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Unit5 First aid单元练习



21. They are a to the government for money to build a new hall. 22. He was so lucky to escape the heavy accident without i . 23. This kind of mushrooms contains a deadly p . You can't eat them.

24. You have three layers of skin which act as a b against disease, poisons and the sun's harmful rays.

25. If you promise to help me with my maths every weekend, I will t you to a big dinner.

26. The cut on his arm has been b for a long time.

27. We drove two hours to attend the opening c of the final festival.

28. More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket because it offers a great v of goods.

29. We managed to get all the luggage into the car but it was a tight s . 30. He slowed the bleeding by applying p to the wounds.


31. The violent videos (毒害) the minds of the young.

32. The police put up (障碍) to control the crowd in front of the government building.

33. The smell in the streets was almost (难以忍受的).

34. Your (勇气) in the struggle against the thief shocked all of us. 35. Are you hoping to (申请) for higher education courses in the UK?

36. This book mainly refers to (不同种类) of English spoken in different places of the world.

37. There are too many cars on the roads. I think there should be (紧的) restrictions on car numbers.

38. As a top student, he received a prize at the graduation (典礼) of the university.

39. Let's go out for lunch, my (款待).

40. Although I (倒) it carefully, I spilt some of the oil.

41. She had found some information of (重要的) importance. 42. Her ankle (肿胀) up after the fall.

43. He slowed the bleeding by applying (压力) to the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived.

44. You'd better (挤,拧) the water out of your wet clothes, or you will catch a cold in them.

45. He struck her with a hammer 3 times and put his hands round her throat, (使窒息) her.


46. 我想来想去,决定报考哈佛大学。

I considered it and I decided to enter for Harvard. 47. It doesn't (区别、影响) to me whether you go or not. 48. 许多恐龙过去生活在中国。

dinosaurs in China.

49. First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly (生病) or gets injured before a doctor can be found. 50. --- 她周末返回。

--- 恐怕不行。(用省略句的形式完成句子) (词数不限) --- She will return at the weekend. --- .

51. Scientific discoveries (常常应用于) industrial processes. 52. 看完书后,他们把书放在恰当的位置。

After reading, they put the books .

53. A good many people didn't attend the meeting for (各种各样的) reasons.


54. If you want to ask a stranger the way to a place, it would be to say “Excuse me”.

A. in order

B. in place

C. in public

D. in need

55. The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than .

A. ours

C. it had for ours

B. those of ours D. it did for us

56. The laptop computer was here a moment ago, but I can't put my hands it now.

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. with

57. --- Have you been to the Great Wall?

--- Perhaps not in my memory. , it might have been during my early childhood.

A. If any

B. If ever

C. If not

D. If possible

58. Although the entrance to the cave was very narrow, those visitors managed to through it.

A. press

B. squeeze

C. break

D. cut

59. The boy's feet so large that he could hardly put his boots on the next morning.

A. hurt

B. swelled

C. made

D. treated

60. He is only too ready to help others, seldom, , refusing them when they turn to him.

A. if never

B. if ever

C. if not

D. if anything

61. The old man always said the same words , which made his son worried.

A. over and over again C. sooner or later

B. now and again D. more or less

62. In my opinion, keeping dogs should not be banned, but to certain areas.

A. limited

B. limiting

C. to limit

D. to be limited



