exchanged the grain for promissory note 期票;约定支付的票据 .This lO.meant 意味着 a writte of wome n in prese nti ng and man ageme nt roles.
' m Chinese as well. I don n promise to pay back a 11.sum 金额 of money to some one. Really, these storehouses can be Janet: Well, maybe, but I see n as the first ban ks. Prese nter: I see.
' t think I on a British TV
Andy: Gender and racial stereotyping. I mean, it depends on what job and sometimes where you
Tara: So over a great many cen turies banks became places where money was 12.deposited 存 work in London, of course, but gen erally, Londoners are proud of their multi-eth nic com muni ty.
Especially the Chin ese, because cook great food! and lent 贷.And they 13.guaranteed 保证 that a note 票据 of a certain value could be excha nged for a certa in amount of silver.
Presenter: And then there was the gold standard 金本位,wasn' t there?
Janet: Now who' sdoing the stereotyping! But seriously, look at all these smart women walk ing to work. Are they all secretaries or man agers?
Tara: Yes, the gold standard was 14.applied 应用 all over the world from 1870 to 1915 but it was An dy: OK, it ' s a good poin t. I think that many wome n man age to get middle man ageme nt slowly 15.abandoned 抛弃.
Prese nter: Whe n did it become easier Unit 5 Gen der studies Con versati on1
An dy: I loved the questi on you asked Tim Pears on about finan cial crisis. Janet: Well, I shouldn
' t have asked it. After all he is an expert!
jobs in most professions. But it ceiling.
Janet: What ' s the glass ceiling?
Andy: It ' s the situation where a woman is successful in a company, but then she hits the glass ceili ng- this in visible (不可见的,隐形的) barrier which stops her going any higher in her career. Con versati on2 Andy: It
' s partly prejudice by men about women
' s true that a lot of them talk about the glass
Andy: There you go again, you ' re always putting yourself down. You don ' t know how to take a Jan et: So what do you thi nk causes the glass ceili ng? complime nt (称赞,恭维)
Janet: True. I never find it easy to accept praise. Do you think women have been con diti oned to whe n wome n take time off to have childre n; they don whe n they return to work. Jan et: It not fair. accept criticism (批评,指责) ? Andy: Well, I thinkthat ' s gender stereotyping (对 …产生成见,模式化).Do you think that men are good at accept ing complime nts?
Jan et: Well, they seem to be able to deal with criticism much better. Andy: Don ' t you believe it!
Jan et: Any way, tha nk you, I accept your complime nt. Andy: Not only that, but I think you Janet: I
' m not so sure. I haven
' d make a really TV presenter. ' t seen many women in television here.
Andy: You' reright, it ' not fair. I read here that only five to ten percent of the top companies in America and British are run by women.
Jan et: That ' s extraord in ary! In China there appears to be more wome n in top jobs, but I may be wrong.
An dy: And look, here are some more statistics. About 60 perce nt of uni versity graduati ons in Europe and North America are women. And something like 75 percent of the eight millio n new jobs in Europe have bee n filled by wome n.
Jan et: So the perce ntage of wome n in the total workforce is grow ing.
An dy: You got it! But wome n in the UK are in a slight majority — there are more wome n tha n
Andy: Well, in the media in general, I can assure (确保,使确信) you that there are lots
Janet: Do you think it
' s especially bad in the UK, and in London especially?
s abilities in management. But it 't always recover the same powe
dyrslNopreaenteJome jobs which were traditi on ally done by wome n, like nursing, 11
ll be accepAnare
now also done by men, and like engineering which are done by women. And there are pienty of shown as 9.objects 对象 in ads rather than as real people, and until that stops I really don ' t women ' s football teams!
Janet: Women ' s football! We have women ' s football in China too. Andy: Mind you, their matches don Jan et: I give up. What else has cha nged?
Andy: I think fathers spend more quality time with their children today. But I bet you it still the wome n who spe nd most look ing after the childre n and the home. Janet: I guess that ' s true everywhere.
Andy: Anywa y, I am going home to watch the match on TV . The local women course. Janet: It ' s typical of you men! You always bring it back to football! Andy: And that
' s typical of you women! You always bring it back to gender stereotyping.
' t get many spectators!
think we can say that feminism has gone too far. I agree that in advertisements these days men aren ' t always shown as super-masculine 阳刚的,but that' s good and much n earer the truth. Speaker4: Ads are about selling and I guess selling the idea that men are weak makes people laugh. And if people laugh at an ad they are more likely to remember it and therefore more likely to buysthe product. But on the whole 总的来说 ,I' d 10.disagree 不 同意;I think men are still shown driving expensive cars and working, you know-looking ll.powerful 强大的.Then coming
home to their wives who look after the children.
s team, oSpeaker5: Well I find the way men are shown in ads annoying. There ' s that one where this
woma n is angry with her 12.part ner 酉己偶 for his choice of car 13. in sura nee 保险.The idea is that she' s smart and he' s 14.dumb 笨的.
Speaker6: I' ve never really thought about it. I think it ' s just to make people laugh, isn ' t? To show the guy as a bit of an 15.idiot 笨蛋 and the woman as the boss. It's just a joke. I don' t really know much about feminism. I don ' t think so, no. Unit 6 All in the past Con versati on1
J:I thi nk this is my favourite view in the whole of London .Big Ben is really a importa nt part of the life of the coun try. A:It's well worth a visit.
Li:So are you say ing that you can go up Big Ben?
A:Sure, I went up when I was a kid.1 can highly recommend( 极力推荐 )it.
J;That would be a great idea for the website.Do a report on a visit to the House of Parliame nt and Big Ben.
Li:So you mean that I can just go to the entrance and ask to go up the tower? need to get permission from your Member of Parliament.
Conversation2 P51-5 选择题答案 bccab Passagel
Presenter: Has feminism 女权主义,男女平等主义 gone too far in the way men are shown in advertiseme nts? Do you think there are too many ads now in which men are show n as l.stupid 愚蠢的 or weak?
Speaker 1: 2.Definitely 当然,yes. I can think of three ads right now where men are shown as stupid. The one that 3.annoys 使恼火; 生气 me most is the one where this guy is doing this DIY job and he ' s no good at it. And his girlfriend is standing by waiting to do the job herself. Fine, if it was one ad, but it ' s not, it' s a whole 4.attitude 态度 now to' s not good for us, it ' s not good for women either.
Speaker 2: Um, well, yes, I do feel that feminism has gone too far. I mean, great, wome n have made a lot of 5.progress 进步 in the last 40 years, but it shouldn ' t mean we treat men as
6.inferior(等级或地位 ) 低等的,次要的 ,which is what we see in quite a few ads these days. A:Well, I'm not too sure,actually.But I can try and find out.Come to think of it,I'm pretty sure you So no, I don't really like the way men are 7.portrayed 描绘 in advertisements. Speaker 3: Has
feminism gone too far in advertisements? No way! Feminism has only just begun, there's no real J;Ah,you and I don't have on e,because we aren't UK reside nts.So I guess that means we can't 8.equality 平等 of pay in this country, and men still have all the top jobs. Women continue to be go up Big Ben
A; I don't really kno w,to be hon est.But it is also well worth tak ing a tour around the House of Parliame nt .
Li:So, what you are say ing is that visitorslike myself can go in to the most importa nt gover nment buildi ng in the coun try?Well, I'd love to do that.
A; I think they do tours in the summer.But there is a trick question:can you actully see Big Ben from here?
J:I have n't a clue(我没有一点思绪). Li:Well...yes.That's it up there, is n't it?
A:Wron g,i n fact, Big Ben is the n ame of the bell, and not the clock tower J;l had no idea.
A;So if you can do tours round Big Ben and the House of Parliame nt, why don't we put someth ing about it on the websites?
J:Fine by me,you OK to do the research?
A:No problem.But can we get somone from the House of Parliame nt to update us?
J;Sure, actually I know some one who works there, I will give her a call now and see if she can meet us at lunch time. Con versati on2 J:Hi,Sarah S;Hi, guys
J:Tha nks for coming
A:So can you tell us what you know about the House of Parliame nt ? S:Sure
J:So tell us about Big Ben
S:Big Ben is widely believed to be the clock tower, but in fact it is the bell at the top A:And whe n was the tower built S:In 1859
J:A nd how old are the House of Parliame nt? S:They are completed in 1850
J:So none of these buildi ng we can see are really old?
S:No,that's not what I'm trying to say. Er, the oldest part of the ancient Palace of Weatminster is
Weatminster Hall,which dates back to the 11th century.Er, it would appear that it was used for en terta ining and as a court room.
A:So how did the system of Parliame nt we know now first start
S: It seems that over hundreds of years Parliament we know has developed into two houses-the House of Lords and the House of Com mons with elected represe ntatives from all over the country
Li:And they are what you call MPs?
S:Yes,there is little doubt that they were the first MPs although not every one had the right to bote in these days.
Li:So who is more powerful, the King, the Queen, or the prime minster ?
S:Well, it is widely though that the king or queen has more powerful.But it's the government which is elected by the people and the prime minster is the leader of the government.So he or she is considered to be the most powerful person in the country Li:That's fasci nat in g!But what's even more amaz ing is how old is the House of Parliame nt are?
A:Two large houses, one palace, one hall .1 won der if there 's a spare room Li:What do you mean ?
A:Well, I was annoyed to be told that I have to move out of my flat.I was even more furiour to lear n that I have to leave by n ext month Li:So what will you do
A:Search me!I would do with a royal palace to live in. Conversation2 P63-6 选择题答案 cacba Passage1
Just as Chinese children learn about the 1.emperors 皇帝 of China, English children learn about En gla nd's history through its kings and quee ns. There have bee n many more kings than queens but one of the greatest and most loved rulers of England was a woman--Queen Elizabeth I. During her 2.reign 统治 in the second half of the 16th century Elizabeth made England rich from international 贸易 and also defeated打败 one of the most frightening 恐怖的 4.invasions 入侵 England ever faced.
Elizabeth's father, Ki ng Henry VII, had six wives — he 5.divorced 离婚 two of them and executed 处死 two. Elizabth's mother, Queen Anne Boleyn, was Henry's second wife and one of
Jan et: What sort of price range are you look ing for?
ntlhan 400 hun dred pounds per week.
no tice to leave. It
those whom he executed, whe n Elizabeth was three years old. Elizabeth, who was born in 1553, Jan et: That sounds like a lot of mon ey.
An dy: Yes, you are right. London is one of the most expe nsive cities in the
was very 6.intelligent 聪明的,talented 有天赋的,and, usually for a woman, received an 7.excellent An dy: well, I can
whole world.
优秀的 education. However, for much of her early life she was afraid that she would be executed
Any way, this one looks quite promis ing. One bedroom for rent in a flat in Shepherd' s
like her mother. But after the death of her half-brother 同父异母兄弟 and half-sister, she became
Bush, shared with three other people.
Queen in 1558 at the age of 25. All the rulers of Europe wan ted to marry her and Elizabeth
Janet: What ' s the rent?
8.advisors 顾问;劝告者 also wan ted her to marry and have a son. But Elizabeth n ever did,
Andy: 110 pounds per week. It ' s a bit more than I can afford but let
because she was afraid a husba nd would try to con trol her.
Joe: Jan et.
One of Elizabeth's greatest problems was her cousin 表妹,Marry, Queen of Scots 苏格 兰
An dy: I will try it quickly before we start work.
人.Marry believed she should have been ruler of England. 9.Believing that her cousin was a dan
Joe: Jan et, are you in the studio?
ger to her as long as 只要 she 10.rema ined 仍然 alive, Elizabeth impris oned 关 押,监禁
Janet: Hi there Joe, I ' m here.
Marry in 1568 and fin ally executed her in 1587. The Ki ng of Spai n 西班牙, Philip II, had once
Joe: Can you tell Andy that I ' d like to have a word with him when he comes in?
wan ted to marry Elizabeth but the two coun tries the n became en emies. Marry, Queen of Scots
shared the same 11.religion 宗教 as Philip, and her death gave the Ki ng an 12.excuse 借口 to Andy: Tell him I ' m not in yet. go to war with En gla nd. At the same time Spa in was the most powerful country in Europe and Janet: Andy, you really shouldn
Ok, Joe. I ' ll tell,hOK! in 1558 Philip 13.assembled 集结 a huge navy海军 called the Spainish Armada. It 14.sailed 航行 for England with the 15.intention 意图 of invading it. Quee n Elizabeth made a famous
' t ask me to tell lies. I
' ll pretend I don
Hurry up, otherwise he will catch you.
' t in?
speech to her soldiers, in which she said: \虚弱的,Joe: Oh ,and Janet …Oh I thought you told me he wasn
Janet: I ' m sorry,Joe. I didn ' t understand ........................... 无力的 woman, but I have the heart and stomach 精神; 傲气 of a king, and of a King of En gla nd too.\defeated.
By the time she died in 1603, Elizabeth was ruler of one of the most powerful and richest countries in the world.
Passage1 P68-4 选择题答案 bbcddd Unit 7 No place like home Con versati on1
Jan et: SO whe n do you have to move out.
An dy: Well, my Ian dlord has give n me four weeks easy to find somewhere immediately.
An dy: Hello, yes,I was won deri ng if the room was still vaca nt Joe: Well, tell him that if it own time.
Jan et: But he is look ing for a new flat.
on aicala persan do it outside bus in ess hours, in his
Joe: Sorry, not in terested. An dy, put the phone dow n, or you will be look ing for a new job as well.
Andy: It isn't ?Ok, thanks …Bye,too late, it ' alr eady gone.Pity,it sounds really good. Oh ,hi Joe! Joe: Andy, I really wish you wouldn
' t make private calls at work.



