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1. (八)city 城市 2. street 街道

3. sports centre 体育中心 4. cinema电影院

5. take a subway 乘坐地铁 6. toy shop 玩具商店 7. take a bus 乘坐公交车 8. hotel 宾馆 9. square 广场 10. buy toys 买玩具 11. (九)interesting 有趣的 12. see a film 看电影 13. go boating 去划船 14. busy 忙碌的 15. station 车站

16. next to the hotel在宾馆旁边 17. place-places地方(单复) 18. thing 事物 19. stay 停留

20. stay with us和我们待在一起

21. (十)star 星星 22. king 国王 23. central 中心的 24. beautiful美丽的 25. fly kites放风筝 26. take photos 照相 27. museum 博物馆 28. dream梦 29. ow & oa [??] 30. snow [sn??]

31. (十一)window [‘wind??] 32. yellow[‘jel??] 33. boat [b??t] 34. coat [k??t] 35. goat [g??t]

36. fun places有趣的地方 37. more than多于,比...多 38. for doing sth.为了做某事 39. big-bigger-biggest大-比较大-最大40. not far不太远P3

41. (十二)cousin 堂,表兄弟姐妹 42. too many people太多人 43. for 买,为了 44. try尝试,试着

45. try to do sth.试着做某事

46. try-tries 尝试(原型-单三) 47. by himself他自己 48. go home回家

49. get back home回到了家 50. again 又,再

1.我想买一些玩具。I want to buy some toys. 2.我怎么到哪里?How can I get there?

3.有很多有趣的地方可以看,也有很多事情做。There are many fun places to see and things to do. 4.城市博物馆在梦想街。City Museum is on Dream Street.

5.在那里你可以看到许多有趣的文物。You can see many interesting old things there.

(十三)6.它在地铁站对面。It is across from the subway station.

7.体育中心在哪里?Where is the sports centre? 8.窗边有一只山羊。There is a goat next to the window. 9.我的黄色小船在哪?Where is my yellow boat? 10.这是一个大城市。There is a big city.

11.你经常跟你的父母在公园里做什么?What do you often do with your parents in the park? 12.我经常跟我的父母在公园里划船。I often go boating with my parents in the park. 13.在很多街道上没有汽车。There are no cars on many streets.

14.乡村鼠不喜欢城市。Country Mouse does not like the city. P4



