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M1U1 Sharks: from birth to a life with helpers I. Word box

impression imagine powerful creature reproduce species hatch sac leathery predator case version leftover disk fasten…(to)scrap remove parasite mutually beneficial relationship remora symbiosis survive since illustrate /?m?pre?.?n/ /??m?d?.?n/ /?pa??.f?l/ /?kri?.t???/ /?ri?.pr??dju?s/ /?spi?.?i?z/ /h?t?/ /s?k/ /?lee.?r.i/ /?pred.?.t??/ /ke?s/ /?v??.??n/ /?left???.v??/ /d?sk/ /?fɑ?.s?n/ /skr?p/ /r??mu?v/ /?p?r.?.sa?t/ /?mju?t?u?li/ /?ben.??f??.?l/ /r??le?.??n.??p/ / 'rem?r? / /?s?m.ba????.s?s/s??va?v/ /s?ns/ /??l?stre?t/ n. 印象(impress v.给人印象) v. 想像 (imagination n.想象力) adj. 有力的 (power n.能力,能量) n.生物 (create v.创造) v. 繁殖 (produce v.生产) n. (生物)种类 v. 孵化 (hatched adj.已经孵化的) n. ‘动物.植物’囊; 袋 adj. 皮质的 (leather n.皮革) n. 掠食者 (prey n.捕食的对象) n. 箱子, 盒子 n. 版本 n. 剩饭, 残留物 n. 磁盘; 圆盘 (CD, DVD, U-DISK) v. 拴紧, 系 n. 碎片,残余物 v. 搬开 (removal company ) n. 寄生虫 adv.相互地 (mutual adj.相互的) adj. 有益的 (benefit v.有益于) n. 关系 (be related to 与…有关) n. 鲫鱼 n. 共生 v. 活下来, 幸存 (survival n.幸存) conj. 既然,因为 v. 举例说明

II. Phrase list

depend on carry on their lives lay eggs(laid-laid) as long as two years 依赖 继续他们的生活(繁衍) 下蛋,产卵 长达两年 可修改


up to twelve months feed on one another protect…from… No matter how… care for themselves take care of give birth close to for fear of being eaten as well as=besides in return by doing in this way call me Mike worry about

长达12个月 以…为食 互相 保护…免受…(伤害) 无论怎样… 照顾他们自己 照顾 生孩子 靠近 唯恐被吃 和 作为报答 通过做某事 以这种方式 叫我Mike 担心 III. Notes

1. One reason scientists worry about sharks disappearing is that humans are killing sharks faster than the sharks can reproduce.科学家担心鲨鱼消失的一个原因是:人类捕杀鲨鱼的速度要快于鲨鱼繁殖的速度。

2. Most pups are carried for up to twelve months. 大多数的幼鲨(在母鲨体内)被



携带着长达12个月。★are carried (be +done 构成被动语态)被携带 3. In other species, shark pups hatch from eggs (which are) laid by their mother. 在其

他鲨鱼物种里,幼鲨从母鲨鱼产下的蛋中孵化。★laid by their mother 过去分词短语作定语修饰前文的eggs。

4. When two different kinds of animals live together in this mutually beneficial way,

scientists call this relationship symbiosis, which simply means ‘living together.’ 当两个不同种类的动物以互惠互利的方式生活在一起,科学家把这种关系称之为共生,简单地说就是‘生活在一起’。 ★when…引导的时间状语从句;which引导的非限制性定语从句(用来补充说明symbiosis),which指代前文symbiosis。

M1U2 Are all sharks dangerous? I.

fin threaten cancer attack mistake shallow razor-sharp reduce include Word box

/f?n/ /?θret.?n/ /?k?ns?/ /??t?k/ /m??ste?k/ /???l.??/ n. 鳍; 鳍状物; 鱼翅 v. 恐吓, 威胁 n. 癌 n./v. 攻击 v. 误解 (n.错误) adj. 浅的 /?re?.z???ɑ?p/ adj. 锋利的 /r??dju?s/ /?n?klu?d/ v. 减少 v. 包括 (including prep包括) 可修改



