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When a person has a lofty ideal, he will feel happy even in the most difficult time.


There's no need to rush, it's always coming, at the right time, and for the right people, for the right reasons.


Poverty does not require planning. To become rich requires a careful plan and to put it into practice. 4、做不好事情不是事情的原因而是人的问题!

It's not a matter of doing things badly, it's a matter of people.


The road depends on oneself, even if again bumpy, also want to pass by oneself.

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In fact, we often fail not in yesterday, but in not making good use of today.

7、我们人生的全部意义在于创造,奋斗则是一种手段。 The whole meaning of our life lies in creation, and struggle is a means.


Without enthusiasm, there will be no progress in the world.


There are many good books in the world, and few books can change fate.


If the past is a dream, the half-awake dream is the real life. 11、在逆境或困难中经受住考验,这样的人生才有价值。 Only by withstanding the test of adversity or difficulty can such a life be of value.

12、人若软弱就是自己最大的敌人。 If a man is weak, he is his greatest enemy. 13、说话时可以很直接,人很直爽,总比虚伪好。

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Speaking can be very direct, people are very

straightforward, always better than hypocrisy. 14、信心来自于实力,实力来自于勤奋。

Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from diligence.


Happiness in the heart, with a smile on the face; sorrow in the heart, hurt the body and mind.


Love others with kindness and treat others with kindness. Children, let's build a world of love together. 17、失败的是事,绝不应是人。 Failure is a matter, not a person.


As long as you are willing to fight, nothing is absolutely impossible.

19、我们每一做一件事都应该既小心谨慎,又充满信心。 Every thing we do should be cautious and confident. 20、人生在世,应该这样,在芬芳别人的同时美丽自己。 Life in the world, should be so, while fragrant others at the same time beautiful themselves.

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A few minutes more preparation last night and a few hours less trouble today.

22、预测未来的最好方法,就是创造未来。 The best way to predict the future is to create it.

23、也莫不辨是非地随波逐流,宁肯孑然而自豪地独守信念。 Neither can we distinguish right from wrong and drift with the tide, preferring to proudly abide by faith alone. 24、白白的过一天,无所事事,就像犯了窃盗罪一样。 One day in vain, doing nothing is like committing theft. 25、懒惰者等待机遇,勤奋者创造机遇。

Lazy people wait for opportunities, diligent people create opportunities.


The essence of management is to ignore it! No sword is better than a sword.


There is no empty life, you can die happily, just as there is no empty day, you can sleep!

28、每条路都很难走,但是一旦选择了,就一定要走下去。 Every road is hard to walk, but once you choose, you must

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go on.


Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe in you. 30、世界会给那些有目标和远见的人让路。

The world will give way to those who have goals and vision.

31、成功的人是跟别人学习经验,失败的人只跟自己学习经验。 Successful people learn from others, while unsuccessful people learn from themselves.

32、不要为它的结束而哭,应当为它的开始而笑。 Don't cry for its end, laugh for its beginning. 33、人有了坚定的信念才是不可战胜的。

A man is invincible only when he has firm beliefs. 34、怀疑并不是缺点。总是疑,而并不下断语,这才是缺点。 Doubt is not a weakness. Always doubting, but not concluding, this is the shortcoming.


Good managers just want to organize and turn away from you!

36、生活是个吃软怕硬的东西。你弱他就强,你强他就弱。 Life is a soft thing to eat and a hard thing to fear. If you are weak, he will be strong. If you are strong, he will be weak.

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People who believe in their abilities can do anything. 38、不尊重别人的自尊心,就好像一颗经不住阳光的宝石。 Not respecting others'self-esteem is like a gem that can't withstand the sunshine.


Don't be jealous of his long, long, short. Don't protect your own short, protect your own short, then you will not be long.



