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牛津译林版英语八年级下册 Unit4 A good read单元复习卷(含答案)

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8B Unit4 A good read 单元复习卷


1. ______ funny film by Xu Zheng is ______ great success.

A. A; a B. The; the C. A; the D. The; a 2. A mother tiger can give birth 30 3-5 baby tigers _______ .

A. at times B. on time C. at the time D. at a time 3. I started working early and _______ half of it so far.

A. did B. will do C. have done D. was doing 4. He _______ his key, and he hasn't found it yet.

A. has lost B. lost C. have lost D. loses 5. 一The life we were used to ______ greatly since 1992. 一That's true. It is changing for the better at all times.

A. change B. has changed C. changing D. have changed 6. We are leaving tomorrow, and we will be away ______ next Friday. A. from B. until C. on D. since

7. My teacher gave me much ______ on how to study English well when I had some trouble. A. advice B. question C. suggestion D. problem 8. If you ______ smoke, please go outside.

A. can B. may C. must D. might 9. Jack didn't tell the truth but his mother _______ .

A. found it B. found it out C. find it D. found out it 10. I quite ______ my uncle. I haven't seen him ______ many years. A. miss; for B. missed; at C. see; in D. hear; on

11. --- Simon. I hear you are going abroad for further study. Have you decided ______ ? --- Next September.

A. when going B. when to go C. how going D. how to go 12. --- I am not sure which tie to wear for the party. --- God! I have no idea, ______ .

A. too B. neither C. either D. also

13. Jack was very angry with me because I refused ______ computer games with him. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played 4. She managed ______ herself understood in English.

A. make B. made C. to make D. making

15. Li Lei improved his way of learning English. _____ , he got good grades in his English exam. A. As a result B. Actually C. However D. For example 二、完型(每小题1分,满分10分)

Ashley Smith is a 26-year-old single mother with a daughter . She was moving into her house in Atlanta , Georgia early on the morning of March 12 , when a man 1 her to her door , and put a gun(枪)to her side .

“I started walking to my door , and I felt really , really 2 ,”she said in a TV interview last week .

The man was Brian Nichols , 33 years old. He killed three people at an Atlanta courthouse on March 11 . The police were 3 him .

Nichols tied Smith up with a tape , but set her free after she begged him not to take her 4 again and again . “I told him if he hurt me , my little girl wouldn’t have a mummy ,”she said with tears .

“I just talked to him and tried to 5 believe me ,” Smith said .

She asked Nichols 6 he chose her . “He said he thought I was an angel sent from God , and God asked him to do so .”

Smith even cooked breakfast for the man before he allowed(允许) her to leave . Nichols was 7 when she made him breakfast and that the two of them watched TV, seeing 8 looking for him . “I cannot 9 that’s me on the TV !” Nichols told the woman .

Then , Nichols asked Smith what she thought he should do . She said , “I think you should turn yourself in . If you don’t , lots more people are going to get 10 .” Finally , he let her go . Then she called the police . 1. A .took B .followed C .found D .noticed 2. A .sad B .angry C .frightened D .amazed 3. A .waiting for B .thinking of C .looking at D .searching for 4. A .money B .life C .daughter D .clothes 5. A .make him B .help him C .ask him to D .tell him to 6. A .how B .why C .when D .where 7. A .surprised B .excited C .afraid D .unhappy 8. A .his family B .his friends C .the police D .the little girl 9. A .understand B .believe C .say D .expect 10. A .tired B .hurt C .caught D .worried 三、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20分)


Food, Drink & Refreshment Relax in our new Loch Ness Eatery. Whether (不论) you are looking for a snack or a full meal, we can provide almost anything to suit everyone. We will be ready to help you at all times. ●Fresh Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, etc ●Different kinds of Home Baking and Cakes ●Home Made Soup and Sandwiches ●Sweets and Soft Drinks

●Packed Lunches for Those Who Like a Picnic ●Seating for over 150 Visitors

Tel: +44(0)456 450321 Web : www. lochness com

1. The above reading is most probably ______.

A. an advertisement B. a food report C. a shopping list D. a menu 2. It’s clear that the Eatery _______.

A. can hold 150 people at least B. only provides Chinese food C. has a history of less than 30 years D. doesn’t offer many kinds of food 3. At the Loch Ness Eatery, visitors can _______. A. book comfortable rooms B. have a picnic C. cook for themselves D. get a good relaxation 4. The reading also tells us _______.

A. the prices of food and drinks B. the address of the Eatery C. the name of the manager D. the way of getting in touch with the Eatery 5. The Eatery provides almost everything to _______. . A. treat people for a long time B. meet (满足) the needs of different visitors C. let people take away D. help people learn about Loch Ness


Once there was a piano player in a bar (酒吧) . People came just to hear him play. But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song. \\\ Now he was singing for the very first time! Nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so beautifully !

He had talent (天赋) he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. But once he found, by accident, that he could sing well, he went on working hard and became one of the best-known singers in the US. His name was Nat King Cole.

You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel that your talent is great, but it may be better than you think. With hard work, most skills can be improved. Besides, you may have no success at all if you just sit on your talent.

6. The lady asked the player to sing a song because __________. A. she enjoyed his singing B. she knew him very well C. she had paid him for this D. she wanted to have a change 7. Nat King Cole succeeded because ___________.

A. he caught the chance B. the lady helped him a lot C. he continued to play in the bar D. he stopped playing the piano

8. The words \ A. try to develop B. manage to show C. fail to realize D. forget to use

9. From the story we know if you have some talent, you should _________. A. hide it and wait B. ask others for help

C. pay no attention to it D. work hard to improve yourself 10. Which could be the best title for the passage?

A. Find Your Hidden Talent B. Sing in the Bar C. Achieve Success in Life D. Never Lose Heart 四、词汇运用(每小题1分,满分15分) A) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式

1. His mother often gave him some useful (建议)about reading. 2.Look, the truck broke (撞)the rocks. Let's go and help them. 3.He carried the child on his _______ (肩膀).

4. Travelling can _______ (打开)up a new world to me. 5. How can I _______ (续借)the storybook? 6. Zheng He _______ (航海)to visit other countries. 7. Maybe I can become a _______ (作家)when I grow up.

8. Don't worry about your English. The teacher with much _______ (经验)will teach us well. 9. Reading books regularly is a good _______ (习惯). 10. Can you _______ (翻译) these sentences into English? B) 所给词的适当形式填空

1.I felt _______ (anything) wrong with my left leg . It couldn’t move . 2.We must _______ (work) hard for our country .

3.You are so tired . Don’t keep _______ (run) for a long time . Stop to have a rest . 4.I didn’t know how to _______ (answer) the questions correctly . 5.Gullive _______ (final) pulled his right hand free . 五、翻译句子(每小题3分,满分15分) 1. 你能告诉我如何处理这些垃圾吗?

____________________________________________________________________________ 2. 当他最终设法举起了他的手指时,那些小人朝他叫喊。

____________________________________________________________________________ 3.现在作业已经做完了,我们讨论怎样度过多余的时间吧。

____________________________________________________________________________ 4.在如此多有趣的书中,你已经决定先读哪一本了吗?

____________________________________________________________________________ 5.你可以按时交报告的,你只要对自己有信心。

____________________________________________________________________________ 六、任务型阅读(每空1分,满分10分)

Every student can manage time to get good grades at school. However, how can you manage your time more efficiently(有效地) to study well? Well, you can arrange for time each day to read over notes. You needn't study each of your subjects every day, but studying something every day will help you improve your grades. Take notes as you study, so you can use those notes to shorten your study time later. Even though studying is important, it doesn't need to control your time.

After-school activities are an important part of school life for many students. The journey toward good grades doesn't mean you have to give up these activities. Instead, you need to find your personal balance between study time and extra activities. For example, if you play on the baseball team and work on the school paper, you may find that two activities are too much, and that you don't have enough time to study and take part in these activities. If this is the case, you need to prioritize(区分优先次序) and choose just one activity. Therefore, you'll have time to study.

As you get closer to graduation, it becomes easier to think that class attendance isn't important, especially later in college. Other activities, such as hanging out with friends and even working, can feel more important. However, class time is the time when you can ask questions and learn more about the material. Attending your classes regularly makes you get more information and helps you get better grades.

Any spare time you have during the day can be used for studying. For example, if you take a bus, use that time to read over your notes, or read your text. Any time in which you would just sit and wait is a good time to work on school work, so you can improve your grades. However, you

need to learn to balance school work and relaxation time, so you don't burn out. 根据短文内容,完成表格。每空只填1个单词。

1. of Managing Time to Get Good Grades Paragraph outlines Supporting details 2. some ● It is necessary for you to study something every day. time taking notes ● 3. notes while studying can help save your study time later. every day 4. study time ● You needn't 5. after-school activities just to study for good grades. and after-school ● You shouldn't prevent after-school activities affecting your study. activities ● You can choose to do the activity that you think is the most 6. . Attend 7. class ● You shouldn't be absent from class because of some activities. ● You should make use of class time to learn 8 . Use 9 time ● You can study while taking 10. . ● You can do school work when waiting to do something. 七、书面表达(满分15分)

在我们的生活中,阅读起着举足轻重的作用。请根据以下提示,以“I love reading”为题写一段80词左右的短文。

提示:1. 为什么要阅读? 2. 怎样养成良好的阅读习惯?

I love reading

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

牛津译林版英语八年级下册 Unit4 A good read单元复习卷(含答案)


