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Teaching aims and demands 通过学习本单元,全面复习几类相关词汇 使学生能回答日常问题


交换用语 Who wants to be the next We can say a chant.

We can mime the actions. I can colour this picture. Show us what you can do.

I can spot the tiger, can you

重点朗读词汇 mime, action, show, try, pin, luck, lay, wash,

next, germs,

soap, water, spot, best, friend, tiger, spider, bird, snake,

animal, number, clothes, fruit, food, vegetable, colour,

clap, stamp, roll

所需教具 字母卡片(用于组词游戏) 分类单词图片(用于第二部分) 字母组合ow 读音卡片及图片 若干个曲别针


单元教学活动1 Let’s read and act. 教师进入教室打招呼后,对学生说:“Now boys and girls, today we are going to have a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy today’s class. Now please say it after me. ‘I can! You can! Everybody can! Sing songs, play games, learning is fun. I can! You can! Everybody can!” 教师带着学生说几遍,说的时候,教师可以通过一些手势,把学生的情绪调动起来。 a) 然后教师说:“Now we are going to play some games first. Who can come here and

look at a picture and then mime the action Then you are going to guess what it is. Do you understand Who wants to come here and have a try” 教师拿出图片,让学生一一猜。 b) 学生猜谜语后,教师说:“Who can come here and sing a song If you can’t sing

a song, you can say a chant.”教师可以找几个学生唱歌或者说歌谣,只要是学过的就可以,无需受限制。

c) 教师可以组织学生做组单词游戏。教师说:“Now we are going to play a game. You

are going to choose ten letters. You are going to make some words with these ten letters. Let’s see which group can make more words with these letters.”

d) 教师对学生说:“Now take out your hands and let’s say a chant. ‘Wash, wash,

wash your hands.” 教师边说边做出洗手的样子。教师可以带着一起做动作,可以多重复几遍。当学生比较熟悉这个句子时,教师就可以带着大家继续说下面的话:“Wash, wash, wash your hands. Wash those germs away. Soap and water does the trick(肥皂和水可以洗干净手)。”如果教师有实物和图,可以拿这些实物或图给学生看。 e) 教师对学生说:“OK, now let’s guess riddles. Who can guess the following

riddles” 教师说谜语:“You see things with these.(glasses) It can fly. It’s small and yellow.(bee) You put your toys in this. (box) You use this to talk with your friends. (telephone) You use this to drink water. (cup/glass)” 等学生猜完谜语后,教师说:“Now who can come to the front and say your own riddle” 教师鼓励学生说自己编的谜语。

f) 趁大家不注意的时候,教师在地上扔几个曲别针,等谜语说完之后,教师带着大家开始

拍手,拍着拍着,教师就开始带着学生说:“See a pin and pick it up. See a pin and pick it up.” 连续说四五遍,教师突然弯腰捡起一个曲别针,然后马上带出下一句:“All the day you’ll have good luck.” 教师要注意重音拍节在all/day/have/luck上。教师带着大家继续说,并每次从地上捡起一个曲别针,最后地上仍要留一两个曲别针。教师突然发现一个曲别针,并没有捡起,而是走开了。教师接着说:“See a pin and let it lay, bad luck you’ll have all the day. See a pin and let it lay, bad luck you’ll have all the day.” 练习几遍之后,教师可以用中文告诉大家,“看见曲别针,把它捡起来,你一天都会走运的;看见曲别针,你不捡,你整天都会(倒霉)不顺利。”说明节约好,浪费不好。教师还可以给学生解释说:“But why should people think that Pins are useful. It’s hard to do without them. Long ago, each pin had to be made by hand. So only people with a lot of money could buy them. Finding a pin then was like finding gold. And that’s real luck.”

单元教学活动2 say the words in pairs.

第二部分是读单词找图片。教师可以首先引导大家找到图片并贴在单词的旁边,然后,教师可以通过头脑风暴式的活动让学生以小组为单位说词汇。教师说:“Now let’s play a game. I will give you a word, but you need to give 15 words in return. For example, I say, ‘Number,’ you say, ‘one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten…,’ everybody can say it in your group. But you only have 2 minutes. Are you clear” 大家说之后,教师再让小组选一个人在班级里说,最后再集中单词。后面继续做分类的词汇练习。

单元教学活动3 Write the names for each. 第三部分是需要让学生看图,根据所指的动物身体部位写出英语单词。为了让大家学习更有趣味性,教师可以拿出事先准备好的娃娃玩具,指着玩具的鼻子问大家,“what’s this It’s a nose. Right. It’s a nose.” 说着,教师把一个单词卡片贴在鼻子上,将单词卡贴在相应的位置上。然后,教师继续问其他的身体部位,主要是带着学生先复习一下词汇,


单元教学活动4 Let’s chant and act.


单元教学活动5 Ask and answer in pairs.


单元教学活动6 Brain work. 第六部分属于动脑筋的活动。教师应首先带着学生理解句子的表面意思,然后再动脑筋想应该如何回答每一题。比如:

a) Can you say the alphabet backwards I can! “Alphabet backwards” 说一遍,把

alphabet backwards 看成是要说的内容。

b) What makes a garden laugh Do you know I can tell you. 圣诞老人坐在雪橇上,喊

着,Ho! Ho! Ho!—hoe, hoe, hoe, 声音像拿锄头在地里锄地。 c) Can you make two triangles with five matches d) Can you make five triangles with nine matches

e) Can you match the following words that rhyme 可根据例子pan and ban 让学生自己找出下列单词的相似点

sing and ring, lend and send, make and cake, pin and fin, kick and pick, old and cold, ball and wall leg and egg.

单元教学活动7 Listen and chant.

第七部分是歌谣。开展本活动的时候,教师可以让学生先学说这些句子,然后,教师让大家熟悉这些歌谣的词,接着可以让学生自己画四种东西。最后,将这些词重新填一下。比如,I can spot the dog. I can spot the cat. I can spot the turtle. I can spot the parrot. 教师也可以让学生以小组为单位,让小组成员在一起编一段歌,然后自己组的同学一起唱。最后可以比赛。

单元教学活动8 Look, think and say.


The cow can be my best friend, because it gives me milk. The dog can be my best friend, because it can play with me.

The elephant can be my best friend, because it helps me take things.

The book can be my best friend, because it can help me learn more things. 教师可以让学生先在小组里说,然后再集体一起说。

单元教学活动9 Listen, look, point and say.

第九部分是字母组合的音素练习。教师先要告诉大家ow 的读音,特别是先给大家说一些已经学过的单词,比如low, snow, slow, window, know, 然后给一些例词,让学生根据前面发的音在进行扩展练习。




给爸爸妈妈说几类英语词汇,如水果、食物、动物、颜色等,并将自己说的好的歌谣说给他们听,也可以挑选自己会唱的歌曲唱给他们听。 天天练 描红 录音



