AAA \simply sprayed into the air. AEF \deployment. See article and explanation of TDYs. \AFSC other specialties and qualifiers can make the AFSC longer. An 11F1 is a pilot in training, while an 11an instructor pilot. A list of basic AFSCs can be foundhere. Afterburner Combustion in a jet engine that occurs after the primary sequence. Afterburners generally generate sfuel. Known as \ AIB \with SIB. \ALO particularly within close range to Army units on the ground. One of several potential assignments a fiSystem portion of the article on God's Will. AMRAAM AWACS
\\operations. AWACS also assists fighters with the location and B
To go as fast as possible; max effort. Various internet sources claim the source of this phrase is actuBalls to the Wall topped by a ball (going back before aviation even to the steam engine, in some stories). Thus, pushiasking for maximum power--was \ It doesn't matter if the stories are true or not. In fighter parlance, anything that sounds remotely like aBase X B-Course Beans Bingo A phenomenon in the Air Force where members cannot help but tell everyone about how good it wasexample, \article. Basic Course. The introductory training course for a specific fighter aircraft. I.e., the F-16 B-course oSlang for the BDU-33, a 20lb training bomb. The pre-briefed fuel state at which an aircraft needs to begin its return to base in order to land with thTP\Joker. Bitching Betty The automated female voice that provides audible in-cockpit warnings in some fighter aircraft. \external relatedarticle. Also a derogatory term for a person who complains or talks too much. Literally, the data recorder that contains the computer memory and records all aspects of a flight, moBlack Box Figuratively, anything a fighter pilot doesn't understand the operation of (and doesn't care about). Sor thermos (i.e., how does a thermos know to keep hot things hot and cold things cold?). B-LOC BVR B-Word \G-LOC anrepetitive situations. \ What an F-15C pilot calls a \
Flight: An airborne aircraft uses a \Callsign \ Pilot: A pilot's \Naming. See CAS Centrifuge CGOC Chaff \ A device with a simulated cockpit on the end of a long arm that spins at extraordinary speed, allowingthe story of one pilot's centrifuge experience. \A defensive device (essentially a bundle of shredded foil) that is dispensed from a fighter that desiressomething off means to try to deflect it (to someone else), particularly when it comes to undesirable dCheckride An evaluation sortie. A flight that is graded by an evaluator. In training, these rides determine the aboperational Air Force unit, checkrides are given approximately every 18 months to grade a pilot's abilA reminder to look behind you. In an aircraft, 12 o'clock is directly in front of you, 3 o'clock is on yourCheck Six you. Often used as parting words (the equivalent of \requisites. Chick An air refueling receiver. A tanker that is giving gas to receivers is said to have \ The term's application to females has fallen out of favor due to political correctness. In order to fight tto themselves as \Chick Fighter Pilot Association. An aircraft condition. If a jet is \Code 3 continue to fly. A \might facetiously call himself \ A unit medallion, often called an \RMO.\Coin word \here.) MKelly Air Force dining out presentation as the source text. I could find no original documentation. SeCrew Chief The enlisted person in charge of a particular airplane. Just as a pilot often gets to have his name pain\CRM/FRM \players. C/FRM is explained slightly here.
Dash-1 Dead Bug DNIF Dollar Ride A reference to an aircraft's parent regulation. The Dash-1 contains all the normal operation and emeand is the final authority as to the official limits of the aircraft. A fighter pilot drinking game. See Fighter Pilot Traditions. \The first sortie of pilot training; sometimes applied to the first sortie of any formal flying training progrPilot's Training Story. A running compilation of the missteps of the members of the squadron. They are most interesting whDoofer Book collection of history (and often humor) for a unit. Generally, there are few rules, either about content or language—the only criterion is that the story mvictim to political sensitivity. See the relevant section ofthis article. Dos Gringos A duo of F-16 pilots who revived the tradition of fighter pilot songs. See the FAQ, article on Fighter P
ECM \external ECM pod. Exposure Suit Rubber suit worn during over water operations when the water temperature is dangerously low. Shouto increase his chances of survival in otherwise near-fatal water temperatures. Often called a \there isn't much you can do about it.
FAC \\ Fag-bag A cloth bag that some pilots use to carry classified media to the aircraft. So called becaupurse... FAIP \instructor. One of several potential assignments a new pilot might receive. See thePilot FEB \can take away a pilot's wings. Fence-In/Out Flare Flat-top February Flight Lead FNG FOG Foul Fox The procedure by which a fighter pilot sets his cockpit switches in order to prepare for comsets his switches to the appropriate mode. He \ A defensive device expended by an aircraft in order to decoy heat-seeking missiles. OfteFighter pilots get their hair cut in high and tight fashion for this annual event. See FighterThe first aircraft in a formation; the experienced pilot in the formation primarily responsible\\ Used similar to its sports origins, a pilot commits a \transmits, \Code word (slang term) indicating a certain type of air-to-air missile has been fired; the ty \Fox 1\ \Fox 2\Sidewinder) \Fox 3\AMRAAM) \Fox 4\accused of shooting a non-existent \something other than a missile; for example, a midair collision. Occasionally fighter pilots will simply say \ Flight: Short for fratricide, which is the killing of a friendly by a friendly (blue on blue) wheFrat Military: Short for fraternization, which is an inappropriate relationship between military munprofessional officer / enlisted relationships.
\ GIB G-LOC Gonk Go Pills Literally, gravity. Under one G, a pilot is in level flight and feels his normal weight. Some fighte\ %under high-G conditions. See centrifuge. See also B-LOC. Currency of the foreign country in which a fighter pilot is deployed. Doesn't matter which one; thAn amphetamine pill prescribed by a flight surgeon for a pilot. The pill is intended to provide thejitters). Because of the pill's similarity to illegal drugs, they are highly controlled and sometimesA collection of questions, answers, data, and hints; the \Gouge have a copy of the test ahead of time. Testing scandals have reduced the occurrence of that tywhether academic or otherwise; i.e., \Gouge. Ground-Pounder Slang for Army troops; when used to refer to Air Force members, it is a derogatory term for non
HARM Heavy Holding \article on OIF. A non-fighter aircraft. In close formation. Two fighters that are in a close formation are said to be \