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1. 本试卷分为第一、第二两卷。第一卷三大题,满分120分:第二卷两大题,满分30分,


2. 答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。

第一卷 (共三大题,共120分)

1. 单项选择(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)。

从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. In those days,everybody in the Village___to church every Sunday. A. went B.has gone C.go D.will go 2.Don’t forget to lock the door___.

A.No,I’m not B.Yes,I have C.No,I won’t D.Yes,I’m sure 3.The next meeting will take place___Tuesday morming. A.at B.by C.in D.on

4.I ran into Ted yesterday .I___him since graduation.

A.hadn’t seen B.don’t see C.won’t see D.didn’t see 5.Jane went away ___I could say goodbye to her. A.when B.before C.until D.that

6.You should have your car ___as soon as possible. A.to fix B.fixed C.fix D.fixing

7.You will be shown around the city, musenms,sports centres and some other places,___other visitors seldom go.

A.where B.which C.that D.when 8.Is she going to send the book back? ___not.I think she will keep it.

A.Naturally B.Really C.Probably D.Necessarily

9.The news spread quickly ___soon everybody knew what had happppend. A.for B.but C.or D.ard

10. ___the truth,we are not willing to cut down on workers in order to out costs. A.Tell B.telling C.To tell D.To have told 11.I kept telling you about it ,but you ___listen.

A.couldn’t B.shounn’t C.needn’t D.wouldn’t

12.I was at the office all weekend ___care of importhant business. A.taken B.to take C.taking D.take

13.I thought the film was pretty good,but my brother didn’t think___. A.yes B.too C.really D.so

14.The police questioned all the students,but___of them had seen the thief. A.none B.neither C.either D.any



15. ______everybody know,the farming industry is in serious difficulties. A.what B.That C.As D.Which

16.I tried phoning her office ,but Icouldn’t___.

A.get up B.get through C.get off D.get along

17.Could I___your name .Please? Yes,It’s Jenkins. Sandra Jenkins. A.give B.have C.call D.say

18.I think we’ve discussed everything we need to ___,what time is it? A.Through the way B.In the way C.on the way D.By the way

19.By the time the guests come ,I expect to ___all the food. A.have prepared B.prepare C.preparing D.prepared

20.I can’t find my glasses, I must have___them on the bus. A.kept B.left C.saved D.seen



In ancient Egypt(古埃及),people believed that the cat was a god .When a___21___died its owners showed their sadness by the strange habit of shaving their eyebrows off In the 19th century ,the famous English writer Charles Dickens had a cat who was very __22__of him .The cat didn’t like to _23__Dickens working too hard .At night ,when the cat wanted to say __24__writing to his master ,he often__25__Dickens’s candle with his paw(脚爪).

When animals become pets, the result,after a number of generations,is a smaller animal with a smaller brain. Rabbits (兔子),__26__,which live as pets in a garden,are less intelligent than their __27__Cousins ,Of course ,man doesn’t always keep __28__for pleasure.Many animals have to work for their masters.

There was __29__a farm in Namibia, Africa, which had 80 goats .A mother monkey took the goats to the hills every day and brought them back at night .She __30__knew exactly which goats were hers which is more than many humans could do.

21. A.cat B.monkey C.rabbit D.goat 22. A.sure B.fond C.afraid D.proud 23. A.make B.help C.see D.force 24. A.Stop B.Start C.Enjoy D.Keep

25. A.held on B.looked for C.put out D.picked up

26. A.finally B.of course C.however D.for example 27. A.happy B.would C.famous D.small 28. A.animals B.gardens C.cousins D.candles 29.A.again B.soon C.often D.once 30. A.never B.sometimes C.seldom D always Ⅲ.阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题4分,满分60分)


I want to tell you the story of one of my old friends called Bob,His teachers called him A Troublemaker ,They also said that he had no future and no hope . But now he owns a small secondChand bookstore store which makes him enough money to live on and also to support his



mother .

He told me that after he finished grade nine ,he went to study at a technical college ,He was a pretty bad student so he became ode of the gang (一帮)Ieaders there ,Many of them got caught many times for fighting.

It looked like nothing could change his life , that was until one sad day when his father died ,That changed everything .

After his father died, his mother had to work very hard to make enough money to support the family ,He told me that he really pitied his mum after his dad died , He felt that he needed to earn some money rather than let his mum work alone ,He loved reading cartoon(卡通)books and had been collecting them for years ,As his family was short of money he decided that he should sell them, He did this by the side of the road where his mother was selling food.

Soon he realised that his books were very popular. So he decided to set up his own business, He started his business by going around buying cartoon books from other people.He bought them for 25% and then sold them for half price. He could make enough money to help support the family.

He was at A troublemaker to his teachers but he is a hero to me ,If you are judged as Abad student or as someone being Astupid, I suggest you pay no attention to what they say, Just do your best in everything ,Don’t give up so easily ,Believe in yourself ,If you think that you can do it ,then you can, Believe me, one day you could be mors successful than those persons who looked down upon you

31. What does the author want to tell the readers?

A.How a young man helpen his mother.

B.How a young man graduated from college.

C.People can change when they are determined to.

D.People can be successful after they lose a family member.

32. Bob felt that he should change his way of life mainly because he . A.pitied his mother B.got caught for fighting

C.wanted to work with his mother D.had to sell food by the roadside 33. Bob decided to start his own business when he . A. sold all his cartoon books

B. found others liked cartoon books C.could write his own cartoon books D.could buy cartoon books from others


Caffeine (咖啡因) is in many foods and drinks. More than 60 plants ,incuding coffee beans(豆) .Tea leaves ,and cocoa beans (the source of chocolate). Have caffeine .In addition companies add it to some drinks and now putting caffeing in more products . For example new kinds of mineral .Water and juice have caffeine.

As a result ,the use of caffeine is very popular . People in the U.S,are spending more time in café and coffee shops ,And around the world ,80% of grown-ups eat or drink products with caffeine everyday .In one recent year, the use of coffee in the US. Went up 37%。

When we eat or drink caffeine, it wakes us up and makes our hearts work a little faster.




