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I .用动词的适当形式填空

1.She ______________ (go) to school at eight o 3.He usually __________up at 17:00.(get ) 4.

2. It’’clockssix. o ’ clock. They are _____________ supper. (eat)

She __________(live) in Beijing

6. Listen! What _____ he ________ (sing)in the next room?

5.Look! Some people_________(lie) on the beach.

7.In this photo, my little brother ______(eat) ice cream.

8.The bad children ___________(not do) their homework every day. 9.Don’ t talk. I

’ m______ (do) my homework10. What is he doing? He ______(write) a letter.

12. She enjoys _____(play) the violin.

11.Lisa with her friends _________(do )homework now. 13.She often________( talk) about that book. 15. Stop ______(talk). The teacher comes in.

14. I like ____(watch) TV in the evening. 14. 16. Thank you for ______ (help)me with my English.

17. There _____(be) many people here on vacation. Some _______(take) photos. Others_______(lie) on the beach.

Look at this group of people ______(play) beach volleyball.

18.Qing Dao is a good city_____(have ) fun. 20.I often go _______(shop) on weekends. 22.Let ’ s _____(go) and _____(play) football.

19.The girl_______ (sing) is Lucy.

21. He wants _________(be) an English teacher.

23.Can I _____(go) and see you.

24.Please______ (be) quiet. Mother is sleeping.25.What ______ you ______ (do)? I__________ (study) maths.

26. ___your sister _____( get) up early every moring?27. Don’t go outside. It is _____(rain). 28.It is a ______(snow) day. 29.Let the boy _____(visit) the beautiful garden. II. 选择填空

30. Li Lei loves_________ (tell) jokes.

( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

)1. I want____homework now. )2. The children___football.

(A)doing (B)to do (A)is playing

(C)to do my (D)do my

(B)are playing (A)Can, clean

(C)play the (B)Are, cleaning (D)Let's to

(D)play a (C)Do, clean

)3. ____you____the blackboard? Yes, I am. )4. ______go and help her. (A)Let's me

(B)Let's us (C)Let's


)5. What are they doing? They are______things away. )6. Do they have a new car? Yes,_____. (A)they are )7. He often _________ supper at 6:00 in the evening. )8. It

(B)putting (C)putting (D)carry

(B)they have (C)they don't A. have B. has

(D)they do

D. is eating

c. is having

’ s 6 o ’ clock in the morning. He ___________.

B. gets up

C. is geting up ’ m .

A. get up

( (

D. is getting up B. watches

)9. What are you doing? I A. TVwatch C. to watch

D. watching

)10. We _____________ any Chinese classes on Friday.

A. are having B. aren ’ t having C. don ’ t have D. are have

D. have B. aren ’ t

( ( ( ( ( (

)11. Tom _____an English class now. A. is having )12. Are you playing basketball?

B. has C. having

’ t

No, we ________. A. isn C. not

D. don ’ t

)13. Listen! The girl _____ in the room. A. sings B. singing C. is singing

)14. The boy is _________to his teacher. A. saying B. speaking C. talking )15. I

’ m ___________ a book in the room . A. watching B. seeing

A. is, come B. do, come

C. reading D. looking

)16. Where ____he ____ from? C. does, come

D. is , from

( )17. What language do you _______ ? A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell



)18.Look!The twins_____their mother do the housework. (A)are wanting (B)help (C)are helping )19._____are the birds doing? They are singing in a tree. )20.Is she____something? (A)eat



B)What (C)How (D)Where

(D)are looking



(C)eatting (D)eats


)21.Look,They are swimming in the river. I want_____you. )22.They______TV in the evening.They do their homework.

(A)are watching

(B)can't watching (C)don't watch

(A)to go with (B)go with (C)helping (D)help


( D)don't watching

III. 按要求重写下列句子 :

1.We are in the same grade.(改为否定句 )We _______ in the same grade

2.I can borrow those books from our school.( 改为否定句 )I _______ borrow those books from our school 3.They have nice kites.( 改为否定句 ) They _____

________ nice kites

4. The birds are singing in the tree.( 就划线部分提问 )______ _______the birds _________ in the tree?

5. The children are playing games near the house.( 就划线部分提问 )______ ________the children playing games? 6. She is closing the door now.( 改成否定句 )

She_______ closing the door now

7.Kate is helping her mother with housework.( 改成一般疑问句 )______ Kate _______ her mother with housework? 8.They can stay at home for two days.( 改成一般疑问句 ) _______ they______ at home for two days? 9. She takes a shower at five o

’ clock划线.(部分提问 ) ________ _______ she ________ at five o

’ clock?

10.I want to sleep a little longer because I ’ m tired(划.线部分提问 ) _____ ____ ____ want to sleep a little longer? 写出下列动词的过去式

is\\am_________ fly_______ plant________ are ________ drink_________ play_______ go________ make

________ does_________ dance________ worry________ ask _____ taste_________ eat__________ draw________ put ______ throw________ kick_________ pass_______ do ________ study_________stop_________


二、 用 be 动词的适当形式填空

1. I _______ at school just now.

3. We ________ students two years ago.

2. He ________ at the camp last week.

4. They ________ on the farm a moment ago.

6. I ______ an English teacher now. 8. She _______ happy yesterday.

10. Helen and Nancy ________ good friends.

5. Yang Ling ________ eleven years old last year. 7. There ________ an apple on the plate yesterday.

9. They _______ glad to see each other last month.

11. Look, there ________ lots of grapes here. 12. There ________ a sign on the chair on Monday.

13. There ________ some milk in the fridge on Sunday.

14. The mobile phone _______ on the sofa yesterday evening. 15. The little dog _____ two years old this year.

16. Today ___ the second of June. Yesterday ___the first of June. It ___ Children ’ s Day. All the students__very excited. 三、用行为动词的适当形式填空

1. He _________ (live) in Wuxi two years ago. 3. We ___________ (go) to school on Sunday.

2. The cat ________ (eat) a bird last night.

4. Jim ’ s mother _________ (plant) trees just now. 6. I ______ (watch) a cartoon on Saturday.

5. We _______ (have) a party last Halloween.

7. It ______ (be) Ben ’ s birthday last Friday8.. We all ______ (have) a good time last night.

9. Her father _______ (read) a newspaper last night..10. They _________ (make) a kite a week ago. 11. He ________ (jump) high on last Sports Day.

12. Helen ________ (milk) a cow on Friday.


13. Nancy _______(pick) up oranges on the farm last week.14. I ________ (make) a model ship with Mike yesterday.

15. They_____ (play) chess in the classroom last PE lesson.16.My mother______(cook) a nice food last Spring Festival.

17. The girls________(sing) and______(dance) at the party.18. We _______ to zoo yesterday, we _____ to the park. (go) 19._____you_____(visit)your relatives last Spring Festival?

20.______he ______(fly) a kite on Sunday? Yes, he ______.21.Gao Shan____(pull) up carrots last National Day holiday.

22.I______(sweep) the floor yesterday, but my mother ____.

23. What______she______(find) in the garden last morning? She __________ (find) a beautiful butterfly. 24.She likes________newspapers,but she________a book yesterday. (read)

25.He________football now,but they________basketball just now. (play)

26. ________they________ (sweep) the floor on Sunday? No, they _____.

27. It _____ (be) the 2nd of November yesterday. Mr White ________ (go) to his office by car.

28.Gao Shan_____(put) the book on his head a moment ago.29. D on’ t ____the house. Mum

it yesterday. (clean)

30.What____you____just now? I____some housework. (do)

31. I want to ______ apples. But my dad _______ all of them last month. (pick)

32._____he___the flowers this morning? Yes, he___. (water)33.She___(be) a pretty girl. Look,she__(do)Chinese dances.

34.The students often__(draw)some pictures in the art room.

期末复习专项练习 ,包括句型转换 ,句子翻译 ,完形填空

一 .句型转换 .:就划线部分提问 1. The bank is next to the market.

________ _______ the bank?

________ _______ you like pandas?

2. I like dogs because they are very clever. 3. Jim comes from America. 4. She is a shop assistant.

________ _______ Jim ______ from? ________ _______ she do?

_______ ________ you see on the desk? _______ ________ they ________? _______ ________ are these oranges?

5. We can see a pencil on the desk. 6. They are cleaning the room. 7. These oranges are 10 yuan. 8. It was rainy yesterday.

_______ _________ the weather yesterday?

_______ _________ the weather ______ yesterday? 9. Miss Smith is her favorite teacher. 10. Ann is tall and thin.

_______ _________ her ________ teacher?

_______ _______ Ann _______ like?

_______ _________ _____ your grandfather? _________ ________ _______ like? _________ _______ you see last night?

________ ________ Lily _______ on vacation?

11. My grandfather is 80 years old. 12. I'd like a bowl of noodles. 13. I saw the movie last night.

14. Lily went to New York city on vacation. 15. The people were friendly. 16. I love sports shows. 17. John speaks English.

________ ________ the people?

_______ _______ you _________ _______ sports shows?

_______ ____________ does John speak?

_______ _________ rice _______ she want to buy?

18. She wants to buy three kilos of rice. 改否定句

19. Jack lives in a quiet place.

Jack ________ _________ in a quiet place.

I ________ _______ _______ apples in the morning.


20. I ate some apples in the morning.

21. I think you are right.

I _______ ________ you are right.

He ______ ________ very hard last year.

My teacher ________ ________ on the blackboard.

22. He studied very hard last year.

23. My teacher is drawing on the blackboard. 24. Close the door, please.

________ ________ the door, please.

Jim ________ _________ basketball with me. I ________ _______ ______ get there before 8:00.

25. Jim can play basketball with me. 26. I have to get there before 8:00. 改一般疑问句

27. He did his homework before class. 28. I want to be an actor. 29. We had a good weekend. 30. I'd like a cup of tea.

_________ he _________ his homework before class?

_________ you ________ to be an actor?

________ ________ _______ a good weekend?

_______ you ________ a cup of tea?

________ you have to ______ _________ letters?

________ ________ ________ bikes in the room?

________Sue _______ breakfast at 7 in the morning?

31. I have to write some letters.

32. There are some bikes in the room. 33. Sue has breakfast at 7 in the morning. 改同义句

34. Turn right at the second turning. 35. Where is your mother from?

_________ the second turning _____ the right.

Where ________ your mother ______ ________?

The boys ______ _________ in the zoo.

What ______ _______ you want?

36. The boys had a good time in the zoo. 37. What other things do you want? 38. She looks like her sister.

The two sister ________ the _________.

39. There is an elephant under the tree. 改复数句子 There ______ _______ ______ under the tree.




