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摘 要

本工程建于重庆市江北区,为地上五层砖混结构的民用住宅楼,建筑总面积2274.6㎡。总高度为15.8m。在“安全、适用、经济、美观”的原则下,本建筑还考虑到住宅建筑的人性化,在内部设计采用科学的功能分区,主卧室带有卫生间,客厅阳台面向正南,即综合考虑了住宅的方便性、采光性等。住宅周围绿化达到百分之30以上。论文针对建筑设计和建筑方案设计展开,对住在楼的构造结构设计进行分析,并对基础、墙体、屋面防水、楼板层、楼梯、屋顶、门窗进行设计说明。在建筑方案设计时需注重整体与布局、功能的合理等分析,最后还从建筑外型设计和周边环境设计加以说明,使办公建筑具有内涵的文化性、形象的艺术性、生活方式的独特性、环境的悠美性、建筑的地域性体现住宅楼的安静、方便、舒适的特点。为现代人追求的美观、宽敞、舒适又环境优美的栖息之地所精心打造的住宅楼。 关键词:

砖混结构 人性化服务 构造设计 功能分区


This project is an apartment building, constructs in Chongqing Jiangbei area, mixes the structure for the ground six bricks, the topography is smooth, excellent surroundings, occupying land area floor space approximately for2274.6㎡. Altogether has six, the gross altitude is 15.8m. In “safe, suitable, is economical, is artistic” under the principle, this construction also considered the residential building the user-friendly service, uses the science in the internal design the function district, the master bedroom has the bathroom, the living room balcony face due south, namely overall evaluation housing conveniences, natural lighting and so on. Around the housing afforests achieves above 30%. The paper and constructs the project design in view of the architectural design to launch, carries on the analysis to the apartment building mechanical design, and to the foundation, the wall, the roofing waterproofing, the floor level, the staircase, the roof, the windows and doors carries on the design notes. When construction project design must pay great attention the whole and the layout, the function reasonable and so on analyses, finally also explained from the construction outlook design and the peripheral environment design, enables the work building to have the connotation cultural property, the image artistry, the life style distinctive quality, environment long-drawn-out beautiful, the construction localization to manifest the apartment building peacefully, convenient, the comfortable characteristic. Pursues namely artisticly, spacious, comfortable the excellent surroundings for the modern people to perch the place careful making apartment building

key word:The brick mixes the structure; User-friendly service; Mechanical design; Function district



