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1、Can you give me some _______ about the market today? A. information B. news C. passage D. notice 2、Her account made all of us ________ . A. to confuse B. confusing C. confuse D. confused 3、There is ______ kind of people who don’t like anything that others like. A. a certain B. certain C. certain a D. sure 4、The impact that the cold ______ on the old is obvious. A. takes B. has C. gets D. makes 5、— Shall we have a talk with her tonight?

— There is no _______ talking to her. She will never listen. A. good B. value C. point D. worth

6、They were surprised that a child worked out the problem _____ they themselves couldn’t. A. once B. then C. if D. while 7、Rather than ______, he preferred to stay here. A. going B. to go C. went D. go 8、The man preferred ______ in the room to read to ______out for a walk. A. staying, go B. to go, going C. staying, going D. to stay, going 9、I can’t find a proper dictionary _______ I can turn in my study. A. to which B. up which C. on which D. for which 10、The present that she dreamed ________ on her birthday party. A. came B. of came C. of coming D. to come 11、- Since you’ve made your decision, you’d better carry it out. - _________ I give it up? A. Only if B. What if C. If D. Even if 12、He ran into a passing car duo to _______ . A. he ran too fast B. he ran from the roadside C. his running too fast D. him to run from the roadside

13、As a result of the heavy fog, the highway has been closed up until further _______ . A. news B. information C. notice D. message 14、Our teacher has _________ some very difficult questions to ask us. A. put B. made up C. made of D. decided

15、Paper-making began in China and from here it ________ to North Africa and Europe. A. spread B. grow C. carried D. developed

16、More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great _____ of goods. A. combination B. mixture C. extension D. variety 17、He _____ some French when he was on a visit to France. A. made out B. picked up C. gave up D. took up 18、Electric trains have now ______ steam ones in most countries in the world. A. took the place of B. in place of C. taken the place of D. instead of 19、________ was telling a lie.

A. Anyone who tells you B. Whoever told you C. Those who told you that D. Whoever told you that

20、My husband and I agree on _______ gets home first is to cook the supper.

A. who B. whom C. whoever D. those who

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21、It is said_______ was all _______ he said.

A. that that; that B. what what ; what C. that which; what D. that that; what 22、The boy was too young to _______ right from wrong.

A. realize B. recognize C. tell D. know 23、Hi, Jim. _________ seen you for ages. I really _______ see you here. A. Haven't, don't expect B. Haven't, didn't expect

C. Hadn't, hadn't expected D. Hadn't, wasn't expected 24、Today Little Mary is ________ a new beautiful skirt. A. wearing B. having on C. putting on D. dressed 25、I noticed her beauty and honesty _______ I met her.

A. first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. by the first time

26、He had decided to give it up, but on ______ second thought, he decided to try ____ 3rd time.

A. the ; a B. / ; / C. a ; a D. / ; a

27、— You know what? Tom wants to be Harry Potter after he graduates from school.

— Are you kidding? He’ll never ______ a person like him. A. change B. turn C. make D. get 28、— How do you usually go to work?

— If it is fine, I _______ on foot. A. will go B. go C. have gone D. won’t go

29、Although she had been ill for a long time, it still came as a shock when she _____ died.

A. eventually B. willingly C. unexpectedly D. disappointedly 30、You look tired out. I guess you _______ well during the long journey. A. can’t have slept B. didn’t sleep C. haven’t slept D. will not sleep


1、 Hearing the news , he hurried home, leaving the book_____ on the desk. A. lay opened B. lying open C. to lie open D. lie opened 2、A _____ carries all kinds of things , but no passengers.

A. goods’ train B. goods train C. good’s train D. good train 3、I ____ talking to you. You never listen to me.

A. feed up with B. feed on C. am fed up with D. am fed up of 4、With all the problems ______, the manager left for home, _______. A. solved, satisfied B. to be solved, with satisfaction

C. being solved, satisfied D. having been solved, with satisfaction 5、The advice is of great ________ to our work. We all think it ________. A. uses, good B. useless, bad C. use, good D. useful, fine 6、________, my heart ______.

A. On hearing the sad news, sank B. Hearing the sad news, dropped C. At the sad news, fell D. When I heard the sad news, sank 7、The ship had 500 passengers _______.

A. on board B. on the board C. on a board D. on boards

8、Boys wear fashionable clothes. ______, some birds have bright feathers.

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A. Similar B. Similarity C. Similarly D. likely 9、You may use my bike _____ that you return it by noon.

A. on condition B. in condition C. under condition D. at conditions 10、It’s said too much noise can _____ people mad. A. have B. let C. drive D. take

11、The house was reduced to _____by the fire _____by a cigarette butt. A. ash, cause B. ashes, being caused C. ash, being caused D. ashes, caused 12、Much ______ to be done.

A. is remained B. remains C. has been remained D. is remaining.

13、He looked around and caught a man _____ his hand into the pocket of a passenger. A. put B. to be putting C. to put D. putting 14、Please accept this present _____ all your help.

A. in return for B on return for C. in return with D. on return with 15、So little _____ with each other that the neighboring countries could not settle their differences. A. they agreed B agreed they C. did they agree D. they did agree 16、In the evenings he ______ in his books .

A. reads him B. reads himself C. buries him D. buries himself 17、It was pouring . All the machines stood _____ in the open air.

A. uncover B. to be uncovered C. uncovered D uncovering 18、He wrote this article ____this great communist fighter, Dr. Bethune. A. in honor for B. in return for C. to honor of D. in memory of 19、_____his poor health ,he was still at work late into the night.

A. Despite B. Besides C. Apart from D. In spite 20、Mr. Wang has been selected_________ chairman of the conference. A. a B. an C. the D. /

21、What does it ________ if I spend $ 100 on it ---it’s my money. A. mind B. care C. matter D. mean

22、-----Tom passed the final exam . ---______, and _______. A. So did he , so did B. So he did , so did you C. He did so, you did so D. So he did , you did so

23 Not only ______ prepare lunch for us, but also _______ clothes for us. A. he did , he washed B. he did , did he wash C. did he , he washed D. did he, did he wash 24._______ is worth doing well.

A. Whatever is worth doing at all B. That is worth doing at all

C. What is worth doing at all D. Whatever is worth doing it at all

25.--- ______ can I deal with such a situation ? --- Take ______ measures you think best. A. How, whichever B. What, whatever C. How , whatever D. What, whichever 26.It is important that we _______with all that _______ in the struggle. A. should unite, be united B. would unite, can be united C. unite , can be united D. should unite, could unite

27.______ the storm, the ship would have reached its destination on time. A. In spite of B. In case of C. But for D. Because of

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