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wrong adj.错的 answer v.回答 question n.问题 geography n.地理


I .Listen carefully and write \。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(不对)。 ( )1 .Tim cries in school.

( )2 .Tim can,t answer the teacher's question. ( )3 .Tim comes from America.

( )4 .The teacher asks Tim a wrong question.

II.Listen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B,C or D. 听问题,在A, B,C, D中选出一个最佳答案。 ( )1 .A . Twelve. B.Eleven. C . Ten. D. Nine.

( )2 .A .Yes,he does.B.No,he doesn't. C . Yes, he can. D. No,he can't. ( )3 .A .It's about something in Beijing. B .It's about something in New York. C .It's about something in London. D .It's about something in America. ( )4 .A. English. B. Chinese. C .Geography.D. Japanese. III.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks. 仔细听,填入所缺的词。

Tim is_________.He is an American pupil.One day he comes home and cries .His______________asks him,Hey,Tim, what's wrong with you?”

\.“It's about something in London.How can I__________?”

\,I see: But what__________is she?\ \.\

65.I Got 100 on the Exams New Words and Expressions


exam n.考试 pass v.通过 maths n. 数学


I .Listen carefully and write \。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(不对)。

( )1 .Jack gets 100 in English.His mother is very happy. ( )2 .Jack gets 54 in maths. ( )3 .Jack does not pass the exams. ( )4 .Jack does not pass the English exam.

II.Listen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B,C or D. 听问题,在A, B,C, D中选出一个最佳答案。 ( )1 .A.Yes,he is. B . No, he isn't. C .Yes,he does. D . No,he doesn't. ( )2 .A . 100. B. 54. C .46 . D. 8. ( )3 . A . 100. B. 54 C .46. D. 8.

( )4 .A . Yes, he can. B. Yes, he does.

C .No, he doesn't. D.He passes the English exam. III.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks. 仔细听,填入所缺的词。

Jack comes________ from school. He__________to his mother,\,I__________100 on the exams.\,\,my boy. So you got 100 in__________and 100 in maths.” \,I got 54 in English and 46 in maths,\.

66 .A Good Young Pioneer Young Pioneer少先队员 suddenly adv.突然 wait for 等待 watch n.手表 ground n. 地上 so adv. 于是 seat 座位


granny n. 老奶奶 EXERCISES

I .Listen carefully and write \。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(不对)。

( )1 .Li Hua finds a watch on the ground and gives it to an old granny. ( )2 .Li Hua goes to the park by bus. ( )3 .Li Hua gives.his seat to an old woman. ( )4 .Li Hua is a good Young Pioneer.

II.Listen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B,C or D. 听问题,在A, B,C, D中选出一个最佳答案。 ( )1 .A.He is going to school. B .He's going to the park. C .He is going home一 D .He's going to see his friend. ( )2 .A . By bike. B. By car. C . By bus. D. On foot. ( )3 . A . He finds a watch. B. He finds seat. C .He finds a clock. D. He finds a bag. ( )4 . A . Near the door. B. Near the window. C . Near an old woman. D. Near the Policeman. III.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks. 仔细听,填入所缺的词。

Li Hua is a Young Pioneer. He is going__________the park.

Now he is waiting for a________.Suddenly he finds a watch on the ground.He asks some_____________,\watch is it?\the watch isn't theirs.So he gives the watch to a policeman.

Now Li Hua gets on the bus.Li Hua is sitting near the window.An old_________gets on the bus.She has no seat.Li Rua stands up and says.\,Granny.Please____________ here.\

67 .In Summer Holidays New Words and Expressions holiday n.假日 spend v.度过


country n.农村 ride v.骑 interesting adj.有趣的


I .Listen carefully and write \。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(不对)。 ( )1 .Tom is a city boy.

( )2 .He spends the summer holidays with his parents in the country. ( )3 .Tom likes swimming,riding a bike and playing ball. ( )4 .Helen is a city girl,and she liken swimming and running. II.Listen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B,C or D. 听问题,在A, B,C, D中选出一个最佳答案。 ( )1 . A. Bob. B. Helen. C. A and B. D. His parents. ( )2 .A. In the city. B. In the country. C. In the school.D. In the park. ( )3 .A.In the river. B.In a big lake.

C.In the school.D. In a swimming pool(池子). ( )4 . A. They are bad. B.They are dull(枯燥). C.They are interesting.D.It is raining. III.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks. 仔细听,填入所缺的词。

Tom lives________acity.He spends the summer holidays with Bob in the country .Bob is his_________friend.

Tom swims in a big ____________.He rides a bike. He plays ball.

Helen lives in the country .She sees __________every day.In the afternoon she swims with Tom and Bob She runs and plays in the country. Oh,the summer.holidays___________interesting.

68 .Supper Is Ready New Words and Expressions supper n.晚饭 plate/pleit/ n.盘 bowl n.碗


chicken n.鸡肉


I .Listen carefully and write \。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(不对)。 ( )1 .It's Saturday morning.

( )2 .There are two plates and five bowls on the.table. ( )3 .There is some chicken on the big plate. ( )4 .Li Lei is helping his mother.

II.Listen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B,C or D. 听问题,在A, B,C, D中选出一个最佳答案。 ( )1.A.It's Sunday. B.It's Monday. C. It's Saturday. D. It's evening. ( )2.A. There's some fish on them. B. There's some bread on them.

C. There's some bread on one plate and there's some fish on the other. D. There's some cake on them. ( )3 .A .They are on the table. B .They are in one big bowl. C .They are on one plate. D .They are in mother's hands. ( )4 .A.Yes,there are. B.No,there sren't. C .Yes,they have. D. No,they aren't. III.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks. 仔细听,填入所缺的词。

It's Saturday___________.Supper is ready.There are two plates, two_________bowls and three___________bowls on the table. There is some_________on one plate. There's some fish on the other .Some chicken is in one big bowl and_________fish is in the other.There is some rice in the small bowls.And there are some eggs on the table. Now Li Lei is doing his houework.His mother is calling him.

69 .Mike and Lucy New Words and Expressions stand v.坐落 at the foot of a hill 小山脚下



