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第一部分 (共20小题每,小题1.5分,满分30分)

1.The governor’s statement on employment ________ a storm of criticism, A.set up B.set out C.set about D.set off 2.—When ______ leave for Japan?

—When ______ leave for Japan is kept secret.” A.they will, will they

B.will they, they will

C.they will, they will D.will they, will they

3.— Is it enough to finish the form for a passport, Madam?

— Your passport application form should be ________ by two recent photos. A.updated B.accompanied C.established


4.It is believed that many more popular terms ________ on the Internet this year. A.will be created B.have created

C.are created

D.are creating

5.But for your instruction, I ______ such great progress in so short a time. Thanks a lot. A.wouldn’t make

B.hadn’t made

C.won’t make D.wouldn’t have made

6.If they throw stones at you,don’t throw back.Use them to build your own foundation ________. A.somehow B.anyway C.instead D.nevertheless 7.––Are the repairs finished yet?

––Yes, they ______ when I came back home. A.would be completed B.would complete C.had completed D.had been completed

8.In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in ________, knives and forks. A.another B.other C.others

D.the other

9.In Sydney, there’s only ________ average of 23 days a year when ________ sun doesn’t shine. A.the, the B.an, / C.an, the

D.the, /

10.It is not how much money you will give us but that you are present at the ceremony ______ really matters. A.which




11.Instead of making choices for their children, liberal parents usually say, “Go where you ________ A.will


.”C.can D.must

12.All we have is 24 precious hours a day and therefore we shall waste ______ A.nothing B.none C.neither D.no one

13.Friendship can never be a trade; ______, it needs the most thorough and unprofitable concept. A.in addition

B.by contrast

C.in return D.by chance

14.They came back from their long walk and went into bed, . A.tiredly but relaxing

C.tiredly but relaxed D.tired but relaxed

15.—I'm going to order chicken and salad.What about you? — .I'll have the same.

A.I'm afraid not

B.It's up to you

B.tired but relaxing

C.That sounds good to me. D.That depends

16.The Chinese government has begun a campaign to_____________ the crazy housing market. A.calm C.occupy



17.So popular _____ in his adopted hometown that he has been named honorary citizen of Beijing. A.Stephon Marbury is B.Stephon Marbury will be C.is Stephon Marbury D.will Stephon Marbury be

18.She then took the little key, and opened it, trembling, but could not at first see anything ________, because the windows were shut.

A.plainly B.closely C.firmly D.frequently 19.—What did she want to know, Tom?

—She wondered we could complete the experiment A.when was it that B.it was when that C.it was when D.when it was that

20.It was announced that only when the fire was under control __________to return to their homes. A.the residents would be permitted B.had the residents been permitted C.would the residents be permitted

D.the residents had been permitted

第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

21.(6分) Scientists think that growing garden grass could be the secret to solving our energy needs, and we may soon be able to replace our gasoline with “grassoline”.

The team, including experts from Cardiff University in Wales, has shown that hydrogen can be taken from grass in useful amounts with the help of sunlight and a cheap catalyst(催化剂) —something that speeds up a chemical reaction without being used up.

It is the first time that this has been shown and it could lead to a sustainable(可持续的) way of making hydrogen, reported Asian News International. This could be an important kind of renewable energy because it is high in energy and it does not give out harmful gases when it is burned.

Study co-author Michael Bowker said, “This is really a green source of energy. Hydrogen is seen as an important future energy carrier as the world moves from fossil fuels to renewable energy, and our research has shown that even garden grass could be a good way of getting it.”

Cellulose(纤维素), which is a key part of plants and the biopolymer(生物聚合物) found in the largest numbers on the earth, could be a great source of hydrogen.

In its study, the team looked at the possibility of getting hydrogen from cellulose using sunlight and a simple catalyst.

This is called photocatalysis(光催化作用) and in it, the sunlight starts the catalyst, which then makes cellulose and water into hydrogen. The researchers studied the effectiveness of three metal-based catalysts, of which nickel(镍) especially interested the researchers, as it is a much more common metal than gold and palladium(钯) and it saves more money.

According to Bowker, producing hydrogen from cellulose using photocatalysis has not been studied in detail. The team’s research shows that large amounts of hydrogen can be produced using this method with the help of a bit of sunlight and a cheap catalyst.

The study shows that it is effective to use real grass taken from a garden. “This is important as it avoids the need to separate and clean up cellulose, which can be both difficult and costly,” said Bowker. 1、What are needed to get hydrogen from grass? A.A catalyst and palladium. C.Sunlight and a biopolymer.

B.Water and cellulose. D.Sunlight and a catalyst.

2、Why is the new way of making hydrogen considered significant? A.It is cheap, green and sustainable.

B.It is the best to produce the renewable energy. C.It is more productive and efficient than other methods. D.It can replace the way to make fossil fuels completely.

3、Why does nickel interest the researchers in making hydrogen from cellulose?

A.It can produce the largest amount of hydrogen. B.It can avoid separating and cleaning up cellulose. C.It is more common than other metals and costs less. D.It works quicker than other metals during photocatalysis. 4、What does the author intend to tell us mainly in this passage? A.Catalysts that could be taken from grass. B.A new way of making hydrogen from cellulose. C.The potential of hydrogen as a renewable energy. D.The connection between hydrogen and photocatalysis.

22.(8分)Screaming is one of the responses humans share with other animals. Conventional thinking suggests that what sets a scream apart from other sounds is its loudness. However, many sounds that are loud do not raise goose bumps like screams can. To find out what makes human screams unique, neuroscientist Luc Arnal and his team examined a bank of sounds containing sentences spoken or screamed by 19 adults. The result shows screams and screamed sentences had a quality called “roughness,” which refers to how fast a sound changes in loudness. While normal speech sounds only have slight differences in loudness—between 4 and 5 Hz, screams can switch very fast, varying between 30 and 150 Hz, thus considered to be rough and unpleasant.

Arnal’s team asked 20 subjects to judge screams as fearful or not, and found that the scariest are almost always connected with roughness. The team then studied how the human brain responds to roughness using fMRI brain scanners (磁共振颅脑扫描仪). As expected, after hearing a scream, activity increased in the brain’s hearing centers where sound coming into the ears is processed. But the scans also lit up in the amygdale (脑扁桃体), the brain’s fear center.

The amygdala is the area that responds to danger. When a threat is detected, our adrenaline (肾上腺素) rises, and our body prepares to react to danger. The study found that roughness isn’t heard when we speak naturally, but the most annoying alarm clocks, car horns, and fire alarms possess high degrees of roughness.

One potential application for this research might be to add roughness to alarm sounds to make them more effective, the same way a bad smell is added to natural gas to make it the easily to be detected. Warning sounds could also be added to electric cars, which are particularly silent, so they can be efficiently detected by pedestrians.

1、What is the first paragraph mainly about? A.Different types of screams. B.Specific features of screams.

C.Human sounds and animal cries. D.Sound changes and screamed sentences.

2、What does the underlined phrase “raise goose bumps” probably mean? A.Make people feel unpleasant. B.Make people feel cold. C.Make people rude and rough. D.Make people unique. 3、What can we infer from the passage?

A.Roughness is commonly heard in many artificial sounds. B.The traveling speed makes screams different from other sounds. C.Very little scientific research has been done on human screams. D.Normal human speech sounds vary between 30 to 150 Hz in loudness. 4、What device may be improved with the researchers’ findings? A.Traffic lights. B.Security cameras. C.Smart phones. D.Smoke detectors. 23.(8分)Ferry Services Fare Table

Effective from 1st April 2019.

Cash Only is accepted onboard our Ferries. Return Fares for Mainland to Bressay; Mainland to Whalsay; Mainland to Yell; Yell to Unst.

All Fares are RETURN - Payable on outbound journey only Passenger Adult OAPs (With SIC Pass) & Children up to 19 Disabled Concessionary SIC Pass Holders Adult 10 Multi Journey Ticket Vehicles - Fares include driver Vehicles up to and including 5.50m Return Motorcycles Return Motorhome 5.5m - 9m £13.60 £11.00 £20.50 £5.50 £1.00 £0.00 £22.70



