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Unit 4 Body language


1.What do the two speakers mainly talk about? A.Body language. B.Conversational skills. C.Differences between countries. 答案:A

2.What should the man do to the Japanese woman according to Marie? A.Shake hands with her. B.Look straight at her. C.Bow back. 答案:C

3.What do strong handshakes in America mean? A.Offence. C.Confidence. 答案:C

听第2段材料,回答第4至6题。 4.What's the book about? A.The English language. C.Good manners. 答案:B

5.How does the man feel about the book? A.Interesting. C.Useless. 答案:A

6.What does the woman decide to do at last? A.Buy the book.

B.Lend the man the book. C.Read the book. 答案:C 【技巧点拨】

听力是一项综合能力的考查,平时的积累很重要,如本单元的听力话题是body language, 倘若平时就对body language有所了解,那做起听力来就轻松多了。

Text 1

M:Marie, do you know much about body language in countries around the world? W:Sure. I've picked up a few things from travelling around for work. Why?

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B.Body language.



M:Well, I had a meeting today with a woman from Japan and she wouldn't stop bowing! I didn't know what to do!

W:Did you bow back?

M:No, I tried to shake her hand, but her hand was so limp. I was a bit offended. W:Well, Japanese businessmen and businesswomen typically bow to greet each other in Japan. She might have been offended by your strong handshake.

M:But she was in Japan! Didn't she know that strong handshakes in America signify confidence?

W:Things are different in Japan.You know, in some countries, making eye contact with others is considered rude.

M:Is that why she wouldn't look at me in the meeting? W:I think it's highly possible.

M:The meeting really didn't go down well at all. I think I need to read up on body language before Ihave another meeting with someone from another country.

W:That's a good idea. When you don't know much about other cultures, the simplest thing can offend someone.

M:That's true. Text 2

W:Hi, Carl. What are you doing? M:I'm reading a book. W:What's it about?

M:It's about body language, and it's very interesting. Do you want to read it? W:No. Just tell me something about it. In my opinion, different countries have different body language, right?

M:Quite right. But most body language means the same thing in different countries, for example, putting up a hand means “May I ask a question?” and a smile and a handshake show “welcome”.

W:Oh, I see. Nodding the head of course means “Yes.” Don't you think so? M:Not quite. In some Asian countries it means “No.” not “Yes.”

W:Really? That's quite different from ours. I think it necessary for me to look through this book.

M:OK, here you are.


(1)statement(n.) 陈述;说明→state(vt.) 声明;陈述→state(n.) 状态;州;国家 (2)represent(vt.) 代表;象征→representative(adj.) 有代表性的 (n.) 代表;典

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(3)curious(adj.) 好奇的→curiously (adv.) 好奇地→curiosity(n.) 好奇;好奇心 (4)approach(vt.& vi.) 接近;靠近;走近 (n.) 接近;方法;途径

(5)defend(vt.) 保护;保卫→defence(n.) 防御;保卫→defensive(adj.) 防御性的 (6)major(adj.) 主要的→majority(n.) 大多数;大部分

(7)misunderstand(vt.) 误解;误会→misunderstanding (n.) 误解;误会→misunderstood(过去式/过去分词)

(8)likely(adj.) 可能的

(9)ease(n.) 安逸;舒适(vt.) 减轻(痛苦、忧虑) 2.阅读单词

(1)greet (vi. & vt.) 迎接;问候 (2)association (n.) 社团;联系;联想 (3)flight (n.) 飞行;航班 (4)dash (vi.) 猛冲;突进 (5)facial (adj.) 面部的

(6)function (n.) 作用;功能;职能(vi.) 起作用;运转 (7)truly (adv.) 真实地;真正地;真诚地 (8)false (adj.) 错误的;假的 (9)anger (n.) 怒气;怒火 (10)subjective (adj.) 主观的 【即景活用】


1.It is good to be curious about the world around you because I think ________(curious) is the best teacher.


2.The ________(represent) were all amazed by what had happened in the factory. 答案:representatives

3.Mr Green ________(greet) me warmly as I arrived. 答案:greeted

4.All the ________(approach) to the airport were blocked by the police yesterday.


5.All the people,men and women, young and old, were fighting against the flood in ________(defend) of their own homes.


6.When you are playing, watch your tone of voice and ________(face) expression. 答案:facial

7.Soon afterwards he made his first public ________(state) about the affair. 答案:statement

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8.________(misunderstand) by others when you do nothing wrong is quite a bad experience.

答案:Being misunderstood

9.She is not an outgoing person and she doesn't let anyone know what she ________(true) feels.


10.Do you belong to any professional or trade ________(associate)? 答案:associations 联想积累 1.“方法”大全

①approach to sth./doing sth.②means of doing sth.??

③method of doing sth.

?做某事的方法 ④way to do/of doing sth.


⑤by this means

?⑥in this way?

?用这种方式 ⑦with this method??

2.“主要的;重要的”形容词家族 ①major主要的;重要的 ②main主要的 ③chief首要的

④primary主要的;首要的 ⑤important重要的;重大的 ⑥leading重要的;首位的 ⑦principle主要的;首要的 ⑧vital极其重要的 ⑨significant意义重大的

3.常见“人体部位及器官”名词荟萃 ①cheek脸颊 ②forehead额头 ③chest胸部 ④shoulder肩膀 ⑤throat喉咙 ⑥tongue 舌头 ⑦lung 肺

4.后缀-ly构成的形容词集锦 ①likely可能的 ②brotherly兄弟般的

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③costly昂贵的 ④daily日常的 ⑤friendly友好的 ⑥lively活泼的 ⑦manly有男子气概的 ⑧lovely可爱的 ⑨orderly整洁的 ⑩weekly每周的

1.defend ...against 防御;保卫……以免受 2.be_likely_to_do 很可能……;有希望…… 3.in_general 总的来说;通常 4.on_the_contrary 相反

5.at ease舒适;快活;自由自在 6.lose face 丢脸

7.turn one's back to 背对 8.in most cases在大多数情况下 【即景活用】


on the contrary, lose face, in general, at ease, be likely to, defend... against 1.The leader needs more bodyguards to ________himself ________his enemies. 答案:defend; against

2.As far as I'm concerned, the paper book is not ________be substituted. 答案:likely to

3.He felt quite ________when he stayed with us. 答案:at ease

4.Peter can be really difficult to deal with at times even though he's a nice person ________ .

答案:in general

5.He refused to admit his mistakes before so many people for fear of ________ . 答案:losing face

6.I don't think the boy works hard but ________he is diligent. 答案:on the contrary 联想积累

1.表示“总而言之”的其他表达 ①all in all ②in a word

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