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PartⅠVocabulary and Structure. (1*20)

1. Shall we ask the team leader____our suggestion again A. to consider

B. considering

C. consider D. considered

2. The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California measures_____that one.

A. as twice as long B. twice long as C. as twice long as D. twice as long as

3. It’s no good_____. You just have to put up with all these. A. complained

B. to be complaining C. complaining

D. to complain

4. You____have seen Jane in her room last Monday. She’s been out of city for a week. A. couldn’t B. didn’t C. mustn’t

D. shouldn’t

5. The brochure_____to give customers the information about our new products. A. designed B. is designed C. designs

D. has designed

6. You’d better not disturb me, I____letters all the morning and have written six so far. A. write

B. was writing

C. have been writing

D. am writing

7. ____is important is your attitude and I can say it decides everything. A. That B. It C. What

D. This

8. Smith is one of the brightest students who____from New York University A. have graduated B. graduated C. has graduated D. had graduated

9. The ability to use a language can be______only by the act of using

the language

A. acquired B. required

C. inquired D. acquired 10. _____her weekly wages, Sally got a lot of tips from her part-time job.

A. In addition to

B. Despite

C. In addition D. In spite of

11. _____the English examination I would have gone to the concert last night.

A. In spite of B. But for C. Because of D. As for

12. I need to move to a larger apartment. Do you know of any_____

ones in this neighborhood

A. vacant

B. bare C. blank

D. empty

13. You____ John in the street this morning,He’s been dead for ages. A. mustn’t see B. mustn’t have seen C. couldn't see D. couldn't have seen

14. You can do it if you want to, but in my opinion it’s not worth

the_____ it involves.

A. effort B. attempt C. force

D. strength

15. If they hadn't spent all the money on the stocks, their life____ so miserable at the moment.

A. would not have been B. will not have been C. are not D. would not be

16. His anger was_____ that he stood there speechless. A. so

B. very

C. as

D. such

17. That____

me of the days I spent in the countryside.

A. reminded B. remembered C. memorized

D. recalled

18. Students with financial problems are troubled by high tuition_____. A. money

B. costs

C. fees D. prices

19. The dish_____terrible! I don't like it at all.

A. tastes B. tasted C. will taste

D. is tasted

20. ______of the three sisters you choose to marry, you will have a good wife.

A. Whichever

B. Which

C. Whatever

D. Any

PartⅡ Reading Comprehension (2*20)

Passage one

Linkup, the APP Research and Development Company, has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor. The company says the effort involves using the power of information and technology to help people improve their lives.

James Lee works for —— the part of the company that gives money to good causes. He said the company’s first project will help to identify where infectious (传染性的) diseases are developing. In Southeast Asia and Africa, for example, will work with partners to

strengthen early-warning systems and take action against growing health threats.

’s second project will invest in ways to help small and medium-sized businesses grow. James Lee says microfinance (小额信贷) is generally

small, short-term loans that create few jobs. Instead, he says wants to develop ways to bring investors and business owners together to create jobs and improve economic growth.

will also give money to help two climate-change programs announced earlier this year. 56. One of these programs studies ways to make renewable (再生的) energy less costly than coal-based energy. The other is examining the efforts being made to increase the use of electric cars.

The owners of Linkup have promised to give about one percent of company profits and one percent of its total stock value every year. James Lee says this amount may increase in the future. 21. The purpose of Linkup’s investments is to ________.

A. develop new technology B. explore its own business C. help poor people

D. to set up new markets

22. According to James Lee, the company’s first project is to ________. A. discover where infectious diseases develop

B. establish a new system to warn people of infectious diseases C. find out the cause of infectious diseases D. cure patients of infectious diseases

23. What kind of businesses will benefit from Linkup. org’s second project _________

A. Foreign-funded corporations

B. Small and medium-sized businesses C. Large enterprises

D. State-owned

24. From the fourth paragraph, we learn that Linkup’s money is also invested to help _______.

A. conduct studies related to climate changes B. do some research programs

C. produce more advanced electric cars

D. research and develop renewable and coal-based energy

25. From the last paragraph we learn that the investments by come from ________.

A. some international IT companies B. the company’s own interests C. local commercial bank

D. Linkup’s profits and stock value

Passage two

Many post-80s couples are complaining that going to the movies, shopping or attending parties have become impossible since their kids were born. 57. That's the way most parents are living their lives, no weekends of their own, no time to visit friends, not even a chance of promotion in their jobs.

Asking help from their parents might be a way out, but problems are that some aging parents are not strong enough to take care of the kids, and that the kids may also become too spoiled by their grandparents.

Then, here comes a solution: families with kids can form a small

group, and parents of each family can take turns to look after all the kids in this group on weekends. Thus, other parents can have some quiet time and feel free to do something they've been planning for a long time. At the same time, the kids can make new friends and won’t be hanging around their parents all day long. This is baby-pooling.

26. Many post-80s couples can't go to the movies, shop or attend parties because_____


A. they have to look after their kids B. they have to look after their parents C. they are busy with their work

D. they have no money

27. In paragraph 2, “a way out” means ______ .

A. out of date B. a solution C. without question D. a complaint

28. According to the last paragraph, the solution to the problem of post-80s couples is that _____.

A. families with kids form a small group

B. they ask their aging parents for help C. they give up their jobs D. they lake their kids wherever they go 29. What is (are) the advantage(s) of baby-pooling

A. The parents can have much more free time. B. The kids can make new friends.

C. The kids won't be hanging around their parents all day long. D. All of the above.

30. The passage mainly discusses


A. post-80s couples and their friends B. post-80s couples and baby-pooling C. post-80s couples and their parents D. kids and their grandparents

Passage three

If you think 3D printing is only good for making delicate



