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concentrated H2SO4 and concentrated HNO3;

16, Xiang Sheng has phenol solution in the test tube drops into the FeCl3 solution,

the solution assumes the purple, the phenol

meets the air to be pink.

17, the protein in case of concentrated HNO3 yellow, burned when there are burnt feathers smell;

18. Burn in the air: S - weak light blue flame - H2 - light blue flame H2S - light blue flame

CO - blue flame CH4 - bright and blue flame, S burns in O2 - bright blue purple flame.

19. characteristic response phenomenon: 20. light yellow solid: S or Na2O2 or AgBr

21., magenta solution fading gas: SO2 (after heating and restore red), Cl2 (after heating does not restore red) 22., colored solution: (blue), MnO4- (purple)

Colored solids: red (Cu, Cu2O, Fe2O3), reddish brown, [Fe (OH), 3]

Blue [Cu (OH) 2] black (CuO, FeO, FeS, CuS, Ag2S, PbS) Yellow (AgI, Ag3PO4), white [Fe (0H) 2, CaCO3, BaSO4, AgCl,

Fe2+ (light

green), Fe3+ (yellow),



Colored gas: Cl2 (Huang Lvshai) and NO2 (red brown) Four, regular rules used in exams: 1, solubility

law - see solubility

table; 2, commonly used acid

and alkali indicator color range: The color range of indicator PH

Methyl orange 3.1 red 3.1 - 4.4 orange >4.4 yellow < 8 8 - 10 colorless phenolphthalein red light red >10.0 < 5.1 5.1 - 8 litmus red purple blue >8.0 3, on inert electrode,

the order of discharge of various ions:

Cathode (electronic capacity):

Au3+, >Ag+>Hg2+, >Cu2+, >Pb2+, >Fa2+, >Zn2+, >H+,, >Al3+>Mg2+, >Na+, >Ca2+, >K+

Anode (electron loss ability): S2-, >I-, >Br - >Cl-, >OH- > oxygen radical

Caution: if the metal is used as an anode, the anode itself undergo oxidation-reduction reactions (Pt, Au, except for electrolysis)

4. Double hydrolysis ion equation writing: (1) write the


hydrolysis ion on the left and write the hydrolysate on the right;

(2) trim: trim the charge on the left and trim the other atoms on the right. (3) H and O are rough and add water over there. Example: when Na2CO3 is mixed with a AlCl3 solution: 3 CO32- + 2Al3+ + 3H2O = 2Al (OH): 3CO2 = 3 + 5. Write the equation for the total electrolysis


analysis: what is the reactant and the product; (2) Pei Ping. Example: KCl: 2KCl + 2H2O electrolytic solution = H2 = Cl2 = 2KOH + +

Trim: 2KCl + 2H2O = H2 = Cl2 = 2KOH + +

6, a chemical reaction method in two electrode reaction: (1) to write 2.5 electrons reaction; (2) consider the reaction of the environment (acidic or alkaline); (3) the number and the atomic charge is equal to the number of two sides.

Example: the reaction in the battery is: Pb + PbO2 + 2H2SO4 = 2PbSO4 + 2H2O, write the electrode reaction as the primary battery (discharge).

Write 2.5 responses: Pb - 2e- = PbSO4, PbO2, +2e-, PbSO4 Analysis: in acidic environment, fill up other atoms:


Should be: negative: Pb + SO42--2e- = PbSO4 Positive: PbO2 + 4H+ + SO42- +2e- = PbSO4 + 2H2O Note: when charging, it is electrolysis, and the electrode reaction is the reverse of the above electrode reaction: For: cathode: PbSO4, +2e- = Pb + SO42-

Anode: PbSO4 + 2H2O, -2e- = PbO2 + 4H+ + SO42- 7, in the identical

solution calculation

problems common to the

atomic identity, identity, identity, ion charge, power electronic identity identity, the methods used are: mass conservation, difference method, normalization method, limit method and method. (non oxidation much more electronic conservation)

8, the same ion structure of the electron layer, the more the number of nuclear charge, the smaller the radius of ions; 9. Melting point of crystal: atomic crystal > ionic crystal > molecular crystal; the atomic crystal learned in secondary school is Si, SiC, SiO2= and diamond. The melting point of an atomic crystal is based on the atomic radius:

Diamond > SiC > Si (because of atomic radius: Si>, C>, O) 10, molecular crystal melting and boiling point: composition and structure

of similar substances, the greater the molecular

reduction reactions:


conservation, charge balance, mass balance, redox reactions:

weight, melting, boiling point higher.

11, colloid charged: Generally speaking, metal hydroxide, metal oxide colloidal particles with positive, non-metallic oxides, metal sulfide colloidal particles with negative electricity.

12. Oxidation: MnO4-, >Cl2, >Br2, >Fe3+, >I2, >S=4 (+4, S) Example: I2, +SO2 + H2O = H2SO4 + 2HI

13, the solution containing Fe3+ is generally acidic. 14. Hydrogen bonding substances: H2O, NH3, HF, CH3CH2OH. 15, ammonia (ethanol solution) density is less than 1, the greater the concentration, the smaller the density, sulfuric

acid density is greater than 1, the greater the concentration, the greater the density, the density of 98% concentrated sulfuric acid is: 1.84g/cm3.

16, whether the ion coexistence: (1) whether there is precipitation, gas release; (2) whether there is a weak electrolyte generation; (3) whether the redox reaction occurred; (4) whether the formation of complex ion [Fe (SCN)

2, Fe (SCN) 3, Ag (NH3) + [Cu (NH3) 4]2+]; (5) whether the double hydrolysis.

17, the earth's crust: the most content of metal elements is - Al content of the most non-metallic elements is - O, HClO4 (perchloric acid) - is the strongest acid



