, work method simple stiff, caused masses of conflict and antipathy; some leaders can't do masses work, Faced with a lot of contradictions among the people worry about fear, panic set in encounter group events, and some are even mismanaged, inflame, so work has suffered heavy losses, and so on. These problems we are soberly aware, enhancing the party's ruling capability, the maintenance and development of the party's advanced nature and purity, and to enhance the ability of partcommittees and leading cadres are good people. Attach great importance to and is good at doing mass work, has become the new urgent situation strengthening the party's governing capacity-building tasks. Combined practice of maintaining flesh-and-blood ties with the masses, urged the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially all levels ... Processing to improve as a guide to the country. \d is summed up these new things, be promoted. \d manifestation of the Deng Xiaoping's mass. Deng also put people \happy\omise\point and destination of developing guidelines, policies, and as the only standard for measuring compliance with the wishes of the masses of the people. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theory, Central Government adopted a series of important measures to strengthen links with the masses. In December 1989, the CPC Central Committemade on adhering to and perfecting the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, closely for CPC and the democratic parties and the relationship between the part of the masses that they contact, effectively carrying out the mass lineplayed a positive role. In March 1990, the 13 plenary session adopted the decision on strengthening contacts with the masses of the Party noted that \nd developed in the long struggle of the party's mass line, is to realize the party's ideological ne, the fundamental political and organizational work route\can always maintain flesh-and-blood ties and development of the masses, is directly related to the rise and fall of the rise and fall of the party and State. In September 1994, 14 adopted by the plenary session of the Party on strengthening decision on several major issues of party building. The requirements of the decision of the party's leading bodies and leading cadres should develop a democratic style of work, come from the masses, to the masses, together, stick to the mass line. Party of 13 session four in the plenary yihou, to Jiang comrade for core of party守则; 制订共同遵守的有关规则、规定; (4)教育训练(新进人员强化 5S 教育、实践)(5) ; 推动各种精神提升活动(晨会、礼貌运动等) 4、素养的重点:长期坚持,才能养成良好的习惯。第五条 5S 管理检查标准:见下表 5S 管理检查标准表检 查 检 查 违纪 检 查 标 准 备 注项 目 时 间 扣分 办公区内员工着装应严格按 5S 要求执行,整洁大方, 有工服的必须穿工服;没工服的必须穿与工服相近 每天 颜色服装。 鞋袜必须保持清洁,鞋面不得明显肮脏;不得穿前 每天 露脚趾、后露脚跟的鞋子。 个 工作牌应挂于胸前; 每天 人 男员工不得留光头、不得染发、发长不过耳、后不 每天 形 过领。 象 女员工头发要整洁,留长发的必须戴头花。 每天 指甲应经常修剪。女员工涂指甲油要用淡色。 每天 女员工上班要化淡妆,慎用浓香型的化妆品及化浓 每天 妆。 营业员代表公司的形象,接待客人必须站立身体、 每次 面带笑容,礼貌询问。 坐姿要端正,双腿交叠时腿要保持平稳;站姿要挺 每天 直,不可无精打采。 办公区内不得在座椅或沙发上躺睡。 每天 办公区内保持安静,不得在办公区和走道上大声喧 每天 哗,影响办公。 在办公区域内不可奔跑,有急事可以小碎步或加大 每天 行 步幅。 为 不得在办公区内就餐、吃零食。 每天 规 严禁在办公区内随地吐痰。 每次 范 对同事要礼貌,不许侮辱、谩骂同事。 每次 团结友爱,不得相互指责、斗殴。 每次 同事之间和睦相处,不拉帮结派,不无端挑剔他人 每天 毛病、不涉及他人隐私。 接听电话要礼貌。禁止用免提电话,在开会和特殊 场合要及时将手机设为震动。当别人打错电话时要 每天 礼貌解释或转接。 办公桌面和文件柜内外保持清洁,擦拭无明显灰尘。 每天 离开办公室时,必须将椅子归位放好。 文件夹、书籍和资料分类摆放,标识清楚,保持整 每天 洁。下班前整理好办公桌面。 桌面上禁止放置任何与办公无关的物品(水杯和集 每天工 团放置的绿色植物除外)。作 办公室地面不能有垃圾、纸屑等脏物。废纸篓应放 每天环 在办公桌下,不得随意放置。境 电话号码表应贴在墙壁上或屏风两侧;屏风上不得 每天 放置或张贴其他与工作无关的物品。 电话线、电源线应置于办公室墙边、角落或桌子底 每天 下、排列整齐、不可零乱。 及时整理、更新公告板。过时的通知或公告及时处 每天 理。 上班时不得做与工作无关的事,如看报纸、杂志、 每天 听音乐等,(工作需要,领导批准的除外)。工 上班时不得上与工作无关的网站,不得玩电脑游戏。 每天作 上班时不得嬉笑打闹、不得串岗闲聊或打瞌睡。 每天纪 上班时间私人电话不得超过 5 分钟。 每天律 按时参加公司或部门组织的各种会议。 每天 工作积极主动,服从主管或上司的合理安排。 每天 不许在非吸烟区吸烟;吸烟时间一次不得超过 10 分 每天 钟。 上班不得迟到、早退,不得请人或代人打卡,更不 每次 可无故旷工。 员工外出办事必须经部门负责人同意,填写外出凭 每天 条,否则按早退或旷工处理。 遵守办公纪律,不得冲撞、讥讽检查人员。 每天 在对外活动中,严守公司纪律,维护公司信誉,确 保公司形象,不得有损害公司信誉、形象和利益的 每次 行为; 员工不得挪用公款为个人谋取不当利益,不在任何 场合、任何情况下打听、议论、泄露本人及公司的 每次 薪酬福利待遇。 未经公司批准,不得在外从事兼职,不得索取或接 每次 受相关单位的礼品、现金。 必须按规定使用办公设备,不得私拆设备机箱。 每次 未经设备管理人员同意,不得私自更改设备配置。 每次 电脑桌面、屏幕保护程序不得有不健康的内容或画 每天 面。 办 电脑上不得安装或从网上下载游戏软件或非工作软 每次 公 件。 设 保护、保养好办公设备,对办公设备不得造成人为 每次 备 损坏。 下班前必须关闭电脑主机和显示器 每天 任何人未经电脑领用人同意,不得使用他人电脑。 每天 电脑主机、显示器和键盘上禁止放置任何物品(屏 每天 保装置除外)。

f third generation Central led collective, banner Deng Xiao-ping's theory great flag, insisted liberation thought, and facts, and times, in both at home and abroad political storm, and economic risk, severe test before, relies on party and people, defended China features Socialist, created socialist market new system, created full open new situation, advance party of construction new of great engineering, founded \e a representative\nt thought, Continue to steer the ship of reform and opening up forward on the right. Comrade Jiang Zemin said: \ngthening and improving the party's mass work in the new situation, it is of decisive significance to consolidating the ruling Foundation of the party. \ough our party and some of the world's major lessons learned from the success of the old party of the party, Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out:\biggest political advantage of our party is in close contact with the masses, the most dangerous after the ruling party was divorced from the masses. \d:\construction, only the understanding, support and participation of the people, people's enthusiasm and creativity into full play in order to advance; the leadership of the party, only the tie and win the masses embraced, can be consolidated and strengthened. \out that strengthening and improving the party's work style construction, maintaining the party's flesh-and-blood ties with the masses is the core problem, the key is to do solid work, implement, resolutely oppose and overcome formalism. Comrade Jiang Zemin stressed that all the work and policies of the party, are in compliance with the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people to the highest degree, to the majority of people are not satisfied with the fundamental guidelines, strive to make our workers, farmers, intellectuals and other people enjoy ... Single, everyone seemed to know. But well known does not mean perfect. Some party members and leadingcadres, consider contacting their small departments, within a small circle of people, or contact individual owners, the entrepreneur, is the masses, this idea is obviously not correct. The Communist Party of China, people should have three characteristics. First, the people should be the most social, is a Department within the scope of the majority. Specific to the party and Government departments, especially the cadres working in the Central and State organs, mass is the 1.3 billion Chinese people, work for the party members and cadres, masses are the land within the jurisdiction of the common people. The second characteristic of the masses, is that we have common interests. Masses are manifestations of each specific people, but the crowd is a comprehensive political concept, refers to people with common political and economic interests in the period of social transformation, social differentiation between the interests of the masses is large, if you do not find the interest in doing mass work, the party members and cadres, will be in a passive position. The third characteristic of the masses



