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北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 14《Lesson 2 Interviews》教案 2

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Unit 14 Careers

Lesson 2 Interviews 教学设计

Teaching aims:

1 To make the students have a general idea about the dos and don’ts in an interview. 2 To practice listening and taking notes. 3 To develop students’ communicative strategies.

Teaching points:

1 To figure out the dos and don’ts in an interview. 2 To practice using the language of job interview.

Teaching difficulties:

1 To role-play an interview for a job. 2 To summarize the rules in the job interview.

Teaching aids: Multi-media Teaching steps:

Step1. Lead – in

1、To show the students a video clip about the job market and ask them: is it difficult to find a job?

To get a job, we should… A. Prepare a resume B. Prepare for an interview

Can you give some advice on a job interview? Period I: (主要内容)

1). Fill out the table according the stories of Mandy and Oliver: Will Mandy get the job? Why? _______ Reasons Her performance: His performance: Did Oliver get the job? Why? _______ His experience: He helps with the __________________ at school, and has ___________ sports and trips to various places. Her experience: Required qualities/strengths: _________, enthusiasm, _________, ______________, good morals.

2). Ex. 7. Complete the dialogue according to what you have heard. And make up a similar dialogue with your partner. Use other expressions to take place of the underlined ones. A: interviewer; B: interviewee. A: Good morning. ________1_______. B: Good morning. ________2________.

A: So why do you want to work with us at Camp Elizabeth?

B: I ___3___ working with children and I would like to get some more ______4______. A: What experience do you have?

B: I help with the youth club at school. I have organized sports and trips to various places. A: What ______5______ do you think are important for the job?

B: You ______6_______ must have patience. Another ______7_____ is enthusiasm. And well, you also have to be careful.

A: Are there any questions you would like to ask me?

B: Yes. _______8_______. Could you tell me what kind of accommodation there is for people working at the camp? A: I will _______9________ with people next week. B: Thank you very much. Good bye. Step 2. Reading and doing exercises

1、 Look at the advice for job interviews. Use a dictionary to check the meaning of the phrasal


1) Put on casual clothes for the interview. 2) Go out for a walk before the interview to relax. 3) Think about the job and write down your strengths and weaknesses. 4) Find out information about the company. 5) Turn up at the interview a couple of minutes early. 6) Take down notes during the interview. 7) Sit down or get up when they ask you to. 8) Make up information about yourself. 9) Make out you understand something when you don’t! 10) Go into a lot of detail about your personal life. 11) Speak up and express yourself clearly. 12) Sit up straight and look people in the eyes. 2、 Ask the students to make a list of things to do and things not to do. After that, ask some

students to share with the class.

3、 Complete Mary’s account of an interview with verbs from Exercise 1. Step 3. Listening and speaking

1、 Listen to an interview for a holiday job to finish exercise 3,exercise 4 and exercise 6 on page

24to 265.

Listen to the tape 3 times, the first time, get the general idea, the second time, finish the chart, the third time, finish exercise 6.

2、 Ask the students to do the role-play in pairs. Student A is an interviewer and Student B is an

interviewee. Give them 3minutes to read the role card and prepare for an interview for a holiday job in a restaurant. Interviewer:

Education, languages spoken, work experience. Personal qualities, hobbies and interests Interviewee:

Step 4 Homework

Finish the post-class exercises and recite the passage.

北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 14《Lesson 2 Interviews》教案 2


