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1.He has made great progress his mother is very pleased with him. A. so;that B. enough;to C. so;too D. such;that 【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:他已经取得了如此大的进步以至于他的妈妈对他非常满意。如此……以至于,so+形容词/副词+that...或such+形容词+名词+that..., 根据句子中的great progress意思是很大的进步,是名词短语, 故用such…that,故选D。 【点评】考查短语辨析。掌握so/such...that...的区别。

2.—In shopping centers of most foreign countries, we can see many products made in China. —What we need is ________ \way to go.

A. both…and B. not only…but also C. neither…nor D. either…or 【答案】 B

3.He knows a lot, ________ he is just a child.

A. however B. though C. and D. because 【答案】 B

4.—The air pollution is terrible.

—It will be worse ______ we take action to protect the environment.

A. if B. unless C. until D. when 【答案】 B

5.—Could you tell me more about the movie Frozen II __________ you have watched it. —No problem. But you'd better watch it in person __________ I can't express its beauty. A. since; so B. unless; as C. since; as 【答案】 C

6.Tom's father was cleaning the car _______________ his mother was doing housework. A. although B. as C. since D. while 【答案】 D

7.She got up very early that day __________ she could catch the first train. A. because B. if C. though D. so that 【答案】 D

8.She got up late, __________ she missed the bus.

A. so B. because C. though D. but 【答案】 A

9.You'd better travel around Nanjing with a local tour guide ______________ you want to know more about its culture.

A. unless B. until C. although D. if 【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:如果你想了解南京的文化,最好带着当地的导游游览一下。A: unless除非;B: until 直到……才(为止);C: although 尽管;D: if如果。 导游带领游览是了解南京的条件,因此要用从属连词if,故选D。


10.Your spoken English will get better and better ______________ you practise speaking more. A. before B. if C. though D. until 【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:如果你多练习说英语,你的英语口语会越来越好。A: before在……前; B: if 如果;C: though 虽然;D: until直到……才(止)。根据前后句意思,可知后句是前句发生的条件,故选B。


11.Although he is a little boy, _____he speaks English well.

A. / B. but C. so D. and 【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意: 虽然他是个小男孩,但他英语说得很好。although引导的让步状语从句,不和but同时出现 , 故选A。


12._____________ she is a very busy woman, she helps the boy.

A. Although B. Because C. However D. But 【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:虽然她是个很忙的女人,但是她帮助那个男孩。A: Although,虽然,表示转折关系。B: Because,因为,表示因果关系。C: However,然而,表示转折。D: But,但是,表示转折。根据_____________ she is a very busy woman, she helps the boy.可知,她是个很忙的女人和她帮助那个男孩是转折关系,但用在第一个句子前,只能是although,故选A。


13.Drink more water and go to bed early, _______________ you'll feel better tomorrow. A. and B. or C. if D. unless

【答案】 A



14.___________ you know the answer, please ___________ your hand.

A. If; raise B. If; rise C. Unless; raise D. Unless; rise 【答案】 A

15.You aren't able to lose weight _______________ you change your eating habits. A. if B. unless C. after D. since 【答案】 B



16.The battle continued for several hours ___________ darkness came on. A. as soon as B. though C. since D. until 【答案】 D



17.Jenny didn't go to bed her mother came home last night.

A. as soon as B. if C. while D. until 【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:昨天晚上珍妮直到母亲回家才睡觉。as soon as,一……就……;if,如果;while,当……时候;until,直到,not...until...,直到……才……,故选D。 【点评】考查连词辨析。注意固定短语not...until...的使用。

18.Please give me a call ________________ you come back. A. until B. as soon as C. while 【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:你一回来就给我打电话。A: until直到......才(为止); B: as soon as一......就...... C: while当......时,后接持续性动词。根据前后句的意思,可知从句的动作发生以后,就做主句这个动作,要用连词as soon as,故选B。


19.She stopped talking her mother came into the room.

A. as soon as B. unless C. though D. but 【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意: 她母亲一走进房间她就停止说话。一……就,as soon as,连词,引导时间状语从句,A 一……就,B 除非,C 尽管,D 但是,故答案为A。 【点评】考查时间状语从句和连词。注意这几个连词的区别。

20.— Your father has passed the driving test?

— Yes. _______________ my father _______________ my mother has.

A. Not only; but also B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Both; and 【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——你父亲通过了驾照考试?——是的。不仅我的父亲,而且我的母亲也通过了。A.不仅……而且;B.既不……也不;C.要么……要么,或者……或者;D.两者都。此处表示爸爸妈妈驾照考试,not only…but also遵循就近一致原则,谓语动词和最近的主语一致,此处my mother,动词用三单式,而如用both…and,主语为复数,谓语动词用复数形式,故选A。

【点评】考查连词辨析。注意识记not only…but also的词义和用法。

21.— How do you like the two pairs of shoes?

— They don't fit me. They are ________________ too big ________________ too small. A. not only; but also B. neither; nor C. either; or 【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——你觉得这两双鞋怎么样?——它们不适合我。它们不是太大就是太小。 A.不仅……而且;B.既不……也不;C.要么……要么。根据too big和too small可知,鞋都不合适,要么大了要么小了,故选C。


22.— What were you and your father doing at 7:00 yesterday evening? — I was doing my homework _______________ my father was reading newspapers. A. when B. as soon as C. while 【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——昨天晚上7点你和你爸爸在干什么?——我爸爸在看书的时候我正在做家庭作业。 A.当……时候;B.一…就…;C.当……时候。此处表示“读书”和“做作业”两个动作同时发生,故排除B,when引导时间状语从句,主句用过去进行时,从句常用一般过去时,而while当……时候,引导时间状语从句时,谓语动词为持续性动词,且常和进行时连用,故选C。


23.— What subject do you prefer?

— I prefer science ________________ it's difficult.

A. or B. though C. so D. as 【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:——你更喜欢哪个科目?——我喜欢科学,尽管它很难。根据it's difficult,我又喜欢,前后是让不的关系,故选B。 【点评】考查连词辨析。注意识记各连词意思。

24.— Do you still remember our primary school teacher, Mrs. Liu?

— Yes, she always encouraged us and gave us support ______________ we met difficulties. A. whenever B. whatever C. however 【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——你还记得我们的小学老师吗,刘老师?——是的,无论什么时候我们遇到困难,她总是鼓励我们,给予我们支持。A.无论什么时候;B.无论什么;C.然而。无论我们什么时候遇到困难,老师总是鼓励我们,所以用whenever,故选A。 【点评】考查连词辨析,首先识记连词词义,然后根据句意确定。

25.Scientists say we will have no water to drink__________ we protect water resources. A. if B. when C. before D. unless 【答案】 D



26.What shall we do___________ it rains tomorrow?

A. if B. while C. since D. and 【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意: 如果明天下雨,我们该怎么办? A.如果;B.当……时候;C.自从;D.而且。根据前后句句意可知,此处应该是if引导的条件状语从句,时态根据主将从现原则,故选A。


27.__________he won 500 million pounds prize, he still lived in a small flat. A. If B. Though C. Since D. Because 【答案】 B





