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Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

牛津少儿英语 Let’s go 3 测试一 Name:

一、 判断读音是否相同,相同的打√,不同的打ⅹ (10’)


1、clock glove 2、glass classroom 3、blue glue 4、paint plate 5、blow now 6、 blue balloon 7、fold cold 8、triangle circle 9、some welcome 10、teacher school 二、翻译。 (12’)

1、女洗手间 5、弹钢琴

2、餐厅 6、3ⅹ30=90 3、在对面 7、40 x 50 = 200 4、在隔壁,旁边 8、折叠这个长方形 9、---哪把勺子是杨玲的? ---在刀旁边的那把。

--- spoon is Yang Ling’s? --- The one the .

三、选择题。 (30’)

1、-- that man? --- He’s Mr. Green.

A、Whose B、Who C、Who’s

2、---Who’s the girl with a small mouth? ---She’s my sister.

A、in B、on C、with 3、--- her job?--- She’s a driver.

A、What B、Who’s C、What’s 4、She’s a green dress.

A、with B、in C、on

5、--- do you go to school every day? --- I often go to school by bike.

A、What B、how C、How

6、---Could you help me? --- .

A、Yes, please. B、It’s my pleasure. C、With pleasure. 7、-- are the shoes? --- They’re sixty yuan.

A、How many B、How about C、How much 8、There some milk in the glass.

A、are B、is C、am 9、There’s bread in the fridge.

A、not B、no C、a

10、---Who’s the girl ? ---She’s Helen.

A、with a big eye B、in long hair C、with a small mouth 11、--- your sister dance?--- Yes, she .

A、Do; likes; do B、Does; like; likes C、Does; like; does 12、I am student back at school.

A、first B、the first C、the one 13、Which season do you like of all?

A、best B、good C、well D、better 14、Jackie Chan Hong Kong.

A、come B、from C、is from D、come from 15、---She likes swimming, ? ---No, she doesn’t. A、isn’t she B、does she C、doesn’t she D、is she 四、根据提示完成句子。 (16’) 1、Are (this)your jeans?

2、 (whose)that girl? --- She’s Helen. 3、 (not)climb trees again.

4、This pair of jeans (be)my (father). 5、What are (they)jobs?

6、What do you want (be)? 7、Let (my)see.

8、This pair of shoes (be)Nancy’s. 五、改错。 (12’)

1、( )There’s no forks on the plate. A B C

2、( )What’s to lunch? A B C

3、( )There are two pianoes in the music room. A B C

4、( )what are in the bag? ---There are some books. A B C

5、( )What’s your mother job? A B C

6、( )Who is the woman with a white skirt? A B C D

六、阅读理解,判断正误,用(T)和(F)表示。 (10’)

Look, this is Mary’s bedroom. It’s small. But it’s very nice. On the desk, there’s a new computer. There are some storybooks near the computer. There’s a glass on the desk. But there’s no water in it. Near the desk, there’s a bed. There’s a toy bear on it. The bear is lovely.

( )1、Mary’s bedroom is big and nice. ( )2、There’s some water in the glass. ( )3、The toy bear is lovely. ( )4、Mary’s computer is old.

( )5、There’s a storybook near the computer.

七、拓展训练,根据情境选择合适的句子完成对话。[2011. 全国小学生英语竞赛四年级决赛] (10’)

Ben: 1

Alice: They’re swinging in the trees.

They’re funny!

Ben: Look at that big monkey! Alice: 2

Ben: Yes! It’s very cute. Alice: 3

Ben: How interesting they are! Alice: I can see a black monkey. Ben: 4

Alice: Under the tree. Ben: Oh! He’s sleeping! Alice: 5

A、 B、 C、 D、 E、 F、 G、 Where? The little brown monkeys are playing games. Oh! Look at the monkeys! Shhh! Be quiet, Ben! Where are they? Is he OK? She’s holding a baby.



