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2015~2016学年度第一学期期末抽测 九年级英语试题



1. What will they do this afternoon?

2. What time is the man leaving?

3. Where does the man usually go at weekends?

4. How many relatives will visit Julie's family tomorrow? A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three. 5. What kind of music does Nick prefer?

A. Country music. B. Rock music. C. Classical music.

6. Why is Lucy laughing? A. Because Paul is wearing different shoes. B. Because Paul has a funny hairstyle. C. Because Paul fell over in the rain. 7. Where are they probably speaking?

A. At school. B. In hospital. C. At home. 8. What is the woman learning to do?

A. Wash clothes. B. Repair. C. Cook. 9. What will the girl do tomorrow?

A. See a movie. B. Read a novel. C. Take an exam. 10. What do we know about the school?

A. It's a very new school. B. It has a history of 100 years. C. There are many old buildings in it. 第二节:听下面两段材料,每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正的答案。每段材料读两遍。听第一段材料,回答第11至12小题。 11. What's wrong with Philip?

A. He has a headache. B. He has a stomachache. C. His leg hurts. 12. What's Philip's sitting-room like? A. Small. B. Big. C. Noisy. 听第二段材料,回答第13至15小题,完成信息记录表。 What's the relationship between Tom and Mike? 13_________ Who was beaten one day? 14_________ What did Tom do before the judge? 15_________ 13. A. Friends. B. Neighbours. C. Strangers. 14. A. Tom's father. B. Mike. C. A boy.

15. A. He told the troth. B. He kept the secret. C. He told lies. 第三节:听一段对话,填入所缺的单词。对话读两遍。 Woodland Language School Enrolment Form (报名表) Name: James 16 Telephone number: 17 Language to learn: 18 Name of the branch school: 19 Point Language level: 20 二、选择填空(每小题1分,共15分)

2 i. --Is it OK if I keep this photo? -- . I have another copy.

A. Sorry, no B. No, I'm not sure C. That's right D. Yes, that's fine 22. Yunlong Lake is near Yunlong Hill. You can easily visit ________ in a day. A. both B. all C. neither D. none 23. Hepburn acted so well that some people mistook her _______ a real princess. A. on B. for C. with D. as 24. Stop smoking, Paul! You ______ yourself if you keep smoking like that! A. will kill B. have killed C. kill D. killed 25. World War II ________ in Europe in 1939 and ended in 1945.

A. worked out B. took out C. broke out D. went out

26. --How was your holiday? --It was . I lost my camera on the first day! A. excellent B. useful C. fine D. terrible 27. I think the film Roman Holiday is worth ________ a second time.

A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. being watched 28. When you are sad, you may say \

A. green B. blue C. yellow D. red

29. --Your sandwich looks bigger than mine. -- . Look closer. They are exactly the same! A. You are right B. Of course C. I see D. I can't agree 30. My grandparents __ in that city since they married.

A. will live B. have lived C. live D. were living 31. --How clean your car is! --Thank you. It ______ three times a week. A. is washed B. will wash C. was washed D. has washed

32. --I saw David in the teachers' office this morning. Do you know ______ he was there? --He went there to hand in his homework.

A. how B. if C. why D. when 33. I get scared easily. I hate ________.

A. horror films B. romantic films C. science fiction films D. action films 34. You will not realize your dream ________ you try your best.

A. if B. unless C. because D. when 35. --Why did Jim lose his job?

--I didn't say he had lost his job. All I said was that if he was as lazy as he used to be, he _____ find himself

looking for a new job soon.

A. can B. should C. must D. might 三、完形填空(每小题1分,共15分) Dear Amy,

From your letter, I'm surprised to know that you want to be 36 after leaving school.

Being a model for a living isn't easy. In fact, a famous person like me has lots of 37 . I can't eat what I like, though I'm 38 . Keeping slim 39 me look more beautiful. Nobody would like to see a 40 model.

What's more, sometimes I have to wear 41 coat in the hot sun, a swimming suit in the cold air. I 42 dogs, but I have to hold one when needed. That's terrible. And practising 43 nicely every day is tiring for me.

You might say I made much money from this job. But my dear niece, you have to know money isn't 44 , while knowledge is important. Everyone should go to school. I hope I can 45 my job and go on with my studies. 46 it's difficult for me to go back to school again. I'm too old.

You're a 47 with a good future. You only have one year to finish your studies in high school. A year is really short. Please think about my words carefully before you make a 48 . Of course, there is one thing that I really care about, and 49 is your happiness.

Please 50 hello to your parents for me. Lots of love, Aunt Zoe

36. A. a detective B. a stuntman C. an actress D. a model 37. A. troubles B. questions C. activities D. presents 38. A. thirsty B. hungry C. tired D. cold 39. A. makes B. make C. made D. making 40. A. slim B. tall C. heavy D. lively 41. A. a thick B. a beautiful C. an expensive D. a modern 42. A. love B. hate C. admire D. praise 43. A. singing B. running C. walking D. dancing 44. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 45. A. get up B. pick up C. give up D. take up 46. A. And B. But C. So D. Or

47. A. young boy B. stubborn boy C. stubborn girl D. young gift 48. A. plan B. choice C. decision D. study 49. A. this B. that C. which D. who 50. A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak 四、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)


Visit Santa Claus in Lapland

It will soon be that time of year again when a large old man with a white beard, wearing a red coat and black boots comes down your chimney to visit your children and leave presents for them to enjoy. Why not take the children to Lapland this December to see the old man in his own home? Your five-day trip includes:

◇ Return flights and transport to and from the airport ◇ Three nights in a traditional log cabin ◇ Welcome dinner

◇ Writing a letter to Santa ◇ Visit to the Lapp Museum ◇ Visit to a reindeer farm

◇ Skiing, skating and ice fishing

◇ Visit to Santa Claus for children aged 2 to 11, with a gift ◇ Visit to the Santa Shopping Center ◇ Goodbye lunch

◇ CD or video souvenir

Give your children the best winter holiday ever. Book early to avoid disappointment! 51. What festival are they celebrating?

52. What is this?

A. A notice. B. An advertisement. C. An application. D. An interview. 53. Who is this most probably written for?

A. Parents. B. Children. C. Pupils. D. Guides. 54. \

A. food B. clothes C. house D. animal B

Anne is from Belgium. Now she is an exchange student in London. She finds everybody here is very kind to her, but there are times when she thinks of home and gets rather sad. She sometimes gets a little tired of English cooking. Once a week she goes to Soho. Soho is a part of London where there are all sorts of restaurants, French, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Indian, and Chinese. So when she's tired of English cooking, she goes to one of the Soho

restaurants. Sometimes she even has a bottle of wine! Wine isn't cheap in England. It isn't something she drinks every day.

English people do not talk as much as other people do. Anne has often traveled by train and nobody has spoken to her during the journeys. She knows one Englishman who is unusual--he speaks seven languages! He can also be silent in seven languages! But Anne has found one way to make him talk. He's interested in mountain climbing. If people ask him about climbing, he's always ready to talk. 55. According to Anne, which sentence is TRUE about British people? A. They often drink wine. B. They talk too much

C. They are kind to her. D. They prefer staying at home. 56. What is special about the Englishman that Anne knows?

A. He is always travelling by train. B. He speaks seven languages. C. He eats lots of English food. D. He is always silent. 57. What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Anne's hometown. B. Anne's likes and dislikes. C. Anne's favourite food. D. Anne's life in London. C

This is radio station KSRF in Santa Monica, California. It's time for the noon weather report, brought to you today by the English Coffee Shop on Montana at 7th Street in Santa Monica -- open 24 hours a day with the best food in Santa Moniea.

At twelve o'clock, the sun is out after a cloudy morning. The wind is from the west at three miles an hour, and the temperature is twenty-eight degrees with waves which are two to three feet high. Good waves! If you are driving to the beach this afternoon, park at the north end of beach. The South and parking field is already full. Have a good time at the beach!

The weather report has been brought to you by the English Coffee Shop on Montana at 7th Street in Santa Monica -- open 24 hours a day with the best food in Santa Monica. 58. What can we learn about the radio station?

A. k sells advertising time. B. It is easy to park at the beach.

C. It is owned by the English Coffee Shop. D. It is on Montana at Seventh Street in Santa Monica. 59. What will the weather be like?

A. Cloudy. B. Cold. C. Stormy. D. Fine 60. What sport is suitable at Santa Monica Beach?



on, so that, matter, lasted, and, but also 61. The TV is always at nay home. 62. The opera for one and a half hours. 63. Say it louder everyone can hear you.

64. Through hard work, Spud Webb proved that size and body type does not . 65. I love English. I speak English not only in class at home. B)用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

66. I am much (small) than the other kids at school. 67. I am old enough to look after (I). 68. Sue and Nick are the (win) of the Writing Competition. Congratulations! 69. Tom was last seen (leave) his office at about seven p.m. yesterday. 70. Audrey Hepburn passed away ________________ (peace) in her sleep. , C)用所给动词的正确形式完成短文。

Wilkie Collins was born in London, England, in I824. He was very famous for 71 (write) plays, novels, and short stories. The Moonstone 72 (be) one of Collins's most famous and popular novels. In this story, an expensive diamond, called the Moonstone, 73 (steal). The characters try to find out who did it, and why. During the course of the story, several characters die, adding to the suspense (悬疑) of the novel. In fact, it is very difficult 74 (decide) who has taken away\end of the story.

I love this novel so much that I 75_____________ (read) it twice last year. Am I crazy? 六、任务型阅读(第76—85小题每题1分,第86—9。小题每题2分,共20分) A)阅读填词。根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。

My name is Richard Harmay. I was born in Scotland. When I was six years old, my father took me to Rhodesia, in Africa. I grew up there and became an engineer. I came to England thirty years later. I had enough money and didn't need a job. I decided to retire and live in England for the rest of my life. When I arrived in London, I visited all the famous places. I was bored after one week. Then I visited famous restaurants and theaters. I was bored after one month. After just three months, I was ready to return to Rhodesia. I decided that I did not like England and did not want to live there. I didn't like the weather. I didn't like the talk of ordinary Englishmen. I could not get enough exercise. I needed to have adventure (冒险) in my life, and England did not seem to offer any adventure at all.

Then, one afternoon in May in 1914, something happened.

I had dinner out and went to a show afterward. It wasn't very interesting, and I left early. I went to my flat, which was on the first floor. I was just putting my key into the keyhole when I saw a man beside me. I didn't hear him coming, so I was surprised. He was a thin man with no hair and small eyes. I recognized him. He lived in a flat on the top floor.


I nodded and opened the door to let him in. He hurried in and looked around the flat, making sure that there was no one else there. Then he locked the door.

\f person a man can trust. Will you help me?\

\ Richard Harmay's story Scene 1 In Rhodesia, Africa: He was born in Scotland and was taken to Rhodesia at the age of 76___________. He was an 77______________ and made a lot of money. Scene 2 30 years later, back in London: He found life in England was 78____________. He disliked the weather and ordinary Englishmen's 79______________. He couldn't get enough 80____________ arid he needed to have adventure. Scene 3 His flat on the 81___________ floor: He Saw a man beside him when he tried to open his door. He felt very surprised because the man did not make any 82____________. It was the 83____________ man living on the top floor, with no hair and small eyes. The man said he could 84______________ Richard and that he needed Richard's help. Richard 85_______________ to listen to him. B)阅读短文,回答问题。 Dear Mr. Friend, After we finished high school, my friend John joined a band. Now he hangs out with his new friends. We make plans, and he doesn't show up. He never used to let me down like that. Worse, last week, he got into trouble for drinking and driving. We didn't use to argue (争吵) , but now we never get along. We fight all the time. I hate to see him get into trouble. He says I shouldn't tell him what to do. Can I save this friendship? Simon Dear Simon, Sometimes friends grow apart when one person discovers new interests. But don't give up. You could talk to John. Tell him why you are worried and that you'll be there for him if he needs any help. Make sure you listen to what he has to say and try not to sound too bossy. Unluckily, some of John's new interests aren't healthy, and



