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(2016 ?四川泸州 )9. Every year many trees _____ along the streets to make our city more beautiful. A. pla nt

B. have pla nted

C. are pla nted

D. were pla nted

9. C考查时态和语态。句意:为了使我们的城市更加美丽,每年都沿街种树。 A. plant —般 现在时,主动语态; B. have planted现在完成时的主动语态; C. are planted —般现在时的被 动语态;D. were planted —般过去时的被动语态。时间状语

every year “每年”提示用一般

现在时;主语 many trees和plant存在被动关系,用一般现在时态被动语态表达。 (2016?湖南常德 )34.The classroom ___ by the stude nts every day. A. clea n

B. clea ns

C. is clea ned

34. C.考查动词的语态 句意:教室每天被学生打扫。教室被打扫,用被动语态,被动语态

S+be+done 故选 C。 的结

(2016?湖北鄂州 )28. — As China grows stronger and stronger, Chinese ___ in more and more schools out of our coun try.

— That 'true. As a Chin ese, I feel very proud. A. teaches B. has taught C. is taught D. was taught


授汉语。一这是真的。作为中国人,我感到很骄傲。在第一句话中Chinese “汉语”是被教, 因此用被动语态,陈述现在的事实,用一般现在时。故选 does the earth look blue in space?

—Because most of the earth

Co (2016 ?湖北黄石)32. — Why

' s surface _____ by water.

C. cover

D. are covered

A. covers B. is covered

32. B解析:考查被动语态。句子主语“ most of the earth ' s s”r是动作承受 者,也


(2016 ?江苏淮安)12. — Aunt Li, who is the pretty girl in red in the picture? —It ' s my daughter. The picture _________ 10 years ago.

A. took

B. is take n C. has take n D. was take n


10 years ago可知,要用一般过去时,故

12. D 考查动词语态。句意:李阿姨,照片上穿红色衣服的可爱的女孩是谁啊? 女儿。这个照片是在 10年前拍的。根据时间状语

排除B和C项;又本句主语是the picture是动作take的承受者,要用被动语态,故答案为 D。(2016 ?江苏盐城)12. In Switzerland, things like glass and plastic ____ into different groups and the n recycled A. separate

B. separated

C. are separated

D. is separated


12. C 考查句子语态。句意:在瑞士像玻璃塑料这样的东西都进行分类,然后循环使用。

根据句意可知东西是被分类,用被动语态,主语是 A. are used

B. is used


thi ngs,是可数名词复数。故选

C. are using

智能手机用于很多方面。smart phones

(2016?湖南长沙)30. Now smart phones ______ in many ways in our daily life.

30. A 考查被动语态。句意:如今在我们的日常生活中, 作主语与动词use是被动关系,应用被动结构,故选 (2016?四川绵阳)16. — Your classroom is so clean.

—Of course. It _____ every day. A. is clea ned B. was clea ned C. clea ns 用动词的被动语态;由时间

D. clea ned


16. A考查被动语态。句意:“你们的教室这么干净。”“当然了,它每天打扫。”教室是打扫 的对象,

every day可知用一般现在时态的被动语态,故选


(2016 ?四川巴中)43. As far as I know, tea plants _____ on the sides of mountain.

A. are growed

B. are grow n

C. grow

43. B 考查动词的语态。句意:据我所知,茶树种在山坡上。根据句意可知要用被动语态, grow的过去分词是grown。故选B。

(2016?重庆 A 卷)29. Students do less homework now. Usually it _____ before 9 o ' clock in the evening. A. fini shes

B.fini shed

C.is fini shed

D.was fini shed

29. C考查被动语态。句意:学生们现在做更少的作业,通常在晚上九点之前完成。主语为 it,代指work,和动词finish存在动宾关系,故用被动语态,根据标志词 般现在时,故选C。

(2016?四川南充)31. Ch in ese ___ by more and more people around the world. A. is spoken B.spoke

C. are spoken

D. speaks

31. A考查动词的被动语态。句意:全世界越来越多的人 ___________ 汉语。分析句意可知全世界 越来越多的人说汉语。由题干知本题用被动语态,又



(2016?四川广安)29. — You speak Chinese very well, Sam.

—Than ks. Chin ese is very popular. It ______ widely in the world. A. speaks

B. is spoke

C. was spoke n D. is spoke n


29. D考查被动语态。答语句意“汉语非常流行。它被全世界广泛使用。


词speak的承受者,应用被动语态,且“被广泛使用”是事实,故用一般现在时的被动 语态。答案为

(2016?四川成者 E )45.You are not supposed to go to a family party uni ess you _____ to in the US.

A. are not in vited

B. are in vited

C. will be in vited

45. B 考查被动语态的用法。句意:在美国除非你被邀请,不然的话,你不应该去参加家 庭聚会。连词unless意为“除非”,引导条件状语从句,从句要用一般现在时表示将来。根 据句意判断从句要用被动语态。故这里用一般现在时的被动语态的肯定形式。故选


(2016?山东泰安)31. More chances ____ for students to learn from each other if working in groups.

A. provide 知,句子主语

B. are provided

C. provided

D. will provide


31. B 考查动词语态。句意:如果分组学习的话,这就为学生们的互相学习提供了更多的 机会。从句意

more chances是provide的承受者,应用被动语态。故选

(2016 ?湖南邵阳)29. —A new bridge ______ in our hometown last year.

—Really? Our hometow n must be more beautiful. A. is built

B. was built

C. built.


29.B考查被动语态。句意: 一去年在我的家乡建起了一座新桥。

更美丽了。第一句为一般过去时的被动语态, 其构成为was/were+动词过去分词。故选B项。 (2016?江苏扬州)9. — Have you finished your report on green life?

—Not yet. I ' ll make it if I ________ another two days. A. give

B. am give n

C. will give

D. will be give n


9. B 考查动词时态和语态。句意:一一你已经完成你有关绿色生活的报告了吗?一一还没 有呢。如果我 ______________________ 再两天我就完成了。 if作“如果”讲,主句用一般将来时态时, 导的条件状语从句要用一般现在时,可知选项 这个动作的承受者,要用被动语态。故选 B。

(2016?山东临沂)19. Now all Ch in ese couples _ to have two childre n. A. allow

B. allowed C. are allowed

D. were allowed



19. C考查被动语态。句意:现在所有中国夫妇 _________ 有两个小孩。由now现在可排除B和 D ;结合句意可知是允许生二胎,

A. make

be allowed to。故选 C。 B. have made

C. are made

(2016?山东荷泽)28. When you go abroad, you ' find that so many products in local shops in Chi na.

28. C考查句子的语态。句意:当你出国时,你会发现在当地的商店里有许多在中国生产的

产品。这是一个以 when引导的复合句,其主句是一个由




(2016 ?天津)35. Paper _______ first ________ about 2,000 years ago in China.

A. is; creati ng B. is; created

C. has; created D. was; created

35. D考查被动语态。根据句中的 -ago,是一般过去时的标志,其次,纸和创造之间是被动 关系,被创造。因此本题考查的是含一般过去时的被动语态,其结构是: 分词。故选D。

(2016?湖南株洲)29. Artemisi nin ___ by Tu Youyou, a great Chi nese scie ntist.

A. was inven ted

B. inven ted

C. has inven ted

was/were +过去

29. A 考查被动语态。题干意思:屠呦呦,一位伟大的中国科学家,发明了青蒿素。根据 语境,青蒿素是被发明,故用被动语态。故选


(2016?四川乐山)28.To my surprise , I ____ from hundreds of students to speak to teachers, pare nts and follow stude nts. A. was chose n

B. would choose

C. chose

28. A 考查动词时态辨析。句意:让我惊奇的是我从数百学生中被挑选给老师和家长作报 告。主语是动作的承受者,用被动语态。故选


(2016?湖北咸宁)34. — China ' s 23rd Beidou Satelite ______ into space on June 12, 2016. — As Chin ese, we are proud of it.

A. has sent

B. is sent

C. will send

D. was sent

34. D考查动词语态。句意: ——中国的第23北斗卫星在2016年6月12日被送入太空。一一 作为中国人,我们为它感到骄傲。



C 一般

将来时;D被发送,一般过去时被动语态。根据时间“ 结合主语与动词构成被动关系。故选

on June 12, 2016”可知与过去有关,

(2016 ?广东)42. He Jia ng ____ to give a speech at the graduati on ceremony at Harvard Uni versity last mon th.

A. i nvites

B. i nvited

C. is in vited

D. was in vited

根据last month D。

42. D考查语态。句意:上个月贺江被邀请在哈佛大学的毕业典礼上作报告。 可知应用一般过去时态,另根据空后没有宾语,故用被动语态,故答案为


(2016?河北)38. Emily is glad that she ____ for her honesty at that meeting.

A. praises

B. praised

C. is praised

D. was praised


38. D考查动词被动语态。句意为:艾米丽很高兴在会上她因诚信被表扬。 语态。根据语境被表扬是在过去,故选

(2016?湖南郴州)23. — What happened to Billy ?

—He ______ because of his drunk-driving. A. is caught B. was caught C. has caught 23. B考查被动语态。句意:“ Billy出什么事了?”


三形式;praised是一般过去时;is praised是一般现在时的被动语态, was praised是一般过 去时的被动

“他因为酒后驾驶被抓了。 ”句子的主语

he是“抓”的逻辑宾语,句子要用被动语态;问句用的是一般过去时态,答语也要用一 般过去时态。故选 B。

(2016 ?江苏南京)10. It ' s reported that Jiangsu Grand Theatre ________ in September this year. A. completes

B. is completed

C. will complete D. will be completed

10. D 考查动词的时态和语态的用法。句意:据报道,江苏大剧院于今年九月份 由句中的时间this year知,用一般将来时态,又由句意知,用被动语态。故选


(2016 ?江苏泰州)4. Lu nar Probe(月球探测器)Cha ng ' s __ into space this year. It will la nd on the moon and return with lunar samples(样品).

A. sends 4. B

B. will be sent C. will send

D. is sent



并在返回时带回月球样品。 根据后句it will la nd可知要用将来时态,又主语为物,与动词send 是被动关系,要用被动语态,故选 B。

(2016?四川达州)29.— Where would you like to go on vacation this summer? —Brazil. Because the 31st Rio Olympic Games ________ there. A. will be held B. will hold

C. will be happe ned D. are held

一巴西。因为第31届里约 奥

29. A考查被动语态。句意: 一这个暑假你要去哪里度假?

运会将要在这里举行。held是hold举行,举办”的过去式,根据常识我们可知,里约奥运会 还没有召开,因此时态应用一般将来时态,句子句主语是里约奥运会因此要用被动语态, 举行,故选A。

(2016?山东威海)9.— There aren ' t any libraries in our town, are there? —No, but it is said one ______ n ext year. A. will be built B. is built

C. will build


D. will be built

_____ 使

9.A考查被动语态。一句意:在我们城镇没有图书馆,是不是?一没有,但据说明年将建一 个。由next year可判断空白处为一般将来时,且含被动意味,故选

A. is built

B. has built

C. was built

(2016 ?江西)35. I plan to build an unusual house. It _______ out of old things.

35. D 考查一般将来是被动语态。句意为:我计划建造一个不同寻找的房子,它 个时候做某事,故用一般将来时被动语态

will be built表示。

用很多旧东西。由上文 plan to build an unusual house可知:计划做某事,也意味着在将来某

(2016?山东潍坊)29. It is said that the project conn ect ing mai nla nd and Ho ng Kong _________ soon.


A.is completed B. has completed C. will complete D. will be completed 29. D考查动词一般将来时态的被动语态。主句中的 用一般将来时,及物动词 竣工了”。

is said\据说\和下文的


complete \完成;竣工\和主语 the project \这个工程\存在被动

关系,故用一般将来时态的被动语态, 符合句意“据说连结大陆和香港的这个工程很快就会

(2016?湖南湘西)33. — When ___ the telephone ______ ?

—In 1876. A. is, inven ted

B. did, invent

C. was, inven ted

the telephone是谓语动词的承

be+过去分词”,可排除B;由答语In 1876应用

33.C 考查动词时态与语态辨析。分析句子结构知,句子主语 受者,本句应用被动语态,被动语态构成“ 一般过去时态。故选 C。




