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Module 6单元测试题


从下面所给的选项中,选择一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 (

)1. The library has many kinds ________ books. A. of (


B. with

C. from

D. for

— I have three differe nt colours of pens.

— _______ one do you like best? A. What (


B. Where

C. Whe n

D. Which

— Do these elepha nts live in _____ ?

—Yes. The ______ people like them very much.

A. Africa n; Africa B. Africa; Africa C. Africa; Africa n (

)4. My dogs eat _________ two _______ of meat every day. A. with; kilo (

B. about; kilo C. with; kilos

D. Africa n; Africa n

D. about; kilos

)5. Ti na is good at ________ . A. to draw

B. draws

C. draw ing

D. draw


)6. This is my pet cat. I ________ it Mimi. A. call

B. write

C. read

D. catch


)7. These mon keys are cute. Shall we ________ and ______ some photos? A. go; to take B. go; take

C. to go; to take

D. to go; take


)8. — _________ your pare nts eat meat every day? —Yes. But my brother on ly ______ vegetables.


D. Do; eat A. Does; eat B. Do; eats C. Does; eats )9. Giraffes like eati ng ________ , and pan das like eati ng ______ . A. leaf; bamboo B. leaves; bamboo C. leaf; bamboos D. leaves; bambooes


)10. — Does the panda eat meat?

—No, ______ .

A. it isn 't B. they don 't C. it doesn 't D. they aren 't 二、完形填空(10分) 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

Do you want to know the girl in the picture? She' s Selena Gomez, a1 She is eighteen years old, 12 she is from America. There are 13 people in Selena ' family — her father, mother and her. Selena likes 14 films at home. She 15 got three dogs, and 16— n ames are Fina, Willy and Chip. Her friend Just in Bieber is a 17 sin ger. He

' s thin and

he' very popular. Selena can sing and 18 a car. She s very busy(忙的).She has man _19 every day. Her new film Monte Carlo is 20 this week. It ' s very nice. Would you like to go with me? (

)11.A. show

B. game

C. star


( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

)12. A. or )13. A. three )14. A. havi ng )15. A. is )16. A. your )17. A. fat )18. A. drive )19. A. ideas

B. and B. four B. meet ing B.does B. their B. great B. drink B. pla ns

. . . . . . . .

Cbut Cfive Cseei ng Chas Chis Cfavourite Ceat Cin vitati ons Con

( )20. A. in B. with





Bill和父母要去看电影。阅读A、B、C三则电影海报,完成阅读任务。 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (《变形金刚3:月黑之时》) Day: Sunday A Time: in the morni ng (8:00-10:30) Place: Dahua Cin ema Price: $8 Bad Teacher Day: Saturday Time: in the evening (8:00-9:30) B Place: Garde n Ci nema Film star: Camer on Diaz Price: $6 Mr Popper ' s Penguins (《波普先生的企鹅》) Day: Friday C Time: in the after noon (3:00-5:00) Place: Xin gdu Ci nema Film star: Jim Carrey Price: $7 A. 根据上述海报内容,填写信息表。 PosterA B C s 第2页

Price Places $8 At Dahua Ci nema 23. From 22. $6 21. $ At Xin gdu Ci nema From 8:00 to From 3:00 to 5:00 on Friday after noon 8:00 to 10:30 9:30 on Time Saturday evening B. 从A、B、C三则海报中选出Bill和父母在晚上八点钟看的电影,并计算出他们需要的费用。

At 20:00, Bill and his pare nts are goi ng to watch (24) _______ and they will pay (付费) (25)_________ .


One morning, a hungry fox (狐狸)sees a chicken. He thinks, He comes up to the chicke n and says,

“ Great! This is my breakfast.

“ Good morning, Miss Chicke n. I know you can sing

very well. Can y ou sing a song for me? ” The chicken is happy to hear that. She closes her eyes and begi ns to sing. The fox sees that and catches her in his mouth and takes her away.

The farmers on the farm see the fox. They shout , away. ” The chicken says to the fox,

chicke n away. Tell them I am yours, not theirs.

The fox ope ns his mouth and says, runs away from the fox and flies into the tree. (

)26. The fox wants the chicke n for _______ .

A. lunch B. supper


C. breakfast

D. his family

“ Look! Look! The fox is taking the chicken

“ Mr Fox, do you hear? The people say you are taking their

“ Miss Chicke n is mine, not yours.

” Just the n the chicker

)27. The fox asks the chicke n to _______ .

A. dance B. sing a song

C. play with him

D. tell a story

( )28. The un derl ined word shout” means ________ in Chin ese.




()29. The best title (标题)for the passage is ____________ .

A. A nice fox C. A hungry chicke n


B. A funny fox D. A clever chicke n

)30. Which of the followi ng is TRUE?

A. The fox and the chicke n meet in the after noon.

B. Miss Chicke n likes ope ning her eyes whe n she sings a song. C. There are some farmers on the farm. D. At last the chicke n flies into a big house.




