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Ingonyama nengw’ enambala.

一头狮子和一头豹子来到了这片开阔地。 Night 夜晚。

And the spirit of life. 和生命之神。 Calling –Oh,oh,iyo 在呼唤着 — 哦,哦,吚哟 Malmela –Oh,oh,iyo 听 — 哦,哦,吚哟

Uhu khosi bo khokho We ndodana ye sizwe sonke 祖先的王位。啊,荣耀石的王 Wait 等一等

There’s no mountain too great. 没有征服不了的高山。

Hear the words and have faith –Oh,oh,iyo 仔细聆听那些话语,坚定自己的信仰 — 哦,哦,吚哟 Oh,oh –Oh,oh,iyo 哦,哦 — 哦,哦,吚哟 Have faith –Hela, hey mamela 怀着信仰 — 嘿,听

Hela,hey mamela Hela, hey mamela,hela,hey mamela 嘿,听嘿,听嘿,听

He lives in you –Hela, hey mamela —他与你同在 — 嘿,听 He lives in me –Hela, hey mamela

—他与我同在 — 嘿,听

He watches over –Hela, hey mamela —他注视着 — 嘿,听

Everything we see –Hela, hey mamela —我们听见的万物 — 嘿,听 Into the watere –Hela, hey mamela — 他在水中 — 嘿,听 Into the truth –Hela, hey mamela — 他在真理中 — 嘿,听 In your reflection –Hela, hey mamela — 他就在你的倒影里 — 嘿,听

He lives in you –Ingonyama nengw’enambala

— 他与你同在 — 一头狮子和头子来到了这片开阔地 –Ingonyama nengw’enambala

一头狮子和一头豹子来到了这片开阔地 He lives in you 他与你同在

Hey, oh, yeah –He lives in you 嘿,哦,耶 —他与你同在 Hela, hey mamela 嘿,听

He lives in me –Hela, hey mamela 他与我同在 — 嘿,听 He watches over 他注视着

Everything we see –Hela, hey mamela — 我们所见的万物 — 嘿,听 Into the water –Hela, hey mamela — 他在水中 — 嘿,听 Into the trees –Hela, hey mamela — 他在树中 — 嘿,听

In your reflection 他就在你的倒影里 He lives in you 他与你同在

Ingonyama nengw’enambala

一头狮子和一头豹子来到了这片开阔地 Ingonyama nengw’enambala –He lives in you 一头狮子和一头豹子来到了这片地 —他与你同在


丁满:An, Pumbaa, look at that little guy! 啊,彭彭!看看这小家伙! A chip off the old block! 真是他老爸的翻版

And ya gotta know who’s gonna raise him. 你也知道谁会来抚养他。 Pumbaa: His parents?

丁满:–Okay, sure. Get technical 彭彭:—


But who’s gonna teach him the really important stuff? 谁来教他真正重要的事 Like how to belch. 象怎么打嗝 And dig for grubs? 和怎么觅食

I’m tellin’ya, buddy, it’s gonna be like old times 老伙伴,我跟你说,这就像以样 You, me, and the little guy. 你、我和这小子 It is a girl. –Girl.

是个女孩 —女孩 Girl? Oy. –Girl? Oh. 女孩? 哦 — 女孩? 哦 Wow! 哇噢! Whoa. 哇

Where do you think you’re going in such a hurry? 你这么匆忙是要去哪里啊? Daddy! Let go. 爸!放开我啦

Well, I just want you to be careful. 嗯,


Kiara, are you listening? Accidents can happen. 琪拉雅,你听进去没有?意外会发生

You could easily get hurt –“Hurt, or stepped on, or even get lost.” 你很容易… —

受伤或跌倒,甚至会迷路 And remember 还有,记住…

I want you to stay in sight of Pride Rock at all times. –“ at all times.” 我要在荣耀石范围里,片刻不离 — 片刻不离 I know. “And if I see any strangers, don’t talk to them.” 我知道,“如果我看到陌,别和他们说话 Come straight home. “Okay, okay. Can I go now?” “马上回家来” 好,好,我了吗? Please? –Mm –hmm. 拜托 — 嗯哼

Very funny. –Mind your father, Kiara. 真爱耍宝 — 要听爸爸的话,琪拉

Yes, Mom. –And stay away from the outlands. 好的,妈妈 —离蛮荒之地点

Nothing there but a bunch of backstabbing, murderous outsiders. 那里只有一群箭伤人又可怕的荒原人。 Zazu’s right. You cant’s turn your back on them. 沙祖说得对。你绝对不能背对们 Really? How come? 真的?为什么?

Nevere mind. Just run along now. 好了,你只管去玩吧

But, Dad, I You’ll understand someday. Go on. 但是,爸爸,我… — 你就会了解的,去吧 Dad! 爸爸!

And stay on the path I’ve marked for you. 呆在我替你做过记号的路上

Simba. Who does she remind you of, hmm? 辛巴,她让你想起了谁,嗯? Huh? What? Who? 呃?什么?谁?

She’s just like you were when you were young. 她就跟你年轻的时候一模一样

Exactly! Do you realize the dangers we put ourselves in? 没有错!你知道这会们带来什么危险? Uh! –You mean the dangers you put us in. 呃! — 你是说就像你以前一? Hmm. 嗯

She’ll be fine. 她会没事的

Hey, Timon! Pumbaa! Come here.



