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Unit 1 What’s the matter?

Section A

知能新视窗 本节主要学习一些人体器官的名词和病名, 能够运用what’s the matter来询问他人患病的情况,并提出合理化的建议。 名师开小灶

1. What’s the matter? 你怎么啦?


What’s the matter with you? 你怎么啦?

【拓展】What’s the matter (with…)?也可用于某人遇到麻烦事或某物有毛病、出故障等。如: What’s the matter with your MP4? 你的MP4出了什么问题?

【金钥匙】What’s the matter with…?与What’s wrong with…?或What’s the trouble with…?是同义句。 2. I have a stomachache. 我胃疼。

(1) have作动词,意为“得……病;患病”,表示具有某种“病症,症状”,常用“have a + 名词”。 (2) stomachache意为“肚子痛,胃痛”。是stomach + ache组合而成。ache是名词,意为“疼,痛,隐隐作痛”,常与身体的部位名称结合构成复合词,其前通常用不定冠词。如: a headache头痛 a toothache 牙痛 a backache 背痛 【辨析】ache, pain, sore的区别

① ache指持续的疼痛,常与人体部位名词构成复合词。

② pain指突然出现的疼痛,也指身心痛苦。常用于have a pain in…结构。如: He has a pain in the ears. 他耳朵痛。

③ sore指由于感染或发炎而造成的疼痛。如: He has a sore back. 他背痛。

3. You should drink some hot tea with honey. 你应该喝点加蜂蜜的热茶。 (1) should 意为“应该,应当”,是情态动词,后接动词原形,比must, ought to等较委婉。表示“义务、责任”,可用于各种人称。其否定形式是shouldn’t。如: You should say sorry to him. 你应该对他说对不起。 He should learn from others. 他应该向他人学习。 (2) with作介词,表示“有;附有”,起伴随作用。如: I like coffee with milk. 我喜欢加奶的咖啡。 【拓展】with的用法很多,常用的有: ① 表示“和某人或某事物一起”。如: She hardly ever stays with her parents. 她很少和妈妈一。 ② 表示用某种工真。如: We see with our eyes, but they work with their ears. 他们用眼看,用手工作。 4. He shouldn’t eat anything. 他不应该吃东西。

anything是不定代词,意为“某事”。常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。如: I don’t know anything about him.有关他的情况我不了解。 Do you anything to ask? 你有什么要问吗? 【链接】something也是不定代词,意为“某事”。常用于肯定句或表示请求得到肯定答复、建议的疑问句中。如: I have something to do this afternoon. 今天下午我有事要做。 Would you like something to drink? 想要喝的东西吗? 5. I’m not feeling well. 我感到身体不适。 (1) feel在此是作连系动词,意思是“感觉到”,后接形容词作表语。如:

She feels a little cold. 她感到有一点冷。

【链接】常见的连系动词:sound听起来,look看起来,taste尝起来,become变得,turn变得.。 (2) well在此句中作形容词,用来指人的身体好。如:

I’m very well. 我的身体很好。

【拓展】well 还可作副词,用于修饰动词。如:

She dances very well. 她的舞跳得很好。 【辨析】fine, nice, well, good

① fine常指“人”时,表示“身体健康”;指天气时表示“晴朗的”。如: My teacher is fine. 我老师身体很好。 It’s a fine day today. 今天天气好。

② nice主要侧重于人或物的外表“美观,漂亮”,也可用于问候或赞扬他人。如: She’s a nice girl. 她是一位漂亮的姑娘。 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。

(3) good形容词“人”时指“品行”好;形容词“物”时指“质量”好。如: The old woman is good to kids. 那位老太太对小孩很好。 6. About two hours ago. 大约在两个小时前。


He went to the school library ten minutes ago. 十分前他去学校图书馆了。 【辨析】ago, before age常和一般过去时态的动词连用,其前是一个表示时间段的词或短语,构成:一段时间+ago;而before通常用来表示在某个时间点之前,也可单独使用,还可后接一个完整句子。如: They lived in the city three years ago. 十年前,他们住在座城市。 We started our classes before eight o’clock. 八点前我们开始上课的。 I had finished my homework before my father came back. 父亲回来之前我已做完作业。 7. I think so. 我认为是这样。

so作代词,意思是“这样,如此”,用来代替上文中提到的词、短语或某种情况,常在believe, think, hope, say, tell, do, suppose等后。如: I believe so. 我相信是这样。 I hope so. 但愿如此。 —It’s going to rain.天要下雨。

—I think so. 我认为如此。

【金钥匙】在表示看法上的词如believe, hope后面用so表示肯定,用not表示否定。如: —We will have an exam tomorrow. 明天我们要考试。

—I hope not. 我希望不要这样。 【链接】so作连词,意为“所以,因此”,与because 对应。如: Tom was ill, so he didn’t come to school. 汤姆病了,所以他没上学。 8. I hope you feel better soon. 希望你很快就会好起来。 此句常用于祝愿患者身体康复。如: —My mother is ill, I have to look after my sister. 妈妈病了,我得照顾妹妹。

—I’m sorry to hear that. I hope she’s better soon. 听了这个消息我很难过。希望她很快好起来。 实战演练场



arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth

1. Giraffes have long _______. They are about 3 meters (米) long. 2. Zhu Baojie has two big ________ and a big _________. 3. The boy can’t see because his ________ are blind (瞎的). 4. She can’t walk (走) because her _________ are hurt (受伤).

5. Elephants have long ________. They use them to carry something (搬东西). 6. You must brush (刷) your _________ after you get up every morning. 7. Open your _________. Let me look at your throat.

8. The shoes don’t fit (适合,合身) me because my ________are too big. 9. Miss Li comes into the classroom with exercise books in her ________. 10. The back is too heavy (重). Please put it on my ________. 二、根据汉语,写出有关患病的短语。 1. 头痛 _____________________ 2. 胃痛 _____________________

3. 感冒 _____________________ 4. 喉咙痛 ___________________ 5. 牙痛 _____________________ 6. 背痛 _____________________ 7. 发烧 _____________________ 三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 1. 你应该躺下休息。

You should ________ ________ and ________. 2. 李明每天晚上十点去睡觉。

Li Ming ________ _________ ________ at ten every night. 3. 你最好去看牙医。

You had better ________ ________ ________. 4. 两年前我来到这所学校。

I came to the school ______ _______ _______. 5. 每天喝大量的水对你有好处。

It’s good for you to ________ _______ _______ _________ every day. 四、句型转换。

1. The girl has a fever. (就划线部分提问)

________ ________ ________ ________ the girl?

2. She started to have a stomachache three days ago. (就划线部分提问) ________ ________ she ________ to have a stomachache? 3. You should eat something. (改为否定句) You _________ eat __________.

4. He has a toothache. (改为一般疑问句) ________ he ________ a toothache?

5. You should drink hot tea with honey. (改为祈使句的肯定形式) ________ hot tea with honey. 五、单项选择。

( ) 1. —I have a bad ________.

—You should see a dentist. A. cold B. fever C. toothache D. stomachache

( ) 2. —What’s the matter?

—I’m not feeling ________. A. good B. nice C. well D. kind

( ) 3. —I think Nancy is a good student.

—Yes, we all think _______. A. it B. that C. one D. so

( ) 4. You look tired. You _______ go to bed early and ________ stay up late. A. should, should B. should, shouldn’t C. shouldn’t, shouldn’t D. shouldn’t, should ( ) 5. —I have a bad cold.

—I hope you feel _______ soon. A. good B. well D. better D. harder



Ⅰ Ⅱ ( ) 1. What’s the matter with you?

( ) 2. I have a toothache, mum. ( ) 3. You should drink hot tea with


( ) 4. I’m feeling sore in my stomach. ( ) 5. I hope you feel better soon. 七、补全对话。

A: You don’t look well. 1._______

B: I have a headache and a cough (咳嗽). A: Do you have a fever? B: Yes, I do. A: 2. ________ B: Yes, I think so.

A. You should see a doctor. B. What’s the matter? C. I think you have a bad cold. D. I hope you fee better soon. E. When did it start? A. That’s a good idea.

B. You shouldn’t drink cool water. C. You should see a dentist. D. Thanks a lot.

E. I have a headache.

A: 3. ________

B: About two days ago.

A: Oh, that’s too bad. 4. ______

B: That’s a good idea. I have to go now. Thank you. A: You’re welcome. 5.______ B: Thanks.

Section B

知能新视窗 本节学习描述身体不适的词语,继续学习用should或shouldn’t提出合理的建议。通过了解中国式的健康生活方式,学会怎样保持身体健康。 名师开小灶 1. tired疲倦的

tired作形容词,它可以与be, feel, get, become, look等动词搭使用,意思都是:疲倦,但稍有所不同。 be tired表示身体所处的状态 feel tired强调身体的感觉 get/ become侧重身体状态的变化 look tired侧重视觉效果(看起来……) 下面的形容词:hungry, thirsty等词的用法与tired类似。 【拓展】tired可以与of连用,构成tired of…表示“对……厌烦”。如: I’m tired of this work. 我讨厌这工作。 【辨析】tired, tiring tired作形容词,通常作表语,句子的主语是人;tiring作形容词,通常作表语,句子的主语是物,也可作定语。如: The work is tiring. 这项工作没趣。 This is tiring work. 这是一项令人厌烦的工作。 2. stressed out过度紧张的

stressed作形容词,在此意为“精神上紧张的,有压力的”。此处的out作副词,意为“彻底地,完全地”,表示程度。如: You look stressed.你看上去心事重重。 【链接】stress作名词,意为“压力,紧张”;作动词,意为“加压力于,使紧张,给……施加压力”。如: He is under great stress because of his new job. 新工作使他感受到沉重的压力。 Don’t stress the children too much. 不要给孩子们太大的压力。

3. Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. 传统中医认为要想健康,我们需要在阴和阳之间保持平衡。

(1) 该句是一个复合句,we的前面省略了连接词that,we…在此作believe的宾语从句。如: He believe that he can pass the English exam. 他相信他的英语考试能及格。

(2) believe相当于think, suppose等,表示“认为,相信”。常用于“believe + 宾语或that 从句”中,也可用于“believe + 宾语+宾语补足语”结构。如: I believe him / what he said. 我相信他所说的话。 I believe him right. 我认为他是对的。 【金钥匙】

① believe, think等引导宾语从句的that可省略。

② 当含believe, think等的主从复合句变为否定句时,如果主语是第一人称(I, we)时,要否定在主句上。如: I don’t believe he will come. 我认为他不会来。

③ believe与think的区别在于否定和简略回答。如: —Is junk food good for health? 垃圾食品对身体健康有益吗?

—I believe not. (I don’t think so.) 我认为不是的。

(3) a balance of…意为“……的平衡,和谐,协调”。如:

We must keep the balance of the nature. 我们必须保持生态平衡。

(4) to be healthy是不定式短语,表示目的,意为“以使身体健康”。如: He gets up early every morning to go to school on time.为了能按时上学,他每天起得很早。 He exercises for one hour every day to keep healthy. 为了保持身体健康,他每天锻炼一个小时。 4. Maybe you have too much yin. 可能你阴盛。

too much作形容词,意为“太多的,过于的”,后接不可数名词。如: You take too much interest in what you wear. 你太过于注重穿着。

【拓展】much还可与so和very much连用,so much, very much后也只能接不可数名词,常表示很多,加强much的程度,但不含“太过于”的意思。如: There was so much food and we couldn’t eat it all. 食物很多,我们无法全部吃完。 There is never very much news on Sundays. 星期日从来没有多少新闻。 Much可作副词修饰动词。修饰动词时,除在疑问句、否定句中以外,不可单独使用,通常以very much, too much和so much等形式出现。如: She doesn’t much like fruit. 她不太喜欢水果。 She likes fruit very much. 她非常喜欢水果。 You eat too much. 你吃得太多了。 Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。 【金钥匙】much too的中心词是too,意为“太,非常,极其”,后接形容词或副词。如: It’s much too cold. 天气太冷了。

5. You should eat hot yang foods, like beef. 你应该吃壮阳的食品,如牛肉。

句中like beef是插入语,说明hot yang foods是哪些食物,like作介词,意为“诸如, 像……这样的”,与such as相似,有举例说明了的意思。常与要说明的内容用逗号隔开。

6. Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this. 吃当参和黄芪对这也有好处。 (1) 句中eating…是动名词短语作主语,表示所做的某件事。如: Watching TV too much every day is bad for your eyes. 每天看太多的电视对你的眼睛有害。 Doing more speaking can improve your English. 多说能提高你的英语。

(2) be good for…意为“对……有益,有好处,有利于”,而be bad for…表示“对……有害,无益”。 7. But people who are too stressed out and angry many have too much yang. 但是过度紧张并且容易生气的人可能阳气太多。

(1) 句中who…是一个定语从句,修饰people, who在此处不疑问代词,不含疑问意思,而是一个关系代词,引出定语从句,修饰人。如: Do you know the man who is talking with our teacher? 你认识那个正和我们老师谈话的那个人吗?

(2) angry是形容词,意思是“生气的,恼怒的”。如果表示“对某人生气”,就用be angry with结构,如果表示“对某事生气”,就用be angry about / at。如: He is angry with me.他对我很生气。 He is angry about what I did. 他对我所做的事很生气。

8. It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and it’s important to eat a balanced diet. 具有健康的生活方式并不难,重要的是膳食平衡。

句中的两个it都是形式主语,而不定式to have…, to eat…都是真正的主语。如: It’s important to learn English. 学英语是很很需要的。

【拓展】it作形式主语,除以上的结构处,还有:It’s + 形容词或名词 + for sb. to do sth.的结构。如: It’s difficult for him to answer the question. 对他来说,回答这个问题很难。 It’s time for us to have a party. 到我们开晚会的时候了。

9. You should go to bed early for a few nights. 你应该早睡几夜。

a few意为“一些,几个”,与some 同义,但只能修饰可数名词的复数。如: I have a few friends here. 我在这里有几个朋友。 【辨析】a few, few, a little, little (1) a few修饰可数名词的复数,表示肯定意思。 (2) few意思是“几乎没有”,修饰可数名词的复数,表示否定意思。如: He has few friends. 他几乎没有朋友。 (3) a little意思是“一点儿”,修饰不可数名词,表示肯定意思。另外,a little还可修饰形容词或副词的



