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The give way rules让路规则

There are give way rules that apply at intersections and driveways.有让路规则,适用于十字路口和车道。

? If you are turning give way to all traffic that is not turning.如果关闭的所有流量不转。

This includes giving way to cyclists using cycle and bus lanes, and vehicles using bus lanes.这包括让位给骑自行车的使用周期和公交车专用车道,车辆使用公交专用车道。

It also applies when both vehicles are facing the same control, such as Stop signs, Give Way signs and green traffic signals.它也适用于这两款车都面临着同样的控制,如停车标志,让路标志和绿色交通信号。

If you are leaving the path of a marked centre line at an uncontrolled intersection, you must give way to vehicles following the centre line.如果你要离开的一个显着的中心线的道路失控的路口,你必须让路的车辆中心线。 This is because vehicles leaving the path of the centre line are legally turning (even though sometimes they might actually be going in a straight line) and the give way rules apply.这是因为车辆离开的路径的中心线是合法转动(即使他们有时实际上可能要在一条直线上),并适用让路规则。

? If you are turning right and the opposing vehicle is turning left, you must give way.如果你右转,对方车正在左转弯,你必须让路。

? If the road you are on terminates (bottom of the T), give way to traffic on the continuing road (top of the T).如果你是终止的T(下)道路,路上的车辆顶部的T持续的道路上。This also applies at driveways.这也适用于车道。

You must give way to all traffic on the road and any road user on a footpath, cycle path or shared path.你必须让路给任何道路使用者的道路上,行人路,单车径或共享路径上的所有流量。

? In all other situations give way to your right.在所有其他情况下,给你的权利。An example would be at a crossroads controlled by traffic signals when signals have failed and all approaches have a flashing yellow light.一个例子是在一个十字路口的交通信号控制信号时,都失败了,所有的方法都有一个黄灯闪烁。

The give way rules from 25 March 2012 2012年3月25日的让路规则

Download our publication which gives an overview of the give way rules from 25 March 2012 (PDF, 1.25 MB, 8 pages).下载我们的刊物,让让路规则概述了2012年3月25日 (PDF,1.25 MB,8页)。

Traffic signals交通信号

The following rules apply at an intersection controlled by traffic signals (also known as traffic lights):以下规则适用于在一个路口控制交通信号(也称为交通灯):

? A red signal means stop.红色信号表示停止。

Red signal红色信号

o A green signal means you can go, provided it is safe and:一个绿色的信号,意味着你可以去,只要它是安全的,并且:if you are turning right, you give way to vehicles coming towards you that are going straight through,or vehicles turning left.如果你向右转,你给迎面驶来的车辆,直行通过,或车辆左转。

o you give way to pedestrians crossing.你让位给行人过街。This includes riders of mobility devices and wheeled recreational devices.这包括移动设备和轮式娱乐设备的车手。

Green signal绿色信号

? A yellow signal means stop, unless you are so close to the intersection that you can't stop safely.黄色的信号,意味着停止, 除非你是如此接近的路口,你不能安全地停止。

? A yellow signal indicates that the lights will soon turn red.一个黄色的灯很快就会变成红色。

Yellow signal黄色信号

? A flashing yellow signal means the traffic signals are not working.闪烁的黄色信号,意味着交通信号不能正常工作。In this case, you must apply the give way rules for uncontrolled intersections.在这种情况下,必须将你的交叉口机动车让路规则。

Flashing yellow signal黄色闪烁信号

Arrow traffic signals箭头交通信号

When arrows are displayed on traffic signals, they apply only to vehicles going in the direction the arrow is pointing.当箭头上显示的交通信号,它们只适用于车辆的方向箭头指向。 For example:例如:

? A red arrow means you must stop if you are travelling in the direction the arrow is pointing.一个红色箭头,意味着你必须停止,如果你的方向箭头指向。

Red arrow红色箭头

? A yellow arrow means you must stop if you are travelling in the direction the arrow is pointing, unless you are so close to the intersection that you



