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Note: This Service Standard is established based on the service module of the State Banquet.



? Guests are greeted and guided to the function venue by greeters (normally

females) who are assigned to standby at the main entrance(s) as stated in the daily event list

? The Management should be informed if there is any special guest attending

the party. Welcome and farewell reception / security / red carpet / block elevator or escalator and/or drive way may be required if it is an official party

? Assist guests to check-in their coats/hats/cases/umbrellas (if any) to the

Cloak Room

? Give signal to the host upon arrival of their VIPs ? Sit VIPs in designated seating area

? Serve /offer drinks/tea /tidbits /hand towels to the guests 接待:

? 客人到达酒店,由特别安排的迎宾员(一般为女性) 迎接及引领到会场,


? 必须通知管理层安排出席迎接特别贵宾 (如有特别贵宾出席) ? 注意是否需要安排欢迎及欢送队伍列队 / 保安 / 红地毯 / 把升降机或


? 协助客人存放大衣 / 帽 / 手提包 / 雨伞等(如有) 到衣帽间 ? 通知主人家贵宾到场

? 引领贵宾到特别安排的休息室 ? 奉茶 / 饮品 / 小食 / 毛巾


Pre-dinner cocktail for more than 50 persons (if any): Drinks will be served on trays by servers, passed around Staff will be assigned to different responsibilities, i.e.:-

i) Aerated soft drinks, juices and beers to be pre-poured into glasses and placed on serving trays, ready to be served with cocktail napkins

ii) Spirits (gin/whisky/brandy) with mixers in decanters (if any) and filled upon request, together with cocktail napkins and stirrers

iii) Trays with ashtray and lighter for the convenience of smoking guests

iv) Canapé service (if any), forks/cocktail picks/plates may be needed if special snack is served

v) Collection of soiled dishes, empty glasses from guests or cocktail tables

vi) The Manager/Captain should check and advise the host/organizer on the actual guest attendance.

Beverage service should be provided according to pre-arranged beverage requirements

The Manager has to ensure that those specific tables pointed out by the host are provided with the special attention as requested

A Supervisor / Captain is assigned to read out and pass on the actual headcount of each function to his/her Manager 饮品:

50 人以上的餐前酒会安排 (如有)


各服务人员将会被安排负责不同工作: i) ii)

已注入杯中的汽水 / 果汁及啤酒连同戏巾纸放在托盘上

硬饮 (金酒 / 威士忌 / 拔兰地) 连同混合汽水 / 水,搅酒棒,餐巾纸放托盘上 (如有安排) iii)

烟灰盅, 打火机用托盘盛着

iv) 小食 (如有安排) ,小叉 / 鸡尾酒用小签 / 小碟 (如有特别小食安排,而有所需要)



饮品服务程序应根据之前已安排好的饮品服务模式进行 经理应确保所有须要特别饮品安排的餐桌,得到一如要求的服务 一名主管级人士须通知主人家 / 宴会安排者确实出席人数及起菜席数

Pre-Dinner Arrangements/Communication:

The Manager/Captain in-charge must inform the Kitchen Chef of the following: i) Actual number of guests in attendance ii) Number of tables to be served iii) Number of head tables

iv) Number of guests on head table(s) and the other tables v) Food service commencement time vi) Duration of food service time allowed vii) Program rundown

viii) Special requests ie: vegetarian/extra person or table/which are the head

table/table servers and food runners with special requests ix) Copy of the final program rundown

x) To get ready for service 15 minutes before start of food service

餐前安排 / 沟通:

经理 / 负责主管要负责通知厨房主管有关下列事项: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi)

确实出席人数 起菜席数 主家席席数

主家席及其他台的人数 起菜时间 出菜所限时间

vii) viii)


特别要求如: 要求食素 / 餐桌额外人数,负责传送主家席及有特别要求的人员

ix) x)




? Mustard/chilli sauce (on underliner with a demitasse spoon) to be placed and

pre-set (one set of sauce for every 3-4 guests), and soy sauce should be pre-poured into soy sauce dishes before guests are seated ? Chopstick folders are to be removed

? Cold dishes/tidbits to be pre-set on guests’ tables before guests are seated:

Head table: One set for each guest in front of their settings Other tables: 2-3 sets on the lazy susan

? Chairs are to be pulled out for guests to ensure easy seating

? Face towels to be pre-placed on the table next to every setting (chilled in

summer and hot in winter)

? Gong (if required) for advising guests to proceed to tables

? Specially assigned staff acting as greeters will assist guests in seating. If it is

a party with seating arrangements, all specially assigned staff should have a seating plan and VIP list in their hands for easy reference

? Server should assist guests in seating, open and lay napkins on guests’ laps

(do not put it under the show plate/bone plate)

? Ensure there is a clear passage for the arrival of VIPs

? Beverages and wines to be served (if any particular wine has been selected)

as soon as guests are seated

? All centerpieces should be removed and placed at a designated area to avoid

causing damage to them


? 汁酱如: 芥酱 / 辣椒或豆板酱应用底碟盛着,碟旁放小匙,於起菜前已

置於所有餐桌上,豉油已斟好 ? 筷子套除掉

? 凉菜/小食应於客人入座前已放戮好在所有餐桌上

? 主家每位一份

? 其他台每桌二至三份在转盆上 ? 所有餐椅要稍为拉开,方便客人入座 ? 毛巾已放到毛巾盆上 ? 敲锣 (如有) 通知客人入座

? 客人入场前,所有被安排协助客人入座的人士,应该准手拿一份座位安


? 所有服务员应站立在其负责的餐桌旁,协助客人入座。为客人开及铺餐

巾,(置餐巾於客人膝盖上,非碟底) ? 确保通道畅通,好让贵宾入场,入席,就座 ? 当客人就座,服务员应马上为客人提供饮品服务 ? 移走台花时,应放到指定位置,以免损坏台花

Beverage Service:

? Pre-poured drinks ie: soft drinks, beer and juices in glasses to be served from

trays by server(s) straight onto the guest’s table. Wines to be served with red in one hand and white in the other (unless specific wine(s) have been selected to be paired with particular or each dish)

? Wines are to be opened and tasted by the host before being served (for small

functions), and by the Manager/Captain (Qualified personnel ie: sommelier) staff for larger events

? Refill to be offered directly from the bottle/carafe/decanter. The guests

should be asked before removing their empty glasses. Do not remove any glass if there is still beverage in it, unless requested to do so.

? The host is to be served a fresh glass for tasting wine from newly opened


? Bottles should not be left on the tables unless requested

? Packet beverages should not be served directly to the guest.

Carafes/decanters are to be used for service

? Prepare Chinese liquor service by having glasses, decanters, cork screw /



