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自考高级英语课后练习题及答案 下册

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5. …the newspapers topped the list . In a big way , too.

6. …one-party nature of newspaper ownership.

7. ….that elevates news above dogfood .

8. The word will prevail ….

Key E

1. Face without being made up after getting up in the morning and therefore is not good to look at .

2. …people who work for newspapers ….

…people who work for magazines …

3. opposing and contradictory

4. criticize and attack each other

5. in a big scale , too.

6. The newspaper is dominated by one party .

7. writes news which is more important and prominent than the ads for dogfood .

8. The word will be widespread .

F . Translate the following into English :

电视与报纸相比有许多优越性。看电视时我们同时用眼睛和耳朵;我们在荧光屏上看见文字和图像,同时能听到语言和音乐。电视传播新闻比报纸快捷。 但是电视更信赖商业广告。



Key F

Television has much more advantages than newspapers . When watching TV, we use our eyes as well as ears ; we can see the words and picture on the screen , and listen to the language and music as well . TV news broadcasting is quicker than that of newspapers . But television lives on commercial advertising to an even greater extent than newspapers . Profits drive television to cater to the lowest instinct of man . There are violence and sex in entertainment programmes of American television . Very often , television coverage of news is superficial and inadequate .

There are a lot of problems in American newspapers too . the most prominent problem is that newspapers distort fact , and attack the countries ,people and the social systems which Americans do not like .

G Write a short passage of 150-200 words in English on the topic “ A comparison between Newspapers and Television “. You should cover the following points :

1. Newspapers’ advantages over television;

2. television’s advantages over newspapers ;

3. the author’s conclusion and warning .

“ A Comparison Between Newspapers and Television”

As a mass media , both newspapers and television attract a large number of readers and audience . That is to say , they both have their advantages .

In general , newspapers have two advantages over television. Firstly , it’s easier to carry a paper everywhere than a television . You can read a paper on a train , in your office , or even in the

bathroom . But it’s hard for you to carry a TV everywhere . Secondly , it’s easier to keep the content of newspapers than that of television . It’s easy for you to keep newspapers as many as you like , but it’s hard to keep all the information from TV.

Meanwhile , television also has two advantages over newspapers . Firstly , the coverage of television is wider than that of newspapers . You can watch almost everything you want to know from TV . Such as entertainment programs , educational programs ,educational programs , cultural programs , music programs , etc . Because of its limited space , newspaper can’t cover the same amount of content as TV does .Secondly . TV can provide the latest news , whereas printers have to spend some time to print the news onto the newspapers .

As you can see , both newspapers and television have advantages . At different time . in different places , and according to your different demand , you can choose either of them or both .

Lesson Four The Tragedy of Old Age in America

A. Answer the following questions on the text :

1. What is it like to be old in the United States ?

2. What are the popular attitudes towards old age ?

3. What are the interconnected elements that determine the quality of late life ?

4. Why is old age a tragedy for many elderly Americans ?what are the problems they confront ?

5. Is old age an enjoyable part of the life-span in the U.S.?

6. Is old age a tragedy for the rich Americans ?

7. what do think are the potentials in late life ?

8. If life expectancy closely related to living standards ?

Key a

1. old age is a neglected stepchild of the human life cycle . The old in the United states are

discriminated and ignored and most of them struggle to exist in an inhospitable world .

2. Our popular attitudes towards old age could be summed up as a combination of wishful thinking and stark terror .

3. Physical health , personality , earlier广告 experiences , the actual circumstances of late广告 events and the social supports one receives are interconnected elements which together determine the quality of late life .

4. Because American society is one which is extremely harsh to live in when one is old .

Elderly Americans confront insensitivity , ignorance and poverty .

5. Old age is not an enjoyable part of the life-span in the U.S.

6. Old age is also a tragedy for the rich Americans .

7. In late life , the elderly have the potential for qualities of human reflection and observation .

8. Life expectancy is closely related to living standards .

B. Translate the following into Chinese :

1. Aging is the neglected stepchild of the human life cycle .

2. …it is easier to manage the problem of death than the problem of living as an old person .

3. This is the American ideal of the “golden years “toward which millions of citizens are expectantly toiling through their workdays .

4. We base our feelings on primitive fears , prejudice and stereotypes rather than on knowledge and insight .

5. The old must clarify and find use for what they have attained in a lifetime of learning and adapting ….

6. …recent increases do not keep up with soaring costs of living .

7. Age discrimination in employment is unrestrained , with arbitrary retirement practices and bias against hiring older people for available jobs .

8. These health problems , while significant , are largely treatable and for the most part do not impair the capacity to work .


1. 衰老过程是人类生命周期中被忽视的非亲生儿.

2. 对付死亡的问题比对付在老年时生活的问题要容易.

3. 这就是千百万公民辛劳地度过他们的工作日时心中期待着实现的那个美国”金色岁月”的理想.

4. 我们将感情建筑在原始的害怕/偏见和陈规老套上而不是建筑在知识和远见上.

5. 老人必须弄清自己毕生学习和适应的收获并加以利用.

6. 新增加的福利金赶不上生活费用的高涨.

7. 就业方面的年龄歧视不受任何限制,可以随意规定退休的具体做法.在雇用人时对上年纪的人有歧视.

8. 这些疾病固然应加以注意,但多数的病症是可以治疗的,而且大多不损害工作能力.

c.Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the box below, changing its form when necessary :

Conserve inherent toil defective lull unbearable eradicate penalize vary impair subsistence interconnect

1. We must conserve forests not only for the present but for future generations .

自考高级英语课后练习题及答案 下册


