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Unit1 My school

单词掌握teachers’ office, classroom, hall, library, music room, art room, gym, playground

重点句型1 Go to school with us, Gogo. 句型2 What’s in your school? 句型3 There be 句型

句型4 How many classrooms are there?

句型1 Go to school with us, Gogo. (带入其他office,room) 例如:Go to the gym with us, Tony. 句型2 What’s in your school?

回答:There is music room, an art room, a gym and a hall. We can sing in the music room. draw pictures in the art room. do sports in the gym. read books in the library. 句型3 There be 句型 There is There are

句型4 How many classrooms are there?

回答:There are twenty classrooms in my school.


( ) 1. A. classroom B. music room C. art room ( ) 2. A. school B. soup C. room ( ) 3. A. hall B. tall C. wall ( ) 4. A. moon B. look C. too ( ) 5. A. gym B. green C. think ( ) 6. A. many B. any C. much ( ) 7. A. lot B. love C. lunch

( ) 8. A. 25 B. 15 C. 52 二、单选

( )1. I can play football on the ________.

A. playground B. classroom C. library

( )2. I can play sports in the ________.

A. music room B. gym C. teacher’s office

( )3. I can sing a song in the ________.

A. music room B. library C. art room

( )4. I can draw a picture in the ________.

A. art room B. teacher’s office C. gym

( )5. I can read a book in the ________.

A. music room B. art room C. library

( )6. Go to school with ________.

A. we B. my C. me

( )7. There are lots of ________.

A. school B. rooms C. gym

( )8. There ______ a music room and a gym.

A. is B. are C. have

( )9. There’s ______ art room.

A. an B. a C. two

( )10. How many ______ are there in your school?

A. student B. boy C. boys

( )11. We have ______ art room and _____ play ground.

A. a;an B. an;a C. a;the


What is, Do you, How many, Where is, Is this 1. A: _________ our new classroom?

B: It’s over there.

2. A: _________ in your school?

B: There’s a music room, an art room, a gym and a hall. 3. A: _________ have a computer room?

B: Of course.

4. A: _________ classrooms are there in your school?

B: Twenty.

5. A: _________ the music room?

B: No, it isn’t.

四、判断下列每组单词发音是否相同。 1. good cool moon 2. look room noodles 3. do two school 4. cook food classroom


1. There’s a gym, a music room and an art room in our school. (________________________________________________ 2. There are two gyms in our school. (就画线部分提问)

________________________________________________ 3. 我们教室有15把椅子。

________________________________________________ 4. What’s in your classroom? (按实际情况回答)



1. A:What’s in your school? (图书馆,体育馆)

B:____________________________ 2. A:Do you have a hall?

B:____________________________ 3. A:____________________________




