He had a perfect resume and gave goodresponses to her questions, but the fact that henever looked her in the eye said \second choice. 原文译文:
他的简历堪称完美,对她提出的问题也能对答如流,但他从来不正视蒂法尼的眼睛,这让她感觉他这个人“不可靠”。所以,她把这份工作给了她的第二人选。 四级词汇讲解:
本句中so引导的是结果状语从句,主句部分为but连接的并列句,主干为he had resume and gaveresponse, but fact said
\。第二个分句中that引导的是fact的同位语从句。 response的意思是“回答;反应”,常与介词to连用。如: He made no response to my question. 他没有回答我的问题。 decide to do sth.的意思是“决定做某事”。如: He decided to leave his job. 他决定离职。
offer sth. to sb.的意思是“为某人提供某物”。如:
They offered the opportunity to someone else. 他们把机会给别人了。
The reverse flow, from developed todeveloping countries, is on the rise,too. 原文译文:
从发达国家到发展中国家的逆向流动也有所增长。 四级词汇讲解:
本句的主干是flow is on the rise。from developedto
developing countries为句子的插入语,起到对主语reverse flow的补充说明作用。reverse flow意为“逆流”。
on the rise的意思是“在上升,在增长”:如:
Dividends are on the rise, prices are on the rise and pressure will only continue to rise.分红在增加,价格在上升,而压力也只会继续增大。 英语四级考点归纳:
※用简短的句子结构作插入语,常见的有:I think, I hope,I guess,I believe,I suppose, I wonder, I tell you,I say, I'm afraid, I'sure,you see, you know, as youknow, that is, that is to say, what's more等,能够置于句中或句尾。如:
This diet,I think, will do good to your health.这类饮食,我感觉会有益于你的健康。
It won't be raining long, I hope.希望雨不要下太久。 ※副词或副词短语用做插入语,一般放在句首或句尾。如:
Happily for him, his stepmother was kind to him.值得为他高兴的是,他的继母对他很好。
You'll be able to pass the coming exam, surely.你能通过即将到来的考试,绝对的。
By the way, Bob sends his best wishes.顺便说一句,鲍勃送上他最诚挚的祝福。
Generally speaking,boys run faster. 通常说来,男孩子跑得更快。
To conclude, it was a great success. 总结起来,这是巨大的成功。
When next year's crop of high-schoolgraduates arrive at Oxford University in the fallof 2009, they'll be joined by a new face: Andrew Hamilton, the 55-year-oid provost ofYale, who'll become Oxford’s vice-chancellor-aposition equivalent to university president inAmerica. 原文译文:
当2009年秋季下一届高中毕业生来到牛津大学时,与他们一同前来的会有一个新面孔:来自耶鲁大学55岁的教务处长安德鲁·汉密尔顿,他将成为牛津大学的副校长—在美国相当于大学的校长。 四级词汇讲解: