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课 题: Unit 6 Alet’s talk 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 课 时 1 1. 熟读对话部分。 2. 掌握和灵活运用句型:What are they doing? What is he / she doing? 1. 能熟读对话部分。 2. 能用英语表达和提问某人正在做什么 教 学 过 程 Step1 : Review 1. T: Is ChenJie doing morning exercises ? S: Yes ,she is . T: Are the students having English class? S: No, they aren’t. T: What is Yifan doing ? S: He is walking. T: What is Mike doing ? S: He is listening to music. T: What are they doing ? S: They are doing morning exercises. (板书问句,并强调划线的地方) 2. Read last lesson’s words. Step 2. Presentation 1. Listen to the tape of Let’s try part and finish exercise.(老师讲解录音中的重点句子) 2. Teach words and phrases : cute , They like bamboo. Do you see any elephants? Look there ! (板书这些重点句子,单词) 3. T: What’s this ? S: It’s a monkey. T: Teach words: bamboo, cute T: Whose like to eat bamboo? S: Pandas. 4. T: Look at the picture. What are the monkey doing? S: They are playing . T: What are the pandas doing? S: They are eating lunch T: What is the elephant doing ? S: It’s drinking water. 5. Listen to tape and read it . 1

6. Students read understand this part. Step 3. Consolitation 1. I point ,you say .(老师指一个句子,学生就读那个句子,看谁最快) 2. 分组和分角色朗读课文。. 3. Drill .(灵活运用本节课的句型) S1: What is he doing ? S2: He is eating dinner. S1: What are you doing ? S2: I am reading a book. S1: What are they doing ? S2: They are watching TV. Step 4. Exercice 作业或活动设计 1、抄写对话,并写出汉语意思。 2、熟读对话 板书设计 Unit 6 Work quietly ? What are they doing ? They are eating lunch. They’re so cute. What’s the little monkey doing ? Do you see any elephants? 教学反思


课 题: Unit 6 Alet’s learn 课 时 2 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 1. 掌握新单词和短语:doing morning exercises, having…class, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music. 2. 掌握句型:What is Chenjie /she /he doing? What are the students /they /you doing? 1. 能掌握新的单词和短语。 2. 能理解并运用新的句型。 教 学 过 程 Step1 : Review/Warm-up 1. T: When is your birthday? S: My birthday is on April 8th. T: Whose storybook is that ? S: It’s yours. T: Whose pen is that ? S: It’s Sarah’s . /It’s hers. T: Is he drinking water ? S: Yes, he is . T: Are these rabbits eating ? S: No, they aren’t.(板书这些句子,也可留空让学生填) 2. Review unit5’s content. Step 2. Presentation 1. T: Look at the picture .What’s Chen Jie doing? S: (做早操) doing morning exercises. T: Follow me doing morning exercises. Use the same way to learn other words: having…class, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music.(老师要板书单词的原形) 2. Sentences: T: What is Chen Jie / he /she doing? S: He / She is eating lunch T: What are the students / they/you doing? S: They /We are listening to music. Step 3. Consolitation 1. Teacher say English, students say Chinese, And then exchange. 2. Teacher show word card, student say words. 3. 灵活运用本节课句型:. S1: What is Zhang Peng doing ? S2: He is


reading a book. S1:What are Sarah and ChenJie doing ? S2: They are eating lunch. Step 4. Exercice 作业或活动设计 1、抄写单词:having…class, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music… 2、熟读单词和短语。 板书设计 Unit 6 Work quietly ? What is he /she doing ? What are they/you doing ? doing morning exercises He/ She is having…class eating lunch They / We are reading a book listening to music 教学反思


课 题: Unit 6 Let's spell Read and write 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 课 时 3 1. 能拼读含有字母组合wh的单词。 2. 能理解Read and write 部分并完成相关的练习题。 1. 掌握字母组合wh的发音。 2. 理解和读Read and write 部分。 教 学 过 程 Step1 : Warm up 1. T: Whose ruler is this ? S: It’s mine. T: Whose schoolbag is that ? S: It’s hers . T: What is she doing? S: She is reading a book. T: What are they doing? S: They are having English class. 2. Spell these words :chicken, shirt, shorts, sing, pink. library, grapes. Step 2. Presentation 1. Teach letters wh pronunciation /w/ /h/ 2. Spell some words : what when where whose who 3. Listen to the tape and follow read it. 4. Teach these sentences: What are you saying ? What are you doing? Are you cooking? (理解这些句子,并知道如何回答) Step 3.Consolition 1. Spell words: what / white wait / when weather / whose who / wall 2. Read “read and write” and finish exercises. 3. Read this part together. Step 4. Exercice 作业或活动设计 1、熟读Read and write 部分。 2、复习本单元的单词和句子。 5



