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【英语竞赛】 2018年高二英语竞赛+答案

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【英语竞赛】 2018年高二英语竞赛+答案

一, 单词拼写

1. As he was fluent in both languages, he had no problems s_________ from Chinese to English.

2. Usually a child’s behaviour is a r_________ of his family environment.

3. He u___________ a revolutionary task ten years ago. 4. He is a __________(有前途的) graduate student. 5. Babies are c________ about everything around them. 6. The speech made a strong i____________ on the listeners. 7. This is a f_______ plan, I think. 8. Wine or beer, which is your p_________?

9. She asked a famous a__________ to make plans for her cottage. 10. Let me r____________ you a new kind of soap. It’s better used for cotton clothes.

11. Whoever makes great c___________ to the company will get higher income.

12. Because the Christmas Day is a____________, my mother is

busy preparing for the food.

13. According to the weather f________, it’s going to snow


14. He put his heart into studying _________ (当代的) literature.


15. They have just p_________ a new house in the country. 16. He sets us a good example for __________(模仿). 17. The boy had to e_______ himself in the evening school. 18. Don’t be d___________. Go on trying and you will succeed in time.

19. P__________ is better than cure. Take care of yourself in daily life.

20. We found a d________ man in the river, and managed to save his life.

21. Soon an a___________ came and took her to the hospital as quickly as possible.

22. The driver was still c___________ when the doctor reached the

scene of the accident.

23. He had a strong sense of r_____________. 24. There is no a______ to the street through the door.

25. Could you i_________ your umbrella among a hundred ones. 26. I can’t p________ him to give up smoking just with simple words.

27. Why do you think we can’t change your note? On the c________, we can.

28. I sounds quite ________ (荒谬的) to expect someone to drive

for 3 hours just for a 20 minutes meeting.


29. She had a gold watch on her w_______ when she returned from abroad.

30. Air pollution is a serious problem in very large cities, e________

in developing countries.

31. We can tip the person’s head back s_________ to make sure that

his airway is open.

32. Seconds count in an e__________, and knowing what to do

means the difference between life and death. 33. You can come when it is c________ for you. 二. 语法和词汇知识

1.The chairman thought _______ necessary to invite professor Smith to speak at the meeting.

A. that B. it C. this D. him 2. ________ is reported in the newspaper, talks between the two countries are making progress.

A. It B. As C. That D. What

3. Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object and _______ it is rough or smooth.

A. whether B. / C. how D. what

4. Rather than ____ a crowded bus, he prefers ____ a bicycle to go


【英语竞赛】 2018年高二英语竞赛+答案


