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创新设计高考英语北师大一轮活训练提升: nit Langage

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选修七 Unit 19 Language


My friend Jenny from Germany spent some time traveling in India.She __1__ the country so much that she always got attracted by it.While there,she __2__ with Leela,her friend who was Indian.Aside from the __3__ that she got as a foreigner,Jenny always had __4__ problems.It was so difficult for her to communicate and converse in this new environment and culture.

One day,a __5__ thing happened.Along with Leela,she went to visit an orphanage(孤儿院).All the children there were __6__;each one fell somewhere between the ages of fifteen days to one-and-a-half years old.

After some initial hesitation,Jenny __7__ went to the kids and sat beside them.After some time,one of the kids smiled at her.Her mind __8__ a little,and she immediately was drawn towards that child.

She slowly held the child and started __9__ a rhyme in German.The small child continued to __10__ and started repeating after her.The words that escaped the little mouth were much __11__ from those that Jenny hummed,but the rhythm was the same.Jenny sang a little more and the child __12__ it again.On and on they went. Wanting to join in all the __13__,another kid went up to Jenny and started humming the rhyme.They __14__ a million smiles together. Noticing Leela's eyes on her,she blurted(脱口而出)an explanation __15__ from her heart:“See,I don't have language problems here.We speak,we __16__!”

That day,it was __17__ for Leela and the others in the orphanage to see such a heartwarming,language-less connection.In that moment,she __18__:we're all simply human,and we have the __19__ to connect with each other.It's simple,and __20__ deep inside. 【语篇解读】 到国外旅游语言不通是大问题,但有时即使语言不通也能交流。Jenny就有过这么一次有趣的经历。

1.A.expected B.dreamed C.loved D.defended

答案 C [由该句中的“... that she always got attracted by it(她总是被它所吸引)”可知,她“热爱”这个国家。]

2.A.worked B.stayed C.accompanied D.agreed

答案 B [Jenny与印度女孩Leela(她的朋友)在一起,故用stay。accompany为及物动词,不可与with连用。]

3.A.gazes B.presents C.shocks D.aids

答案 A [她在印度属于外国人,所以受到了(当地人的)注视、关注。gaze“凝视,注


4.A.learning B.hearing C.exchange D.language

答案 D [从下文中的“It was so difficult for her to communicate and converse in this new environment and culture.”以及15空后的“I don't have language problems”可知,这是指“她总会遇到语言障碍”,D项正确。]

5.A.strange B.funny C.vital D.terrible

答案 A [Jenny总是遇到语言障碍,而下文中在孤儿院发生的事却没有因语言不通而受影响,这着实令人感到奇怪,故用strange。]

6.A.naughty B.tiny C.lively D.noisy

答案 B [根据空后的“each one fell somewhere between the ages of fifteen days to one-and-a-half years old”可知,这些孩子都很“小”,故用tiny。]

7.A.happily B.immediately C.excitedly D.slowly

答案 D [因为迟疑了一会儿,所以Jenny是“慢慢地”走向孩子们,坐在他们旁边。] 8.A.relaxed B.hesitated C.wandered D.slipped

答案 A [由一个孩子对她微笑以及下文中她立即被那个孩子吸引并抱住那个孩子可知,她(紧张的)思想“放松”了一些。]

9.A.reading B.singing C.writing D.entertaining 答案 B [根据下文中的“Jenny sang a little more”可知答案为B。] 10.A.grow B.quarrel C.shout D.smile

答案 D [上文提到小孩的微笑吸引了她,那么此刻这个小孩继续做的事情应是向她“微笑”。]

11.A.various B.different C.similar D.unlike

答案 B [从这个小孩的嘴里吐出的词虽与Jenny哼唱的词不同,但旋律是相同的。与后面的the same相对,此处应选different。]

12.A.repeated B.renewed C.responded D.removed

答案 A [根据上文中的“started repeating after her”可知答案,此处表示“再次重复”。]

13.A.party B.sport C.game D.fun

答案 D [上文提到Jenny与孩子玩得很好,另一个孩子想加入进来一起玩耍。the fun指代上文的欢乐场景。]

14.A.made B.shared C.provided D.wore

答案 B [“a million smiles together”为夸张手法,指的是他们一起“分享”快乐。] 15.A.straight B.deeply C.just D.abruptly

答案 A [由“she blurted(脱口而出)an explanation”可知,这是直接发自心里的声音,故选择straight。]

16.A.conduct B.value C.communicate D.conquer

答案 C [这是Jenny在向朋友炫耀:看,我在这里没有语言问题了。我们说话了,我们在交流!文中第一段“It was so difficult... environment and culture.”也是提示。]

17.A.amazing B.inspiring C.amusing D.tiring

答案 A [那一天,Leela和在场的其他人看到这种感人的、很少用言语的交流,都感到很惊奇,故用amazing。]

18.A.understood B.considered C.proved D.murmured

答案 A [这时,她明白了:我们是人,我们有能力相互交流。understand“理解,明白”;consider“考虑”;prove“证明”;murmur“低语,低声抱怨”。故选择A。]

19.A.mind B.technique C.ability D.means 答案 C [参见上题解析。] 20.A.leads to B.comes from C.breaks out D.sets off

答案 B [我们都有与他人交往的本能,这种本能来自人的内心深处。lead to“导致,引起”;come from“来自……”;break out“爆发”;set off“出发”。故选择B。]


体裁 说明文 题材 语言学习 词数 358 难度 ★★★ 建议用时 6.5分钟 It is arguable that had not James Murray's 11 children assisted in the work,the Oxford

English Dictionary(OED)would never have seen the light of day.Every afternoon the children collected the recently arrived slips.As each child reached an age when he or she could read,they were pressed into service.Jowett,the youngest son,describes sorting slips in the 1890s.“We received no pocket money,but had to earn it by sorting slips.Hours and hours of our childhood were spent in this useful occupation. But we wanted money for Christmas or birthday presents.We were not paid according to skill or speed.The standard rate was one penny an hour,but this rose to two pence,three pence,or even six pence as you grew in your teens.”

Dictionaries have become much more advanced since those days.In March 2000 the OED Online became available on the World Wide Web.It's made up of 60 million words of text,and describes nearly 750,000 terms used in English over the past thousand years.It represents the initial findings of a 20-year project to revise the OED.Of course computer technology has been a great help to this work.While revising the OED,editors now have access to a huge body of electronic data in addition to their more traditional resources.Special search software allows editors to analyze information in ways that were unimaginable even 20 years ago—including examining the text of the OED itself on a computer screen.

Technology is not new to the OED,as editing has been computerized since the early 1980s.The challenge was not the length of the dictionary but its complexity—the need to maintain the old structure rather than adapting the text to make software design easier.One particular challenge was the accurate display of words from the many languages to which English owes a debt,and over a thousand special shapes and characters were created for this purpose.The biggest challenge in making OED Online was accessibility.They wanted to create a website that the reader is led directly to the meaning of each word without any of the technical tools used by scholars.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。介绍了《牛津英语词典》的编写历程,以及在在线《牛津英语词典》的修订制作过程中编辑是如何克服困难、成功完成的。

1.The amount of money the children earned depended on ________. A.their age B.the speed

C.the number of slips they sorted D.their need for money

答案 A [细节题。由第1段中最后一句话可知,随着年龄的增加孩子的报酬也在增加,所以依据是他们的年龄。]

2.Today,the OED is more accessible because ________. A.it contains 60 million words

B.readers can find the meanings of words more easily C. it allows editors 10 analyse information in new ways D.foreign words are accurately displayed

答案 B [推断题。由第2段中“In March 2000 the OED Online became available on the World Wide Web”及最后一段最后一句可知,在线《牛津英语词典》被广泛使用的原因是读


3.Since 1980 computer technology has been used by ________. A.readers to read online

B.editors to analyse information in various ways C.readers to examine the text of OED D.editors to revise the OED

答案 D [细节题。由第2段中“It represents the initial findings of a 20-year project to revise the OED”及最后一段第1句可知编辑应用电脑科技去修订词典。]

4.What does the word“they”in the last paragraph refer to? A.Readers of OED. B.OED scholars.

C.Many foreign languages. D.OED editors.

答案 D [词义推测题。由最后一段全段内容结合整句意思知“网站是由OED编辑建立的”,故答案为D项。]



词数:100左右。 Dear Zhang Hua, I'm sorry to hear that ________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Yours ever, Li Ming


Dear__Zhang__Hua, I'm__sorry__to__hear__that you didn't do well in your last exam.You are not the only one who seems to try his best but ends up with a failure in exams.Quite a number of students feel the same way as you and they tend to lose their confidence and don't want to study hard any longer.I'm sure you know that it's unwise to do so because you might be left far behind.

I was once in the same situation as yours.Failure is the mother of success.In face of failure,what we need to do is to calm down and reflect our learning methods and make some possible changes or to ask the teachers for advice.Anyway,Rome is not built in a day.Only by sticking to studying persistently can we make progress step by step till success.I truly hope I can be of some help to you.

Yours__ever, Li__Ming

创新设计高考英语北师大一轮活训练提升: nit Langage


