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全能四年级下学期小学英语期末模拟试卷A卷《标准版》 A .expensive B .eighty C .eighteen 时间:90分钟 满分:100分 题号 一 二 三 总分 得分 一、基础练习(40分) 1. 选出相对应的答句。 A.They're under the bed. B.It's my father's. C.Try this. D.I'm eleven. E.So beautiful! (______)⑴How old are you? (______)⑵Where are my trousers? (______)⑶The hat is so big. (______)⑷Whose jacket is it? (______)⑸Look at my dress. 2. are shoes nice These (. ) ______ 3. 选出不同类的一项( ) 第 1 页4. are sunglasses These small too (. ) ______ 5. 选出正确的应答语。 ⑴Where is the art room ? ______A. Yes, it is. ⑵Do you a music room ? ______ B. It's a new computer. ⑶Is that the teacher's office? ______C. Forty-five. ⑷What's on the teacher's desk? ______D. It's on the first floor. ⑸How many students are there? ______ E. Yes, I do. 6. 他在什么时间做了什么? 1. (1) 2. (2) 3. (3) / 共 3 页 7. 看图完成对话内容。

A:What day is it today?

B:It's ______.

A:What lessons do you have? B:I have ______ and ______ .

8. We______ (有)Music , Maths and Chinese.


9. 选出不同类的单词( )

A .potato B .onion C .desk D .carrot 10. 阅读对话,完成选择和填空。

Five students are in different cities. They're talking about the weather.

Tom: It's cloudy in Beijing. I can play football with my friends.

Jim: It's sunny in Hainan. My family are going to swim.

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Bill: It's rainy in Qingdao. I have to stay at home and watch TV.

Andy: It's snowy in Harbin. I'll go outside to make a snowman.

Mark: It's windy in Shanghai. It's a good time to fly kites.

1. (1)What's the weather like in Qingdao?

A .It's sunny. B .It's rainy. C .It's windy.

2. (2)What can Mark do on the day?

A .He can swim. B .He can watch TV. C .He can fly kites.

3. (3)Are Jim's family going to make a snowman?

A .Yes, they are. B .No, they aren't. C .Yes, he is.

4. (4)Tom can ______ ______ on a cloudy day. 5. (5)Bill has to stay at home on a ______ ______. 6. (6)It's ______ in Beijing and it's windy


7. (7)It's sunny and hot in Hainan but it's snowy and______ in Harbin.

11. It's time for M______

12. What time is it? (看图回答)

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13. Peter likes basketball. A .play B .playing the C .playing 14. 选出不同类的一项( )

A .living room B .music room C .art room D .computer room

15. There many plants in my garden. A .is B .are C .am


16. My father likes at the weekend.

A .ride a bike B .rides a bike C .riding a bike 17. Can you help ______(I)? 18. 选择适当答语

⑴What does he like ?______ A、I'm not well .

⑵Do you have a new bicycle ?______ B、My head hurts .

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⑶How are you today ?______ C、Yes , I do .

⑷Can I help you ?______ D、He likes watching TV .

⑸What's the matter ?______ E、I want a hamburger .

19. 当你想告诉别人,“Kitty在7:15刷牙。”你要怎么说____

A .Kitty brush her teeth at a quarter past seven. B .Kitty brushes her teeth at a quarter past seven. 20. 你想说Peter周日和父母一起去沙滩,可以说:

A .Peter goes to the park with his friends on Sunday. B .Peter goes to the zoo with his family on Saturday. C .Peter goes to the beach with his parents on Sunday.

21. Please ____ and tell me about your New Year. A .write B .writes C .writing 22. —The class starts at eight.

—Oh, we are late. It's a quarter eight now. A .and B .past C .to

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