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(单选题) 1: The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _____ the desert. A: covered B: covering C: cover D: to cover

正确答案: B

(单选题) 2: The poor police had never ____ of winning. A: stand a chance B: get a chance C: have a chance D: stood a chance

正确答案: D

(单选题) 3: We have only one vacancy, but so far have received more than 30 () for the job.

A: applications B: applicants C: applicators D: appliances

正确答案: A

(单选题) 4: I was surprised by the ______ of so many people at the meeting. A: example B: record C: goal D: presence

正确答案: D

(单选题) 5: It's important for you to make a list of your tasks in order of _______ when you work on a project. A: suggestion B: goal C: priority

D: tip

正确答案: C

(单选题) 6: He is a slow learner. You've got to be ______ with him. Remember: patience is a virtue. A: patient B: steady C: diligent D: continuous

正确答案: A

(单选题) 7: Success is not won ________. It takes patience, diligence and continuing efforts. A: twilight B: attentively C: currently D: overnight

正确答案: D

(单选题) 8: If I leave the children with you, can you ____ their safety? A: see

B: see that C: see to

D: see to it that

正确答案: C

(单选题) 9: By the time Robert()writing the first draft of his paper, most of the other students will be completing their final draft. A: finishes B: has finished C: finished D: finishing

正确答案: A

(单选题) 10: Mary doesn't look happy today. She would rather Bob and Linda () each other any more. A: don't see B: didn't see C: havn't seee D: won't see

正确答案: D

(单选题) 11: I ()supper when I()someone knocking at the door. A: made . . . Heard B: made . . .was heard

C: was making . . . was hearing D: was making . . . heard

正确答案: D

(单选题) 12: I don’t know the park, but it’s ________ to be quite beautiful. A: said B: told C: spoken D: talked

正确答案: A

(单选题) 13: We have ____ friendly relations with many countries in the world. A: confirmed B: established C: realized D: made

正确答案: B

(单选题) 14: The company is run at a loss. Certain problems were ______ from the outset.

A: apparatus B: apparent C: applied

D: apprehensive

正确答案: B

(单选题) 15: I’d rather we ____ the plan in detail before we carry it out. A: shall discuss B: must discuss C: discussed D: had discussed

正确答案: C

(单选题) 16: The young ________ interested in pop music. A: is B: have C: has D: are

正确答案: D

(单选题) 17: Will you ______ me a favor, please? A: do B: make C: bring D: give

正确答案: A

(单选题) 18: It was getting _______, he had to stop to have a rest. A: very darker B: dark and dark C: darker and darker D: darkest and darkest

正确答案: C

(单选题) 19: When Tim came to the next morning, he found ____ in a strange place. A: himself lying B: him was lying C: him lie

D: himself to lie

正确答案: A

(单选题) 20: Would you please spare some time and ____ us around your campus? A: instruct B: aid C: motion D: conduct

正确答案: D

(判断题) 1: Every change of season produce some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains. A: 错误 B: 正确

正确答案: A

(判断题) 2: At the conference they brought up many problems, such as soaring housing prices and the homeless, which aroused great attention from the delegates present. A: 错误 B: 正确

正确答案: B

(判断题) 3: Will you please see to that the children get a hot meal after their swim? A: 错误 B: 正确

正确答案: A

(判断题) 4: Mary is the kind of person who always seems to be on a hurry. A: 错误 B: 正确

正确答案: A

(判断题) 5: Set out as much as possible so that you can get there before it gets

dark. A: 错误 B: 正确

正确答案: A

(判断题) 6: His best movie, which won several awards, was about the life of Gandhi. A: 错误 B: 正确

正确答案: B

(判断题) 7: You must tell us what you are doing at ten yesterday evening . A: 错误 B: 正确

正确答案: A

(判断题) 8: Professor Li, who is my friend, teaches in Peking University. A: 错误 B: 正确

正确答案: B

(判断题) 9: We have so many tasks which need to do in all phases of medicine, public health and industry. A: 错误 B: 正确

正确答案: A

(判断题) 10: His family was watching TV from ten to twelve last night . A: 错误 B: 正确

正确答案: A



