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班级 ____ 姓名 _____ 学号 _____

1. The girl is ____ a green skirt today.

A. putting on B. wear C? in D? dressing 2. ■一Pm going to Mary\\ birthday party?

-一 _____ your new skirt, Betty. You arc not supposed to _____ your old one.

A. Dress; put on B. Wear; dress C. Wear; put on D. Put on; Wear

3. This weekend I plan to help my grandmother ____ flowers.

A. water B. to water C. waters D. A or B

4. -一Could you Please ___ the blackboard now? I haven\—Ok.

A. not clean B. don't clean C. not to clean D? not cleaning

5. Don't forget to _______ \Thank yoiT when someone opens the door for you.

A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk

6. Why did your head teacher ____ you to _____ at the class meeting?

A. ask; say B? ask; tell

C. tell; speak

D. say; speak

7. Pm hungry. Could you please let me have ______ bread to eat.

A? little B. any C. some D? many 8.1 want ____ a try.

A. have B. having C. to have D. to having 9?Thank you very much?

A? Excuse me. B. Don't thank me. C. Not at all. D. Me, too.

10. There is _____ fruit juice Left? I want to buy ___ bottles of apple juice right now. A. few a little B. a little few C. little a little D. little a few 11. …Would you like ____ to my house for supper

—Yes, ____ .

A. come I would B. to come 1 am C. to come Fd love to D. come I'd love to 12. ■一We donl have much homework this weekend? Shall we go out together?

…Ok. What about ____ a movie? A. to see B. seeing C. sec D? sees

13. Let's ____ football in the street.

A. not to play B. don't to play C. not play D. play not 14. ???Why not John a toy car for his birthday?

一-Good idea! He is crazy about cars.

A. buy B. buying C? to buy D? buys 15?一 ____ go to a movie tonight?

…Thafs a good idea.

A. Why donl you B. Why not you C. How about D. Shall you 16. — ____ ?

…They arc two yuan a kilo.

A. how much are these potatoes B? How much is it C? How much are these potatoes D. how much are these 17. ■一Sorry? Mike? I forgot your dictionary to school.

---Oh, Where did you _____ it?

A. to bring leave B? to bring forget C. bringing leave D. bringing forget 18. The No.72 bus will ____ you there. A. hold B. catch C. take D. bring 19. …Are you _____ the dark?

一-Oh, yes. I always go to sleep with the light on.

A. used to B. afraid of C? interested in D? good with 20. -一Dorf t be ___ ask for help if you need it.

■一Thank you. lt\\ very kind of you to say so.

A. afraid B. afraid of C. afraid to D. afraid that 21 …Dale, I can\

■一For your eyes, my dear friend, I'm afraid you __ ?

A? have to B. may C. can D. must 22. …May I go out now, Dad?

…No, You ____ let your mother know first.

A. can B. may C? need D? must 23. …When was David born?

■■-He was born ___ June 12th, 1989. A. at B. in C. on D. for

24. …Be quick! IVs time _____ home.

…Fm coming.

A. go B. go to C? going D? to go

25. …Is it time ____ us to cheek in(办理登记手续). …Sure!

A. for B. with C. on D. about

26. In South Korea, most students get to school ____ .

A. take a subway B? by subway C. by the subway D. by subways 27. ■一I didn't know you go to school by taxi.

???Oh, I _ take a taxi to school, but my bike needs repairing? A. always B? sometimes C. often D. seldom 2& I can _____ be a nurse. I am not a patient person.

A. always B. often C? never D. sometimes

29. Mike didn't get wet because his teacher _____ him an umbrella.

A? lent B. borrowed C? discovered D. taught 30. …How long can I _____ the book?

-一For three weeks. But you can't lend it to others.

A. see B. borrow C? keep D. lend 31 ? Where __ do you want to go? A. other B. else C. the other D. another 32. …Would you like _____ to drink?

…Yes, Fd like a cup of coffee.

A. something else B? else something C. anything else D. else anything

33. There ____ a sheep, two goats and five horses on the hill. Let's go and have a look, Ok?

A. am B? is C. are D. be

34. …Why arc you standing, Alice?

一-1 can't see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are sitting ____ me. A. behind B. next to C. between D. in front of

35. Linda has bought a la咚e house ___ a swimming pool.

A. with B. in C. on D? from

36. The teacher went into the classroom ____ a book _____ his hand.

A. in in B? have in C. with in D? has with 37. -一Look, Liu Mei ____ her knife in her room.

A. is looking for B. is finding C. finds D. looking for

38. Some people like watching TV, some like playing sports, and ____ like taking walks.

A. others B. the others C. other D. the other

39. While I was walking along the lake, I saw some fish ____ out of the water.

A. jumped B? to jump C. jumping D? are jumping 40. …Is Jack in the library?

Maybe? I saw him ___ out with some books just now? A. going B. go C? to go D? went

41. 一-Do you often play computer games on Sunday afternoon.

一-No, After lunch I play ____ trumpet, and then I play ______ chess with my father.

A. the / B. / the C. / / D. the the

42. …What do you like to do after school?

一-1 like playing ______ basketball with my father. A. a B. the C. an D. /

43. 一-Can you tell me the way to the post office?

A. The person is over there B? Sorry, Fm new here , too. C? I doif t know you.

D. I know your name

44. …Can a plane fly _____ the Atlantic Ocean?

?Yes, but it needs to go ____ the clouds for hours.

A. across through B? through across C? across across D. through through 45. Tigers wait ____ it is dark, then go out to find their food?

A. since B. until C. as D. because

46. The kids didn't start to fly kites in the playground _____ the rain stopped.

A.讦 B. until C. when D. how 47. ■一Listen! Is Professor Johnson giving a report in the hall?

-一No , it ___ be him ? He has gone to Japan?

A. needn't B? may not C. mustn't D? can't 48. ■— ___ will it take you to get to the post office?

…About half an hour.

A. How old B. How long C. How soon D. How often 49. …How was the evening party yesterday ?

一-Wc enjoyed ____ very much.

A? us B. ourselves C. its D? itself

50. Do you think Dave^s better ____ swimming than Bob?

A. in B. on C. at D? to

51. My sister is pretty good ____ drawing pictures and wins many prizes.

A. with B. for C. in D. at

A. special something B? special anything 53. ■一What do you think of the program?

-一 ____ ? It was just a waste of time.

C? something special D. anything special

A. Nothing interesting B. Something Interesting anything

54. ? ____ the weather like last Monday?

A. How was B. What is C. What was 55. … ____ was the weather there yesterday?

■一 It was hot and humid. A. How B. What C. Which D. When 56. ― As a student, we ____ study hard.

A. had B. had better C. had better not 52. Is there ____ in today^s newspaper?

-一I think so. 57. You,cl better __ the cinema by bus.

A. don't go B? to go C? to go to D. go to

interesting C. Interesting nothing D.

D. How is

D. hadn't better

58. He _____ we can make progress in English.

…Yes. And we also ____ him a good future.

A. hopes hope B. wishes wish C. hopes wish D. wishes hope 59. Which T-shirt do you prefer?

■一The red one. It __ more comfortable.

A. tastes B. smells C? feels D. sounds

60. ■一Shall we go for a picnic in the park this Saturday?

Oh, that _____ good.

A. feels B> looks C. tastes D. sounds

6L Hong Kong and Macao came back to China ______ the 20th century.

A. by the end of B. in the end C. at the end of D? to the end 62. His mother finished reading the novel ____ of last week.

A. in the end B. on the end C. at the end D. by the end 63. Last Sunday, I went fishing with my grandpa ____ .

A. the all day B. whole the day C. the whole day D. whole day 64. If Tom ____ the game, We'll give him a surprise? A. win B. wins C. won D. winning

65. Take it easy, we arc sure to ____ them.

A. lose B. win C. lose to D. beat

66. Jane's mother preferred ____ TV at home to _____ to the concert?

A. to watch go

B. watching going

C? watching go D? to watch going

67. They preferred ____ rather than _____ a bike.

A. to walk to ride B? walking riding C? to walk ride D. walking ride



