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them, the huge potential of the Chinese older property market seems to be a piece of everyone to share the cake, to attract the attention of the whole real estate developers and other industry giants. So far, poly real estate, vanke, China resources land, the first home buyers, such as real estate developers have expanded into endowment real estate, insurance, services, finance and other industries also have piled into let send senior real estate market, in the country set off a piece of the climax of the endowment real estate development and construction.

Endowment real estate is a closely integrated endowment theme and real estate development of complex real estate development mode, is a kind of real estate industry and other related industry resources www.dwqiwn.com www.hndamk.com www.guanran.net integration to adapt to the modern lifestyle change of real estate business. Endowment property at the same time also is a kind of pension industry pattern. Its old-age homes as the core, supporting facilities such as hospitals, supermarkets, entertainment center, will live, catering, entertainment, medical care, health care, nursing services, and other functions together to create a new way of living for people.

As a kind of complex commercial real estate development mode, endowment real estate has its own characteristics. Different with general welfare pension institutions, endowment real estate business nature decided it mainly through their way to obtain land, its operation must also comply with the laws of market economy. And the endowment property is different from ordinary commercial real estate, through the integration of living, catering, entertainment, culture, medical treatment, nursing, health care and other services, into a pattern of each supplier win-win situation. And endowment real estate union pension subject, demand for the elderly, to build based on the old community culture and civilization elegant living environment as the goal, to build life care, culture, entertainment, learning, education, medical care, etc endowment service system, highlights the pension function.

Endowment property has a large investment, long investment return cycle, risks, etc. Endowment real estate in our country is still in the early stage of development, however, still in the exploratory stage, the lack of system theory instruction and can draw lessons from the successful experience of. Most companies are feeling the stones across the river, the model of development is not clear, the yield of uncertainty, the lack of relevant policies and regulations, will bring endowment real estate development prospects uncertain, if blindly enter, enterprises will face a dilemma to run her position. Under the impetus of the silver wave of economic development, many enterprises pouring in, blindly into the field, the lack of strategic development planning, don't understand the actual demand in the elderly, one-sided pursuit of economic benefits, ignore the service management, development of stagnation. Some Jf hair business more surface on the banner of the pension, actually enclosure at a lower price, and then by selling houses in order to get profit. These unscrupulous in pursuit of the interests of the enterprise behavior caused the industry disorderly mess, brings to the society and the industry's own development of adverse effects.

Therefore, in order to avoid the chaotic development trend of industry, how to from the Angle of the development strategy, promote the development of the endowment real estate enterprise, thus promoting the sustainable development of the whole industry healthy and orderly, become a problem to be solved.

The selected topic significance 】

Under the background of social and economic rapid development, the development of an

enterprise must follow the pace of The Times, formulate the correct development strategy, predict the change of the market, develop products suitable for the market demand, to win in the fierce competition, to achieve sustainable development.

Affinity source co., LTD. Is a Shanghai began to send one of the pioneers of the endowment property, its predecessor was Shanghai Cambridge utilities investment co., LTD., due to the increased after the two shareholders, in 2015 more the name for this purpose. Under the background of population aging in our country R profit increase, the affinity source co., LTD., Shanghai conform to the trend of the development of society and market, assess the situation, the first in the country to establish a Chinese the first retirement community projects Shanghai yearn, membership-based pension community.

Shanghai affinity source endowment community retirement with health, happiness, endowment as the goal, for the old to create a comfortable, elegant, safe and friendly living and living environment, humanization, specialization, standardization of services and facilities, changed the traditional way of pension, innovating the mode of the previous real estate development, organic combination of the endowment theme and real estate industry. Shanghai affinity source endowment community after years of development, currently has more than eight hundred elderly people, and USES the chain mode, development in places such as hainan, haining, huangshan endowment base, the development of resources endowment club, have achieved good reputation in society, has become the industry recognized as one of the more successful developing endowment real estate project, is seen as a pension leading the development of the real estate industry. Affinity, therefore, the source of development experience will bring to the development of the whole endowment real estate enterprise demonstration effect. Therefore, in this paper, the source co., LTD., Shanghai affinity endowment real estate development strategy as the research topic is of great significance. The research content and method \

The main content of this study is to Shanghai affinity source co., LTD. The main body of the project A strategic analysis of affinity source elderly community. Through the in-depth research, of affinity source current strategic choice put forward the problems to be solved, management, services, on the theory of strategy, in combination with the practical situation of affinity source, in-depth analysis of the strategic choice, and finally put forward the improvement plan.

In this paper, the research content of the overall framework is divided into six parts: the first part is introduction, mainly introduces the research background, significance, content and methods, etc.;

The second part is the related theory and research review section, to review the relevant theories of strategic management, providing theoretical basis for the following research;

The third part mainly introduces the affinity source co., LTD. And Shanghai endowment property main body project, described and the development strategy;

The fourth part through the PEST analysis tools and porter five models of Shanghai were analyzed and the source endowment real estate co., LTD. Development of the external environment, and its market position to further the understanding of the;

The fifth part of Shanghai affinity source endowment real estate co., LTD. Development of internal conditions and competition strategy are analyzed;

The sixth part affinity source co., LTD. Of Shanghai endowment real estate development strategy

analysis, researches in against the company's strategic choice, and comment on its development strategy, finally put forward measures of improvement and optimization strategy;

Last part puts forward the conclusion of this study and future outlook of our country's endowment real estate development.

【 methods 】

This article USES the following research methods:

Theoretical research and case analysis method of combining the. Using relevant strategic management theory, in-depth study affinity source co., LTD., Shanghai industry and macro environment, combined with the internal conditions and characteristics of the company, for the further development of the design optimization and feasible strategy and implementation plan. Quantitative research and qualitative research method of combining the. Pension in this article, through a large number of literature on the development of the real estate industry environment, characteristics of in-depth study, through statistical bulletin at the same time, the questionnaire survey and so on many kinds of ways to collect a large number of relevant data, to the pension affinity source co., LTD., Shanghai real estate industry internal and external environment of enterprises is analyzed.

Food safety graduation thesis opening report 2 1.1 research background and significance 1.1.1 research background

The food to Ann first, food safety is a problem in the world today the focus of people. Food safety is not only relationship with the people's health and life safety, at the same time also affect the development of national economy and social stability. Therefore, in today's world governments will be food safety supervision as the key function of the government. But, in recent years, people live in the food caused catastrophic events emerge in endlessly, Sudan red, clenbuterol events, fuyang milk powder events, jinhua ham poison, spraying of turbot, sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate events, fake beef, dyeing steamed bread events, especially the sanlu milk powder incident, in the country, and the world has caused great impact. Food safety has become a like a very prominent government management and social problems. It cause harm to people's physical and mental, side effects to create a harmonious society. People's public demands, and calls for strengthening the food safety work, during the two sessions every year there are many issues about improve the level of food safety supervision. 1.1.2 meaning

(1) theoretical significance

Food safety problem today is no longer simply a health, chemical, or biological problems, but involved in political science, management, sociology, etc. The diversity and complexity of the multi-discipline problems. Today's world, both developing countries, and developed countries, are also faced with severe food safety problems. Therefore, governments have invested a lot of research to its, the Chinese government also pay more and more attention to on it. This paper takes wuxi food safety supervision as the research object, starting from the regulatory system of wuxi, combined with recent years wuxi some of the problems in food monitoring, to reveal the local governments in some disadvantages existing in the food safety supervision, and from the theory Angle to elaborate the reasons of government regulation failure, finally from the laws and regulations, regulatory functions, technical standards, credit system the countermeasures and Suggestions, to perfect our country's food safety regulatory system.

(2) practical significance

Wuxi, triangle, developed economic regions in the Yangtze river delta regional planning under the state council, the country has clear wuxi for Yangtze river delta regional central cities. Wuxi permanent population 6.38 million, the total area of 6.38 million. The 61 square kilometers. Since the 20th century, wuxi is one of the economic growth situation better cities in jiangsu and zhejiang, after the middle of the 20th century wuxi economy but also have the development by leaps and bounds. At present, rapid economic sustainable development of wuxi has led suxichang economic circle. However, faster and faster, because the pace of economic development of wuxi wuxi's floating population more and more, personnel quality is generally low, and the food sources, circulation channels is complex, low barriers to entry, technology and capital investment requirements is not high, this gives a lot of academic degree lower creates opportunities for production and sales of food.

In wuxi food business units number now, small size. The abundant underground processing, unlicensed unlicensed small mill, it also brought the wuxi food safety regulatory great difficulties, wuxi food safety situation is very serious.

Wuxi municipal party committee, municipal government has always attached great importance to problems of food safety, many measures are taken, every year to spend a lot of money, for food safety regulation. As a result of current food safety system, however, there is cross function, power and responsibility is not clear, standard lag and a series of problems, in wuxi food safety problems frequently happen. How to deal with the status quo, take effective measures to explore an effective method and way to solve the problem of food safety, to protect the wuxi rapid economic development, has a crucial role. Therefore, in this article, through draw lessons from foreign advanced methods of food safety regulation in developed countries, and now gm food supervision and management system in wuxi, put forward a series of measures to solve the problem of food supervision and management, the economic development of wuxi, the social harmony and stability has a certain practical significance. 1.3 research train of thought

In view of the above purpose, this article first from the theory expounded the necessity of government regulation, and taking wuxi as an example, enumerate several occurred in wuxi case to deep analyze the insufficiency of current food regulatory system, and combining with some foreign advanced management experience, and finally puts forward some measures of perfecting our country's food regulatory system. 1.3.2 research methods

This article mainly USES literature research, comparative research and empirical analysis.

(1) literature research. Through collecting, refer to the relevant laws, regulations and food safety supervision of food safety related works and literature. Search some developed countries food safety regulation system, and the reform of food safety related information, preliminary understanding more dynamic and cutting-edge development of research on food safety regulation, the research status has been achieved and have the deeper understanding, also accumulated the rich material for this article.

(2) comparative research. Analysis of our current safety regulatory system, the developed countries food safety regulation system reform experience of success, a comparison of both, to explore the right the change path of the situation of our country's food safety regulatory system. (3) the empirical analysis. In this paper, in the process of research in wuxi area as a case of food

safety regulation in the practical problems existing in the analysis, research, and summarizes the existing disadvantages of China's food safety regulatory system.



