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邴原少孤,数岁时,过书舍而泣。师曰:“童子何泣?”原曰:“孤者易伤,贫者易感。夫书者,凡得学者,有亲也。一则愿其不孤,二则羡其得学,中心伤感,故泣耳。”师恻然曰:“欲书可耳!”原曰:“无钱资。”师曰:“童子苟有志吾徒相教不求资也。”于是遂就书。一冬之间,诵《孝经》《论语》。第七课时 八年级(上)Units 5~6


(D)1.My good friend is studying in this ________ university now.

A.a B.an C.the D./

(A)2.To be a great ________ like Lang Lang,my cousin practices playing the piano every day.

A.pianistB.engineer C.pilotD.writer

(B)3.If Kate can't play for the basketball game,I will take ________ place.

A.myB.her C.mineD.hers

(A)4.We should sing a song ________ the beginning of the party.

A.at B.from C.on D.with (B)5.Beijing is ________ for the Great Wall.Every year there are many visitors coming here.

A.rich B.famous C.thirsty D.enough

(D)6.—Why didn't go to the movies with them?

—Because I ________ my ticket on the way home. A.choseB.bought C.gaveD.lost

(A)7.—Please help me ________ when Tom's train will arrive at the train station.

—OK.His train will arrive at 4:28 p.m. A.find outB.grow up C.take upD.dress up

(C)8.Eric's mother expected him ________ the singing competition.


C.to winD.winning

(D)9.—What ________ you ________ this afternoon?

—I plan to climb the mountain with my friends. A.do;doB.have;done C.did;doD.are;going to do

(B)10.—Would you mind my opening the window?

—________.I've got a cold.

A.Never mind B.You'd better not C.All right D.With pleasure Ⅱ.完形填空。

On February 19,2018,the popular documentary A Bite of China,which explores the relationship between Chinese people and food,returned for its third

邴原少孤,数岁时,过书舍而泣。师曰:“童子何泣?”原曰:“孤者易伤,贫者易感。夫书者,凡得学者,有亲也。一则愿其不孤,二则羡其得学,中心伤感,故泣耳。”师恻然曰:“欲书可耳!”原曰:“无钱资。”师曰:“童子苟有志吾徒相教不求资也。”于是遂就书。一冬之间,诵《孝经》《论语》。season.Following the huge __11__ of A Bite of China 1 in 2012 and A Bite of China

2 in 2014,A Bite of China 3 was also produced by CCTV.The public had high hopes for it.The chief director said she wanted to make people __12__ the beauty of Chinese food while discovering the rich culture behind it.

A Bite of China 3 has eight episodes(集) and each of them lasts __13__ 50 minutes.The first episode is about different __14__ of cookware(炊具) used in Chinese cooking. __15__ the cookware,A Bite of China 3 also covers other themes like snacks,the food therapy(治疗) and so on.

The latest season has been __16__ people all over the world since it __17__ on CCTV on February 19.Johnson Smith,an English engineer,said,“I have __18__ watched every episode of A Bite of China 2 online.The amazing documentary makes me admire the beauty of Chinese food and __19__ the culture of China.It is surprising to see that there are so many kinds of delicious Chinese food and __20__ of cooking.” (D)11.A.loveB.stress


(A)12.A.admire B.advance

C.follow D.alike

(D)13.A.on B.to

C.in D.for

(A)14.A.kinds B.ways

C.tastes D.times

(C)15.A.Beside B.Except

C.Besides D.Including

(C)16.A.friendly to B.welcome to

C.popular with D.similar to

(A)17.A.appeared B.seemed

C.sounded D.published

(C)18.A.ever B.even

C.already D.never

(B)19.A.dream of B.learn about

C.look through D.pass on (B)20.A.times B.ways

C.weather D.prices Ⅲ.阅读理解。

第一节 根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 August Wilson was a famous American writer.He left school in the ninth grade.Later he finished his education by reading library books.

In the late 1960s,Wilson built a theater company called Black Horizon and began to think of ways to make people know more about African-American life.He had the idea of a series of(系列) plays.Each of the plays showed how African-Americans lived.

The first play of this series was Ma Rainey's Black Bottom about black musicians in Chicago in the 1920s.Other plays in the series like Joe Turner's Come and Gone,were about the blacks in the 1910s.The blacks moved north to Pittsburgh to look for a new identity(身份).Fences was about a father and his son in the 1950s and The Piano



