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Chapter 8—International Strategy


3. A traditional motive for internationalization has been to secure needed

resources, especially minerals and energy.

4. In order to achieve economies of scale, some manufacturing industries in

nations (such as Korea) with small domestic markets must globalize. 7. To the extent that a firm is able to standardize products across country

borders, use the same or similar production facilities, and coordinate critical resource functions, the more likely it is to achieve economies of scale. 10. The requirement for local repair and service capabilities has discouraged

manufacturers of household appliances, such as General Motors and Toyota, from diversifying internationally. 13. When a firm initially pursues an international business-level strategy,

its home country of operation may be its most important source of competitive advantage. 14. Both the size and the nature of a country’s domestic demand for a

particular industry’s good or service are important in Porter’s model of national competitive advantage. 19. A major advantage of multidomestic strategies is the ability to customize

for the specific market, although this sacrifices economies of scale. 20. A global strategy assumes that the strategic business units operating in

each country are interdependent. 22. A transnational strategy is difficult to achieve because the multiple

objectives involved are contradictory. 26. Exporting and licensing are the most appropriate ways for smaller firms

to first enter international markets. 29. Although licensing is the least costly method to enter a foreign market,

its disadvantages include high costs of transportation and low control over the marketing and distribution of goods. 30. Strategic alliances tend to increase the risk associated with

international expansion for the U.S. partner because of the greater dependence on the foreign firm. 31. Establishing a wholly-owned subsidiary provides the quickest access to

a new market. 35. International diversification can help to reduce a firm’s overall risk

through the stabilization of returns. 39. International strategies are complex and can therefore produce greater

uncertainty for the firm.

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46. If a firm chooses to expand internationally, it must attempt to compete

in all the major world markets, or else lose its competitive advantage.MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC) exports few cars outside

of the Chinese market. Why might established automakers monitorSAIC closely?

a. SAIC is presently exporting cars to developing economies where these firms also compete.

b. SAIC is growing in the Chinese market where these firms also compete.

c. SAIC is expected to seek entry into these firms’ home markets in the future.

d. All of the above reasons are accurate.

2. Chinese firms are becoming more competitive globally due to all of the

following EXCEPT

a. emerging technological capabilities gained from foreign partners.

b. the development of their own branded products.

c. greater ability to export product due to the weakening of their currency relative to the dollar and euro. d. increased managerial capabilities. 3. International strategy refers to a(an)

a. action plan pursued by American companies to compete against foreign companies operating in the United States.

b. strategy through which the firm sells products in markets outside the firm’s domestic market.

c. political and economic action plan developed by businesses and governments to cope with global competition.

d. strategy American firms use to dominate international markets.

7. The motivations for expanding into international markets include each of

the following opportunities EXCEPT

a. increasing the size of the firm’s potential markets. b. increased return on investment.

c. gaining a competitive advantage through location. d. favorable tax concessions and economic incentives by home-country governments.

11. Moving into international markets is a particularly attractive strategy

to firms whose domestic markets

a. demand a differentiation strategy for success. b. are limited in opportunities for growth.

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c. have developed unfriendly business attitudes toward the industry. d. have too much regulation. 15. Firms with core competencies that can be exploited across international

markets are able to

a. achieve synergies and produce high quality goods at lower costs. b. enter new markets more quickly.

c. enhance their market image and brand loyalty among local consumers.

d. meet local government requirements more quickly than their international competitors.

20. A fundamental reason for a country’s development of advanced and

specialized factors of production is often its a. lack of basic resources. b. monetary wealth. c. small workforce. d. protective tariffs. 22. Which pair of industries would NOT be considered as “related and

supporting” under Porter’s diamond model? a. Japanese cameras and copiers b. Italian leather and shoes c. U.S. computers and software

d. All of the above are related and supporting 27. All of the following are international corporate-level strategies EXCEPT

the ____ strategy. a. multidomestic b. universal c. global

d. transnational 28. International corporate-level strategy focuses on

a. the scope of operations through both product and geographic diversification.

b. competition within each country. c. economies of scale.

d. sophistication of monitoring and controlling systems. 31. A multidomestic corporate-level strategy has ____ need for global

integration and ____ need for local market responsiveness. a. low; low b. low; high c. high; low d. high; high

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