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For 28-year-old Russian Artem Zhdanov, China is a place to fulfill dreams. After graduating from college with a major in Chinese, he left hometown in Siberia ①__________( he) and moved to Guangzhou, China’s southern economic powerhouse.

In recent years, he ②__________(build) a Russian-language news website about China, founded a consulting company and set up ③__________online store on e-cominerce plalfonn Taobao. The news website now has a ④__________(month) visit of 100,000, and the products he sells online — such as T-shirts, cups and chopsticks with catchy Chinese phrases — have become popular with foreigners ⑤__________live in China.

“My childhood dream was to be a diplomat. Now my website and Taobao store ⑥

__________(connect) foreigners with China are like bridges,\start a business. As long as you have an idea and the courage, you can ⑦__________(easy) build a business here,\

Zhdanov wants to connect Russian businessmen with investors in China. %unicorn (独角兽) companies — new companies valued at over $ 1 billion each ⑧

__________many other countries. And the government has provided great support for high-tech ⑨__________(develop). I would like to tell more Russians that instead of only looking at Silicon Valley, they can also make their dreams ⑩__________(come) true in China.”


Choice of seating in the lecture hall can affect a college student's performance, a study suggests.

Lectures are a main part of higher education, and ①_______(understand) how students interact and learn within the lecture theatre environment is central to successful learning. Researchers from Sheffield Hallam University in the UK examined ②_______ (student) reasons for choosing particular seats in a lecture hall, and investigated how seating positions are related ③_______ students’ performance.

“Interaction is a key part of learning and knowing who the students are interacting with can

be ④_______ great benefit when designing activities,” said David P Smith of Sheffield Hallam University.

Many students ⑤_______ (prefer) being able to sit with their friends,⑥_______ others were more concerned with either attracting or avoiding the lecturer’s attention. Some students chose seats ⑦_______ allowed them to see and hear clearly. But others ⑧_______ (easy) picked seats that made them feel less depressed, they said.

Friendship groups who sat together tended ⑨_______ (achieve) similar grades, and students who sat alone at the edges were likely to do worse than average.

Lecturers may be able to use these findings to offer assistance to ⑩_______ (anxiety) students,and to support the learning of all students by encouraging interactions between the different groups.

3、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 China, which takes pride in four inventions in ancient times, has once again shown its

ability ①__________(change) the world with its “new” four great inventions: high-speed railways, electronic payment, shared bicycles and online shopping.

Recently, the “new” four great inventions ②__________(improve) the quality of people’s lives. Thanks to online shopping and mobile payment, people can buy what they want ③__________(simple) with a tap of the phone within doors. High-speed trains have shortened ④__________ journey from Beijing to the coastal city Tianjin to half an hour. As for the bikes, they themselves are not new. It is the operating model of bike-sharing ⑤__________(base) on satellite navigation(导航)system, mobile payment as well as big data ⑥__________has surprised the world. Shared bicycles are bringing cycling back ⑦__________people’s lives and they are making public transport more ⑧__________(attract).

It is increasingly clear thatChinais no longer ⑨__________(copy) western ideas and is leading in many new ways. A growing number of foreign ⑩__________(company) hope to promote the development in their home country by highlighting the need for technological achievements like that of China.


None of the major traditional museums seemed to see it as a threat when the Museum of Ice Cream opened in New York in 2016. However, as more of these pop-up museums started coming ①__________ existence over the next two years, they seemed to become a trend that should have been taken more seriously. And the ②__________(late) member to join this list isThe Museum of Pizza, set ③__________(open) in New York this October.

It seems that museums are no longer places to ④__________(mere) \have more interactive experiences instead of keeping a polite distance from ⑤

__________(exhibit). At the Museum of Ice Cream, for example, visitors can jump into a pool of plastic sprinkles. And at the upcoming The Museum of Pizza, people ⑥__________(lie) on a \

Not only are visitors taking pictures of art, but they've taking pictures of ⑦__________(them) within these spaces. This immersive experience ⑧__________(give) by pop-up museums allows visitors to get away from their real life — even just for a short time — and enter a fantasy world. Maybe it's this experience of feeling close to art ⑨__________allows pop-up museums to not only keep \— at least for ⑩__________time being.

5、假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。


注意:每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 There are a lot of unforgettable thing in our life. The most unforgettable one for me is the speech competition holding last year. When my English teacher told me that I had chosen to take part in the speech competition, I devoted me to the preparation. I was determined to win the first prize. I was such nervous when I stood on the stage that I forgot everything. Not until I caught a sight of my teacher did I calm down. Finally, I do a good job. When I heard I got the first prize, my heart was filled in joy and tears rolled down. Through this speech competition, I understand that it is confidence which makes people successfully.



