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1.two(序数词) 11.smell(过去式) 2.eep(名词) 12.teach(第三人称单数) 3.just now(同义词) 13.mean(过去式) 4.dead(动词) 14.third(基数词) 5.they(宾格) 15.good(副词) 二、用括号内所给的单词的正确形式填空。 1、How about (tal) with Miss Liu? 2、We use too (much) paper bags. 3、Don’t (tal) in class.

4、I’d lie (give) you some oranges. 5、She (pic) the orange up?

6、What are they going to (mae) for their friends? 7、I would lie (buy) some boos.

8、 (be) they going to have a sports meeting net wee? 9、Is (him) going to have dinner with his good friends. 10、I’m not good at ________(run). 三、改写句子。

1. My mother made friends at school .(对划线部分提问)

______ _______ your mother ______friends? 2.Saw is watching TV now.(用every Sunday代替now) Saw ______ ______every Sunday.

3.us、go、school、to、let、together(连词成句) ______ ______go to school _______.

4.I usually go fishing on Sundays(对画线部分提问) _____ _____ you usually______on Sundays? 5.I had supper with my parents last night.(改为否定句) I______ ______supper with my parents last night. 四、翻译。











1、It means “Danger”.(对划线部分提问) _____ ___ it ______ ?

2、It means “No littering”.(改为一般疑问句) _____ it _____ “No littering” ?

3、The sign means “No Smoing”.(同义句) The sign means we _____ _____ here. 4、I put my rubbish in the bin .(改为一般疑问句) ____ _____ put _____ rubbish in the bin ? 5、Smoe maes the air dirty .(对划线部分提问) _____ maes the air dirty ?

6、There were some umbrellas in the classroom .(改为单数句) There _____ _____ _____ in the classroom . 六、阅读理解、


Last Saturday 1 . Mr Smith went to a restaurant tor breafast . There were 2 people there . He 3 ten children 4 the same clothes . They 5 had white hats grey coats and blac trousers . A woman was 6 them . w

“Ecuse me ,are these 7 children ? ” Mr Smith ased . “Yes , they are . ” the woman 8 .

“Are they usually in the same clothes ? ” Mr Smith ased .

“ Yes ” , the woman answered “When 9 are in the same clothes . I can 10 them quicly .”

( ) 1.A. evening B.afternoon C.morning ( ) 2.A.much B.many C.a lot ( ) 3.A. sees B. see C.saw ( ) 4.A.on B. with C.in ( ) 5.A.both B. all C.are ( ) 6.A.and B.on C.with ( ) 7.A.you B. your C.yours ( ) 8.A.ased B. answered C.saw ( ) 9.A.we B. theirs C.they ( ) 10.A. loo B. find C.loo for B

Miss Lin Good morning . boys and girls . Did you 1 a good time last weeend ?

Students Yes , we did .

Miss Lin What 2 you do , Tom ?

Tom I played 4 and watched a film with David . Miss Lin Did you watch a film , Mary ? Mary NO ,I watched a cartoon on 5 . Miss Lin What else did you do ?

Mary I wanted towers washed my clothes and played the violin . Miss Lin What about you , Li Bing ? Li Bing I climbed up a hill .

( ) 1.A. has B. have C.having D.had ( ) 2.A.do B. does C. doing D.did ( ) 3.A. with B.and C. of D.on ( ) 4.A. with table tennis B.table tennis C.the table tennis D.table-tennis

( ) 5.A. home B. school C.cinema D.TV 七、小练笔。

What maes the bedroom dirty and messy?How can we do to eep it clean?



