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31. You______worry about my studies -1 know quite clearly what to do at school. 32.- --It's no easy task to catch a ticket on a website that receives 1 billion clicks daily. ---I can't agree with you more. There_______be errors for every step. 33. Can you image that a well behaved gentleman______ be so rude to a lady? 34. We can't imagine that two children______be killed by the washing machine of their house.

35. One of our rules is that every student______wear school uniform while at school. 36. You______get the machine repaired this week. I won't need it until next month. 37. ---These grapes look really beautiful.

---They______! See the price一$3.99 a pound. Very expensive ,aren't they? 38.一I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter. 一It_______(be) true because there was little snow there.

39. No person_______carry a mobile phone into the examination room during the national college entrance examinations.

40. But for the encouraging cheers from the audience ,our team_______(win)such an important match.

41. The upset mother thought to herself,\my little boy's head right now.”

42. If you had listened to me,we_______(be) at the party. Move over. I'll drive. 43.--- Well,1 missed the early train to Suzhou. ---But had you hurried,you________.

44. Had he learned about computers, we_______(hire) him to work here.

45. The weather turned out to be fine. I________(not take) the trouble to carry the umbrella with me. II.单句改错

1. You can be Tom. You haven't changed a bit after all these years. 2, Do I need leave my telephone number and address? 3. Have I been informed earlier,I could have done something.

4.Just as I am busy ,shall you come bothering me with some questions now? 5. He feels as if he is floating on a cloud.

6. The law says that drivers needn't drive after drinking. 7. He will recover soon. You can't worry about him. 8. You can be tired- you've been working for four hours. g. Our suggestion is that you are the first to go.

10. The poor little boy could never able to see or hear again.

11. A few years ago 1 might not afford to bring my wife to this place for dinner. 12. Why can he do it that way?

13. 1 felt very lonely when I travelled in Chengdu alone. 1 must have taken my family.

14. We mustn't thank you too much for what you ve done for us. 15. You mustn't do the exercise if you don't want to,

16. He mustn't have been to Beijing before because he knows nothing about it. 17. Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it had happened yesterday.

18. The house could fall down soon if no one has done some quick repair work. 19. If we took the other road, we might have arrived here in time for the meeting. 20. Would you be fired,your health care and other benefits would not be immediately cut off.



Tom: Hi,Mr. Smith,____1____you give me a hand?

Mr. Smith:Of course. You__2____hesitate to ask me for help. What's the matter with


Tom:My mum is always complaining about my going back home late after school. Mr. Smith: What do you usually do after school?

Tom:I usually go to the playground to play basketball. But I know that I___3____go

home first.

Mr. Smith: Why don't you go home directly?

Tom: My mother usually says,\Every student 4 do their home work first after

school,and that is a rule for all of you students.\homework first now,I couldn't have a rest and relax. I am so tired.

Mr. Smith: Both you and your mum are reasonable. As a mother ,she believes that you

____6___never work too hard, while you think you need some time to have a rest. Does your mother know what you think?

Tom:No. Even if I_ 7____(tell) her before, she wouldn't have understood it.

Mr. Smith:I don't think you are right. I think you should tell your mother what you

think and she would understand you. Besides ,you had better not hide your

feelings from your mother and you___8____as well learn to communicate with her.

Tom: Thank you for your advice. It is high time I___9____(ask) with her. Mr. Smith:I___10_____agree more.


Tom and Peter are twins. They look as if they_____1___(be) the same person. Both the two boys are smart,but Tom is hard working while Peter is lazy. Tom always wins the first place in the exams while Peter doesn't. However ,people believe if Peter ____2____(work) as hard as Tom,he would do as well as his brother in his study. At home, their parents suggest that they____3____( finish) their homework before playing computer games. But Peter insists that it____4____(be) OK to play games first as long as he can hand in his homework in time, Their mother gives in in the end. One day,when doing his homework, Tom found he made a serious mistake, So he put his exercise book aside and used another one. When Peter found the previous exercise book, be struck out Tom's name and signed his name on its cover happily,and handed in as his own homework the next day.

When the teacher told the truth to the twins' mother,she was very angry and shouted at Peter.“How I wish you___5_____(be) as diligent as your brother! Now it's time that I____6____ (give)you a good lesson. And you____7____play any computer games for a month!\

“Oh, no! Mom.___8_____a computer for such a long time,1 would die. 1 would rather you_____9____(ask) me to do the dishes for a month alone.”Peter was upset.

“If you___10____(finish) your homework on time yesterday, you wouldn't be punished now.”said the mother.


Drunk driving,a major concern currently,is not a funny thing,___1___has killed many people and ruined the lives of many others. At present,traffic accidents become“the world's first harm\

Two months ago,after___2____(drink) a lot of alcohol,my friend's uncle drove his car home. He was____3____(heavy) drunk, but he still drove home by himself. On the road near his home,an old lady was going across the road,____4____his uncle didn't notice her and he was still moving on under the influence of alcohol. And ____5____old lady didn't see his uncle, either, In the end, the lady died.

____6___it not been for his uncle's drunkenness,the terrible accident would not have happened.If the lady____7____ ( die), she would live a happy life with her daughters and sons. And his uncle's home was also destroyed by his uncle. Therefore,two____8____(family) were destroyed.

I wish more people___9____ (can) realize the seriousness of drunk driving and obey the traffic regulations faithfully. Always remember: refuse___10_____(drink) and drive,and give a safe world to



