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山东省青岛市城阳区第九中学2019—2020学年度下学期期末 英语试卷

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Ⅳ.单项选择。(本题10小题,每小题1分,共10分)从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 21.—My sister hurt her arm while playing basketball yesterday. —.

A.No problemB.I'm sorry to hearthatC.That's OKD. It doesn't matter. 22.My uncle is repairing some old bikes and he plans toto charity. A.give up themB.give-them up C.give away themD.give them away

23.—Do you like talking with your friends on the phone or QQ? —.I enjoy using WeChat.

A.Both B.NeitherC.EitherD.All

24.American peopleandBritish people speak the samelanguage, theircultures are quite different. A.SinceB.AlthoughC.IfD.Because 25.While I TV,Ia sound outside the room.

A.was watching; was hearingB.watched; was hearing

C. watched; heardD.was watching; heard 26.Imy husband in Shenyangin 2014.

A. got married B.marriedC.married with D. was married 27.—Many boy students think math isEnglish. —I agree. I'm weak in English. A.much difficult thanB.so difficult as C. less difficult thanD.more difficult than 28.I’m tired now.Let's stop.Weneed to stopa break. A. working;to takeB.working;taking C. to work; to takeD.to work; taking

29.—I'll return the umbrella to Lucy, but I can't find her anywhere. —Shethe library, you can go there to find 'her. A.has gone toB.has been toC.has left D.went to 30.My sisterQingdao two years ago, shefor two years. A.has left; has leftB.left; has been away C.left;has leftD.has been away;has been away


One day, Sam had a fight with one of his classmates.Then he went to his grandfatherand toldhim his story.31.“He is really bad,” the boy said, \32 him.”

The grandfather said,“32 me tell you a story.When I was a boy, sometimes I hatedothers for what they did.” As Sam32 carefully, the grandfather went on,“There are always two tigers insidemyheart.One is35 and kind. He gets on well36 everything around him.But37 is bad and unfriendly.Even the smallest thing will make him angry.He fights with everyone all thetime,and for no good reason.He can't think carefully38 he always hates others.It isdifficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to control me.”

Sam looked into his grandfather's39 and asked,“ 40 tiger always controls younow,Grandfather?”

The old man said slowly and seriously,“The one that I feed. I always feed the good and kindtiger, so I never hate others and seldom(很少)get angry now.”

31. A.happily 32. A.love 33. A.Let 34. saw 35. A.good 36. A.at 37. A.others 38. A.because 39. A.eyes 40. A.Who

B.hardly B.hate B.Ask B.listened B.bad B.on B.another B.though B.ears B.Which

C.angrily C.know C.Make C.listened to C.quiet C.with C.the other C.but C.nose C.Where



In the days when an ice cream sundae cost(花费)much less,a 10-year-old boy entered acoffee shop and sat at a table.A waitress puta glass of water in front ofhim.

\studied a number of coinsin it.

\was not patient(耐心).\she said angrily.The little boyagain counted the coins. \have the plain ice cream,\the money andleft.

When the waitress came back, she was surprised at what she saw.There were 15 centsplaced beside the empty

山东省青岛市城阳区第九中学2019—2020学年度下学期期末 英语试卷


