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一、单项选择题 (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

Choose the best answer from the choices given and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. 1:参考答案:A 试题内容:That definition leaves___for disagreement. A:much roomB:a small roomC:many roomsD:a big room 2:参考答案:B 试题内容:My train is going to arrive at Shanghai at about eight o’clock tonight. The plane Id like to take from there___by then. A:would leaveB:will have leftC:has leftD:had left 3:参考答案:B试题内容:The young man who has applied for the post___in the general managers office.

A:is interviewingB:is being interviewedC:to be interviewedD:had been Interviewed

4:参考答案:D试题内容:It is essential that all the exam papers ______ back before the end of the term.

A:must be sentB:are sentC:will be sentD:be sent

5:参考答案:C试题内容:___for my illness, I would have got the job in the Disneyland. A:Not beingB:Without beingC:Had it not beenD:Not having been 6:参考答案:B试题内容:The car ahead of me suddenly stopped by the roadside. I think it___out of gas.

A:may runB:may have runC:must runD:should have run

7:参考答案:B 试题内容:The teacher won’t mind___the term paper.

A:us to delay handing inB:our delaying handing inC:our delaying to hand inD:us delay to hand in 8:参考答案:C试题内容:All the tasks___ahead of time, they decided to have a dinner party to celebrate.

A:have been finished B:had been finished C:having been finished D:were Finished 9:参考答案:A试题内容:What he has done is___what I have done. A:superior to B:more superior toC:superior thanD:more superior than

10:参考答案:B试题内容:Mary earns___as Jane does, but she spends less money on cosmetics than Jane.

A:twice so muchB:twice as muchC:as much twiceD:so much twice

11:参考答案:C 试题内容:We’ll discuss a___issue before we move on to the problem of our major concern.


12:参考答案:A 试题内容:He was very disappointed___the salary the company offered him. A:withB:toC:forD:on

13:参考答案:A 试题内容:The course usually attracts 30 students each term,___about twothirds are girls.

A:among whomB:for whomC:among themD:for them

14:参考答案:A 试题内容:I have never seen a TV program___the man cannot find a parking space at the very first try. A:whereB:whichC:whenD:there

15:参考答案:A 试题内容:Everyone believes that the day will come___people all over the world live a rich and happy life. A:whenB:whereC:whichD:why

16:参考答案:D试题内容:The novelist and poet___best writer of the year.

A:have been awarded B:have awarded C:has awarded D:has been Awarded 17:参考答案:D 试题内容:Ten minutes___an hour when Im depressed. A:seemsB:seemC:seemedD:is seeming 18:参考答案:B 试题内容:___Paul brings the money for our lunch, well go right to the cafeteria. A:As far asB:As soon asC:As good asD:As much as 19:参考答案:D试题内容:The captain, together with the crew,___determined not to abandon the ship until all the passengers were aboard the lifeboats. A:is B:are C:were D:was

20:参考答案:C 试题内容:I saw___girls at the cinema. A:the both B:many a C:both the D:a many 二、填空题 (本大题共28小题,共36分)

Section A: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the group. (共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)

1:参考答案:hasn’t been,is,

试题内容:isn’t, hasn’t been, haven’t been, is, are, was

The present government, which_____in power long,_____trying to control inflation. It isn’t having much success. 2:参考答案:the,the,

试题内容:a, a, the, the, some, such

Getting_____unions and_____bosses to agree isn’t easy. 3:参考答案:is now believed,taught,

试题内容:is now believing, is now believed, has now believed, taught, teaching, being taught

It_____that foreign languages are most easily_____to young children. 4:参考答案:am,should be

试题内容:am, were, has been, will be, shall be, should be I_____anxious that nobody_____hurt. 5:参考答案:Once,released,

试题内容:if, once, until, releases, releasing, released

_____ _____from prison, he is likely to engage himself in the same business and commit the same crime.

6:参考答案:I’ve ever seen,which

试题内容:which, what, when, seen, I’ve ever seen, which I’ve ever seen It’s the only building _____ _____is made entirely of glass. 7:参考答案:were believed,were

试题内容:believed, was believed, were believed, are, was, were

What_____to be aliens from outer space_____actually several sheep going astray.


试题内容:both, either, neither, whatever, whichever, however You can keep one of the photos,_____of them—_____you like. 9:参考答案:shall we

试题内容:Let’s talk to the manager,_____(we)? 10:参考答案:a speech

试题内容:How long_____(speech) you made this afternoon! 11:参考答案:men

试题内容:There has been an increasing number of_____(man) teachers in primary schools in the last few years. 12:参考答案:the town

试题内容:All_____(town) were celebrating the victory that night. 13:参考答案:aunt’s

试题内容:We’re having dinner at my_____(aunt) tonight. 14:参考答案:stopped

试题内容:If only they_____(stop) this constant complaining. 15:参考答案:is sitting

试题内容:The vase_____(sit) dangerously over the edge of the balcony. 16:参考答案:were going to call

试题内容:We_____(call) on you yesterday, but we had visitors ourselves. 17:参考答案:should(would/might)not miss

试题内容:She took a taxi to the station so that she_____(not miss) the train. 18:参考答案:might(could)have cured

试题内容:This_____(cure) your cough if you had taken it. 19:参考答案:hearing

试题内容:Several people reported_____(hear) her cry for help. 20:参考答案:repaired

试题内容:When are you going to have the car_____(repair)? 21:参考答案:The more dangerous

试题内容:_____(dangerous) it is, the more I like it. 22:参考答案:more of a fool

试题内容:He is_____(of a fool) than his predecessor. 23:参考答案:out of sympathy

试题内容:A lot of people volunteered to donate their blood_____(of sympathy). 24:参考答案:count on

试题内容:With luck, you might cover your costs, but don’t_____(count) it. 25:参考答案:about whom

试题内容:The woman_____(whom) we talked has just given birth to quintuplets

successfully. 26:参考答案:are

试题内容:What he did and when he did it_____(be) the only things I want to know. 27:参考答案:bigger one

试题内容:My car is too small. Let’s rent a_____(big). 28:参考答案:imagine so

试题内容:—Will they change it? —Yes. I_____(imagine).

三、改错题 (本大题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分) Correct one error in each of the following sentences.

1:参考答案:The new reservoir is two-thirds the size of the old one in area.



