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见 习 单 位: 化验中 心 刘 刘 欢 志 姓 名: 指 导 老 师: 大学所 '学专业: 应用化 学 日 期: 2012 年 :7月 摘要
气相色谱法是近 20 余年迅速发展起来的一种新型的分离分析方法,已逐 渐成为一门专门的科学气相色谱法。气相色谱法在异辛酯含量分析中的应用, 依据中华人民共和国石油化工行业标准
够较好定量的测出有机化合物中异辛酯的含量及其产品的纯度,操作简便, 分 析快速。中华人民共和国石油化工行业标准 GB/T17530.2 是等效采用 ASTM
本文首先阐述了气相色谱法的分离原理及两大理论基础; 然后介绍了气相定性与定量分析;最后论证了气相色谱在辛酯含量的分析中的应用。
关键词 :气相色谱,检测器,色谱柱,塔板数,定性与定量分析,异辛酯
Gas chromatography is nearly 20 years quickly developed a kind of new type of separation and analysis methods, has gradually become a special scientific gas chromatography. Gas chromatography in ethylhexyl acrylate content in the application of analysis, based on the law of the People's Republic of
petrochemical industry standard GB/T17530.2 and ZJ-22-07,and it can be better quantitative measurethe content of isooctyl in organic compounds, simple
operation, and fast analysis. The People's Republic of petrochemical industry standard GB/T17530.2 is the equivalent D3362-1993. ASTM.
The first expounded gas chromatography separation principle and two big theory basis; And then introduced the gas chromatography of qualitative and quantitative analysis; Finally proved gas chromatography in ethylhexyl acrylat content in the application of the analysis .
Key words: Gas chromatography, Aromatic ,detector ,chromatographic column ,
plate numb,er qualitative analysis,isooctyl.