I also held them in contempt.
5. Just imagine how I have changed now. Here I stand, sentimental and sensitive, like an old unmarried woman painting a water-color picture of the sunset.
6. I want to enjoy beauty to my heart’s content before I die. 7. At this moment I am not the middle-aged journalist that people believe me to be, spending a holiday on an ocean-going liner. I have now become a liberated person, bathed in magic waters, and I feel I am like Endymion, a young and strong youth who has a god for his father and gifted with the power to see the world inspired by the gods at Olympus.
8. I feel that I am weightless and totally absorbed by the night and feel at peace with the night.
9. I imagine devoted religions people must feel as clean and pure as I do now when they leave the solemn confessional after gaining pardon for their sins.
10. In the same way I let myself freely imagine what the innermost part of Laura
?s character presents. She looks so severe outwardly, but inwardly she is full of tenderness---tenderness like delicate flowers waiting for the daring to discover them.
11. We human beings ought to learn from the wise bird,
knowing how far we can allow ourselves to go; knowing how much freedom of conduct we can allow ourselves to have. 12. Here I’m born anew, completely different from the past, changed excessively or to an unusual extent.
13. The Pacific Ocean alone is much larger than all the continents combined.
14. A storm that lasted two days has made me extremely excited and happy, but above all,I love these idle days in
which I throw off all the qualities, perspectives, values and everything else that made me as what I was: I’m born anew. Ⅻ
. 1) He has a good eye for water-colors. 他对水彩画很有鉴赏能力。
2) The daughter ventured to object to her parents' arrangement of her marriage.
女儿大胆的反对父母对她婚事的安排。 3.Pressed by poverty, he took to stealing. 在贫困的逼迫下,他开始行窃。
4) My long journey was beguiled with novels. 在旅途中,我看小说来消磨时间。 5) I suppose you have read Mark Twain. 我想你一定读过马克吐温的书。
6) He concentrated all his attention on this problem to the exclusion of all others.
他的全部注意力都集中在这个问题上,顾不上其他问题。 7 ,Our problems are piling up. We must solve them as quickly as we can.
问题堆积如山,我们必须尽快解决。 9) The sentries are relieved every four hours. 哨兵每四个小时换一次岗。
10) There was a touch of irony in his remark. 他的话里带有一定的讽刺味道。
ll) Memories of childhood are gradually receding. 我的童年回忆渐渐远去并变得模糊。
第十四课Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.R
1. \in very large numbers.\
2. Hitler was hoping that if he attacked Russia, he would win in Britain and the U.S. the support of those who were enemies of Communism.
3. Winant said the United States would follow the same policy.
4. I would say a word in favor of anyone who is attacked by Hitler, no matter how bad, how wicked or evil he had been in the past.
5. The Nazi state does not have any ideal or guiding principle at all. All it has is a strong desire for conquest and rule by the Aryan race, the allegedly most superior race in the world. 6. \see German bombers and fighters in the sky, which have suffered severe losses in the aerial
Battle of England and now feel happy because they think they can easily beat the Russian air force without heavy loss.\ 7. \shall be more determined and shall make better and fuller use of our resources.\
8. Let us strengthen out unity and our efforts in the fight against Nazi Germany when we have not yet been overwhelmed and when we are still powerful. Translation:
1. This is true of the rural area as well as of the urban area. 这对农村和城市都一样适用。
2. He was counting on their support.他指望他们给予支持。 3. I don't remember his exact words, but I'm sure he did say something to that effect.我不记得他是怎么说的,但我肯定他说话的大意是那样的。
4. The guests were overwhelmed by the warm reception.客人们对受到的热情招待感到过意不去。
5. They overwhelmed the enemy by a surprise attack.他们用出其不意的进攻打垮了敌人。
6. Their difficulty is our difficulty just as we view their victory as our own victory.他们的困难就是我们的困难,正如我们把他们的胜利看作是我们自己的胜利一样。
7. It is clear that German fascists were trying to subjugate the people in that region.很明显,德国法西斯企图使哪个地区的人民屈服于他们的统治。
(完整word版)高级英语 1 答案 (外研社;第三版;张汉熙主编)