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剑桥国际少儿英语 KB2第1-12单元文本 Unit 1 Hello aga in! 1. Liste n and point.

Stella: Hello again! We rethe Star Family. I ' mtella Star and I ' might. This is my brother, Sim on. He ' s seve n, and this is my sister, Suzy. She ' s four. Simon: This is my grandmother. She ' s grandma Star. Gran dma: Hello.

Simon: This is my grandfather. He Sim on: Gran dpa, say hello. Gran dpa: Oh! Hello, everybody.

Mrs Star: And we ' re Mr and Mrs Star.

Sim on: What ' s your n ame? How old are you. 2. Liste n, point and repeat.

Stella Simon Suzy Mr Star Mrs star Gran dma Star Gran dpa Star 3.

Liste n and an swer.

' s grandpa Star.

Trevor: Hello! I ' m Trevor.

Look at number four. Who ' s he? Look at number one. Who ' s she? Look at number eight. Who ' s he? Look at number three. Who Look at number six. Who Look at number two. Who

' s she? ' s she? ' s he?

Look at number nine. Who ' s she? Look at number ten. Who ' s he? Look at number five. Who

' s she?

Look at number seven. Who ' s he?

(An swer: 4 Mr star, 1 Suzy, 8 Mon ty, 3 Stella, 6 Gran dma Star, 2 Simo n, 9 Marie, 10 Maskma n, 5 Mrs Star, 7 Grandpa Star)

Unit 2 Back to school! 1. Liste n and point.

Stella: Hello, Alex! Hello, Le nny! How are you? Alex and Lenny: Fin e,tha nks.

Merra: Is this your classroom,Sim on? Simo n: Yes.

Merra: Who ' s that on the board?

Simon: That ' s my favourite toy, Maskman. Look at my Maskman ruler. Lenny: That ' s nice. My ruler ' s on my desk.


Stella: Are your school books in the bookcase? Simon: No, they are in the cupboard. Our teacher Stella and Meera: Oops

2. Liste n, point and repeat.

board bookcase cupboard desk ruler teacher 6. Liste n, point and repeat.

There ' s a long pink ruler on her desk.

There are a lot of boos in the bookcase. There s a big whiteboardncthe wall.

There ' s a computer in the classroom, but there isn

' s here now.

't a television.

Unit 3 Play time! 1. Liste n and point.

Suzy: Ooh, kites! Can we look at them, Dad? Mr Star: OK, Suzy. Where are they? Suzy: Over there! Next to the lorries. Simon: Look at these robots! Stella: Ugh! They ' re ugly! Alex: I like this big yellow watch. Meera: Look at this camera. It

' s orange, my favourite colour.

Stella: Hum! … Look! Computer games! I love computer games!

Simon: Great! Is there a Maskma n Playbox?

Stella: Yes,there is, and there ' s a ‘ Can you spell …?' game. Meera, Alex, Simon: Ugh! Stella! 2. Liste n, point and repeat.

Camera watch kite robot lorry computer game 3. Liste n, point and say the nu mbers. There are dolls. This is a robot. This is a train. This is a camera. These are lorries. This is a watch.

This is a computer game. This is a kite. These are balls. 4. Listen and say

‘ yes ' or ‘ no'

There are two bid red lorries.

(No-There ' s a red lorry and a yellow lorry.)



There ' s a beautiful pink and pple kite. (Yes)

There ' s a Maskman computer game.




