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II. 单项选择(10分)

1. Please give ______ this letter. It's ______.

A. I; mine B. him; his C. Maria; her D. you; your 2. -How do you usually go to school? - I usually go to school _________.

A. on bus B. on feet C. by foot D. on foot 3. Please _____ at six in the morning.

A. wake up him B. wake him up C. waking up him D. waking him up 4. -______ do you go to the shop? - Three times a week.

A. How many B. How often C. What time D. Where 5. I usually get up ______ ten past six in the morning. A. on B. in C. at D. under 6. - _______ does your sister go to school? - By bike.

A. What B. How C. Where D. Which 7. My sister often ______ after class.

A. play the piano B. plays the basketball C. plays the piano D. play basketball 8. We are in the same _______, but in different __________.

A. schools, grade B. school, grade C. school, grades D. school, grades 9. This is _______ room. It's big and nice.

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A. Lucy's and Lily's B. Lucy's and Lily C. Lucy and Lily's D. Lucy and Lily 10. - I'd like an orange. ________ - I'd like a banana.

A. Would you like it? B. What about you? C. How is a banana? D. Here you are. 11. We can't do it. Can you help ______?

A. we B. Her C. me D. us 12. The sweater _____ very nice.

A. look B. looks C. looks like D. likes 13. I'd like _____ fish. But I don't like ______ meat.

A. any, any B. some, any C. some, some D. any, some 14. - May I go shopping with you, Kate? -_________.

A. No problem B. You're welcome C. I like it very much D. Sure. Here you are 15. My parents _____ English teachers.

A. both are B. is both C. are both D. both is 16.Sometimes Lin Tao______ a bicycle over there.

A. rides B. is riding C. to ride D. ride 17. My friends ______ England.

A. is from B. are from C. come from D. B and C 18. - Is this pen his or hers?

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- _________.

A. Yes, it's hers B. No, it's his C. Yes, it is hers D. It's his

19. - Is this your computer? - Yes, _________.

A. it isn't B. it's mine C. it's D. 20. My family _______ a big family. My family ______ friendly.

A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is III. 完成句子 (10分) 1. 星期天我弟弟不做作业

My brother his on Sunday. 2. 你可以简称我迈克

You can me Mike . 3. 你能帮我个忙吗?

Could you __________ ___________ __________ ___________? 4. 我姐姐时常在外吃饭

My sister often . 5. 这是一张我家的照片

This is a my . 6. 我找不到回家的路。

I can't my . 7. 她的父母亲都是司机。

Her drivers. 8. 你想和我一起看电视吗?

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it's hers Do you want ______ ______ ______with me? 9. 你明天想出去野餐吗?

Would you like to ________ ________ _________ ________ tomorrow? 10. Jim高个子,圆脸。

Jin is tall _________ __________ __________ face. IV. 情景英语(10分)


1.---Would you like to have dinner with me? ---__________

A. OK, I'd love to. B. It is like C. I would D. Yes. Thank you. 2. ---Why not have a glass of milk? --- ____________

A. Good ideas. B. Good idea. C. I am full. D. What about you? 3. ---How do you like the soup? --- _____________

A. Good idea. B. No, thanks. C. Very much. D. Two , please. 4. ---Help yourself to some food, please. --- _________.

A. Yes, I'd love to. B. No, I don't like them. C. Here you are. D. Thank you.

5. ---May I take your order? --- ________.

A. Let me see. B. What about you? C. That's fine. D. What would you like?

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Bill:Help ____6_______.

Tom:____7_____. Well, I'd like some cakes and beef. Bill:Would you like ____8_____ cakes, Sam?

Sam:____9___, thank you. Give me an egg and some fish, please. Bill:What ___10______ you, Ann?

Ann:A hamburger and some French fries, please. Bill:Good. What would you like to ___11____?

Tom:A glass of ___12____, please. I like milk_____13______. Sam:I'd ___14___some apple juice. Ann:A cup of coffee ___15____ me, please.

C)从所给的六个选项中选出五个句子完成对话(有一项多余)。 A: Hi, Mike. Nice to see you again! B: __________ (16) A: Here's Lucy.

B: Hi, Lucy! Happy New Year!

C: The same to you! _________(17), Mike?

B: I usually take a bus to school. _________ (18)

C: I always come to school by bike. __________ (19)Listen. The bell is ringing. _______(20).

A. Oh! It's eight o'clock. B. Let's go to the classroom quickly. C. Nice to see you, too. D. How often do you usually come to school? E. What about you, Lucy? F. How do you usually come to school? V. 用动词的适当形式填空。(5分)

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