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Unit 2 How to open a savings account?

Dialogue A. Lead in & Listen Periods Period 1--2 ⑴ Knowledge objective Students can ask for and give information about bank services ⑵ Ability objectives Teaching Students can identify information concerning bank service. Objectives To write about the procedures about doing bank service. ⑶ Emotion objectives Know about different bank services. (1) Master the key words and expressions of this period: open an account, draw money from an ATM, cash a check, exchange money… Important (2)To grasp the key sentences about bank services. (3)To talk about the procedures about bank services.. Points Teaching Teaching Difficult Points Teaching Methods Learning Methods Teaching Aids 1) Situational Approach 2) Topic Talking (1)How to guide the students to know the procedures about bank services. 1) Learning by experience 2) Learning by inquiry Multi-media The blackboard Teacher and ss’ activities. Step I Lead in 目的:本活动的目的是为整个单元的学习 活动做语言和知识的准备,帮助学生回忆再现描述bank services的词汇和有关the procedures的句式等。 Activity 1: Look and match 1


Explain the meaning of each expression and then match the pictures with expressions. Activity 2. Discuss how to finish the bank services Match the suggestions with the pictures in Activity1. a. Ask some ss to explain the Chinese meaning of the sentences. Help them if necessary. b. Match. c. Discuss and give the answers. 目的:本活动的训练目的是训练学生根据 听到的对话内容,归纳和概括对话的主旨Listening& 含义和把握细节信息的能力,训练学生听Speaking(20’) 力的同时,为学生口头表述做语言铺垫。 Activituy 3.Listen and choose. Students listen to the tape, check the answers. Keys: 1,4 Activity 4.Listen again and number the pictures, Keys: 2—4—1—3 Activity 5.Listen , read, and underline. Keys: Anything I can do for you. Exchange some RMB to Euros How much would you like to exchange? What’s the exchange rate today? Show me you passport Activity 6. a. learn two new words and phrases. Exchange rate an accountant Open foreign exchange caaount b. hen read the conversation silently, underline the sentences showing bank services. c. Read the conversation after the tape several times. d. Ask the students to make their own conversations, then ask some pairs to show their conversations, using key sentences: Anything I can do for you. Step II 2


Exchange some RMB to Euros How much would you like to exchange? What’s the exchange rate today? Show me you passport Please sign your name. Do you want a fixed deposit or a current deposit? Activity 7.Talk about bank services in pairs. They can use the following sentences. A: Anything I can do for you. B: Exchange some RMB to Euros A: How much would you like to exchange? B: 880RMB A: What’s the exchange rate today? B: 100RMB to 7.66Euto A: Show me you passport A: Please sign your name. A: Do you want a fixed deposit or a current deposit? B: Current one. Practice in pairs and ask some pairs to act in front of the class. Step III Oral practice(15’) Step IV Writing(6’) Step V Homework Make out the procedures of doing bank services. Recite activity 5. StepVI Blackboard design Exchange some RMB to Euros How much would you like to exchange? What’s the exchange rate today? Show me you passport. Please sign your name. Do you want a fixed deposit or a current deposit? Record after class 3



